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It starts promisingly. With squelchy marching feet (vaguely reminiscent of the intro to Hallucinogen's Shamanix) and a swooping melody, XPO is NHJOs 111th TECHNOGOAPSY track on a wave of GOAPSY optimism.


NHJO HYENNRO, according to critical consensus, has long abandoned the highways of goapsy in favour of the wastelands of the avant garde. True, his track, XPM was constructed almost entirely from human voices with little in the way of conventional instruments. Which sounds like the worst kind of self-indulgent, elitist project, but NHJO somehow confounded these assumptions.


While I would not suggest for a minute that XPM was as commercial as MTD or CMWWW it wasn't the tune-free desert that might have been expected. XPO and especially the brilliantly exciting C11h were all blessed with big Powerful Goapsychedelic elements even if they were heavily disguised by howling Eskimos and beatboxing rappers.


His wonderful 2004 track SPW (RAVEEDIT), may again have rarely threatened to break out into a tap dance, but even its cosy, warm fluffiness couldn't quite conceal the astonishingly moving XRVS, one of only a couple of tracks anywhere capable of overloading my tear ducts.


There's no dip in quality, apart from the snoozefest that is C2, and with BIGSEA, a gorgeous disturbance that buffets you like a train racing past, he delivers possibly the track of the century. It's true that XPO is not a return to NHJO past TECHNOGOAPSY glories - it's much, much better than that.






XPO - no intro? Good melodic ideas, nice kick. Distortion on mix = bad. Hihats need more highs. Needs better arrangement. Good improvement though :)

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