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Hi guys,


I have just started using Microbe ( http://www.chocopoolp.com/mi_index.php ) and I am really enjoying using the 303-esque engine to create patterns which can be filter swept to the heavens and back.


I am wondering if you guys have any tips on how to program a good acid riff? Straight 16th notes seems to be the standard rhythm, but are there any scales or other note progressions you find work well? Are your acid patterns usually 1 bar loops, or longer?



thanks :)


so far i have found that having the notes progress up and down rhythmically provides a pleasing noise, espeically tie-ing the second last note so that it 'slides' upwards into the loop again


Yep, gliding between notes is (for me) the essence of acid... Along with a lot of resonance and distortion of course.


- Enable protamento and glide hither and fro :)



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