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  • 1 month later...

Hey all... this is an update for the Psynews readers :) the project is really beginning to take form, and I will soon be ready to announce a preliminary line-up of some of the artists involved. Roughly half of the compilation has been filled, so there is still room for more!


When this project began I was uncertain who might be interested, so I was not able to forecast what the "sound" of the eventual release might gravitate toward. Now I can see that the compilation is going to be pleasantly melodic and very psychedelic!


This is almost non-news, but I did want to renew the call out for material ;) "real" news will be coming soon!

  • 4 months later...

Update: plenty of work is going on behind the scenes... but I would like to renew the call for submissions. If you or anyone you know would like to send in a demo for this free project, please do so soon!


So far I have three confirmed artists signed up with the project: Filteria, Eraser vs Yojalka, and Jikooha. I'm working with several more to establish the right sound for the compilation, but as you might guess, it is leaning toward the melodic side of things with a distinct old school influence.


More news to come...

  • 4 weeks later...

Things are motoring along... this compilation will also feature material from Jikkenteki, New Born, and Clone, with a few more to be confirmed shortly... :posford:

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