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Hey Stalker :)


Nice work, man! Although darkpsy is not my fave I like what I hear. Is that your voice near the beginning of Zero? Great work on the groove of this track. It's very driving. Do you have a story behind it?


It could be my monitors, since they're crap, but it sounds like Sociopath needs a few more highs just to add some dynamics to the track. Other than that, and the fact that they're only samples :( your tracks sound good.


Will you show the completed tracks in the future?


Hey Symph :)


Thanks for the feedback man.


As for the voice in Zero it isnt mine. Its actually a twice reversed sample processed with some effects like delay and reverse. The original text is " Hey clown do you like to funny it up?" :blink:


I dont from where is it, but I had on my driver. I'm still to buy my own mic and record my own voices, like I did once on my old days :(


As for the story of Zero, there is..... its about a man trying to break free from a prison. Its about a run, the first part its about metallic, its steal, he is inside the prison then he escape runs thru the jungle, thats the second part where the sample ends. The third part which you didnt hear it, he gets caught and has start it all again from ground Zero. Like a loop, you see?


As for the sociopath track, which by the way the name is a homage to friend of mine who looks like one, I can understand you felt the lack of highs even on low quality speakers, I feel that too. I'm working on a solution without taking away the atmo of the track which is that lown as it sounds. That was my latest track, and you know sometimes a song is never finished. So I'll carry your advice on my mind


See ya Symph, and thanks again for those words :)

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