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After the girlfriend thread, as somehow similar one... But this time with the old folks!


What psytrance do your parents like? As most goa heads listen to their music alot, parents mostly can't ignore it :P


In my case my mum doesn't listen to it much, only Carbon Based Lifeforms and the likes, she prefers her old psy-rock vinyls,

but my dad had the goa virus it seems, lately he copies every cd that arrives at home before giving it to me! And in the car he listens to it every day, because it gives him energy he sais... his taste is very broad tho, he likes everything from full on to old school (only dark he thinks is too aggressive)


Well.. hard to say really.. My parents once cruised by an openair party in a park here in Helsinki. The party was organised by my bro, kolibri. My mom really liked it... She tought it reminded her of her own youth, so it really gave her good vibes. She's an ex flower girl, so no wonder.. I' m not too sure about my dad tho.


My father likes Shakta, my mother dislikes all this boomboom.


my parents cant bear really loud music so i try not play the hardcore stuff through the speakers .. they were initially very against trance but now its not that bad. :)


they like it when i play chillout or some progressive.


cant say like actually lets say they are ignorant and dont ask me to switch it off :P


My father likes some of the SUN Project tracks, do to the guitars. Otherwise he likes Prodigy, Aphex Twins, Moby especially the older tracks..


My mom, for her it is like several other moms.. "boom - boom - boom - boom"-music.. :P


haha my mum & dad loved the Astral Projection- Dancing galaxys.


my mum was a flower power girl, so she likes anything that reminds her of the days of "freaking out" goddamn hippys :lol:


My Mum sucks when it comes to music. She can't appreciate anything that isn't catchy. Anything with out poppy lyrics is a no no.

My Dad's taste is much broader but he doesn't think any electronic music is real music.

He quite liked some Liquid Sound Design, Butterfly Dawn. That's about it.

I don't live with my parents so it's not a problem!


Dunno, last time they were exposed to my music was years ago, not that they ever complained about it.


Besides, they listen mostly to Classical and Jazz.


My father doesn't listen to anything I listen, but lately he became more tolerant to electronic music in general. He prefers Pink Floyd, ethnic alcohol songs and Irish beer music and yeah, he's got a curvy belly :)


i dont live in the same apartment so i dont hear many opinions.. mostly they dont like psy but are okay with ambient/dub/type of stuff..


but i remember about 3 years ago my dad bought me a new amp as a gift (i had already "borrowed" his old 70s speakers - which really kick ass btw). we were testing volume levels and at some point just left sandman flight or fight on repeat at full volume.

he liked it a lot which is very weird considering his tastes (italian 60-70s, old-ish latin..) the only band we both like is gypsy kings :clapping:

another tune he liked was a trip hop jazzy very smooth and mellow masterpiece on some dream injection compilation.. we've listened to a lot of dream injection together during road trips!


edit: to the father's credit, even though he is into more "fluffy" music, he did own a dark side of the moon copy in vinyl (which is now skewed from sunlight exposure unfortunately..) i'm 100% sure that if this vinyl was not in his collection i would have grown up listening to what most kids were listening at school back then. thank god for dsotm : )


edit: to the father's credit, even though he is into more "fluffy" music, he did own a dark side of the moon copy in vinyl (which is now skewed from sunlight exposure unfortunately..) i'm 100% sure that if this vinyl was not in his collection i would have grown up listening to what most kids were listening at school back then. thank god for dsotm : )

Yeah, I've been playing it a lot recently and it's bloody brilliant. Understatement of the year, then. :posford:


My parents don't like the kind of amelodic darkpsy I mostly listen to; my Dad is pretty open minded and will listen to it but I don't think he enjoys it, while my Mum just thinks it's "boom boom boom" music. They both enjoy psy-chill like Shpongle and Androcell though. I even bought my Dad "tales of the inexpressible" for Christmas a few years back, and I think he likes it.


Church of New Age Hippie Disco Shit..






Döda Hundens Kyrka..



Family Trip ?



Well my parents dislike almost all of trance, they might find some ambient or IDMbient or downtempo to be likeable & decent, e.g stuff like Spyweirdos or Murcof, my mom likes but only as background music. She does like Gotan Project though.

Maybe that changes if i throw a few drops in the salad :ph34r:


My mum was a hard-core flowergirl too and had a very bright taste in music. She liked psy a lot but I was never able to bring her to a party, I bet she would have loved it. :)She was dancing in the living-room when listening to music.


Musicwise she liked everything and owned several albums. She had several comps with prog and full-on, also old goa stuff and chill-out (Shpongle), she especially liked Spacetribe when I remember right since it was the only artist she had more than one album adn she loved the Digital Sun album.


My mum likes some tracks, for example Ticon - We Are The Mammoth Hunters.

If she hadn't grown up in the middle of nowhere, I think she had been a hippie. She likes older Led Zeppelin, Bob Dylan, Beatles and other pop / rock from that era. So she has a good taste I guess.


I would say my dad doesn't like music at all, though he sometimes listens to finnish "iskelmä" :ph34r: :ph34r: :blink::wacko:


Something simple, chill and relax! I think the "Floating Point" series is perfect!!! :)


My father thinks its just bombombom

My mother on the other hand is a goafan (actually very close to my taste) :D


Astral Projection - Kabalah & Ionized

Chakra - Liquid Troll

Pleiadians - Alcyone

Etnica - Mystical Apearance in Goa

Shpongle - Behind Closed Eyelids


She enjoy melodies, but can't stand when its to much noises everywhere


Actually nowdays, ever since Heliopolis came out she has been listening to it everyday (i can't believe that she isn't tired of it yet :blink: ) to work and from work.. And no, she doesn't say/do this to be nice to me. She didn't like the tracks on Sky Input, but still was very supportive


Actually nowdays, ever since Heliopolis came out she has been listening to it everyday (i can't believe that she isn't tired of it yet :blink: ) to work and from work.. And no, she doesn't say/do this to be nice to me. She didn't like the tracks on Sky Input, but still was very supportive

I can attest that this is true =) She dances to it too!


My mom has a pretty severe hearing disorder so she's out of the question, but my dad likes the really messed up, unpredictable stuff. I think what caught his attention the most is the Shaolin Wooden Men 12" on Matsuri (he's a big fan of crazy far-out jazz) and he thought their A Binary Input To Flesh Antenna CD was cool too. In general he also likes stuff that blends organic ("real") sounds with the electronic ones. I recall him being pertty impressed with autechre as well, especially Gantz Graf (anyone who sees that video is impressed...)


Judging by the title I thought it was NHJNONERO who opened the topic :lol:


But seriously... well I've only got one parent and she sez its ok as long as im not blasting my speakers outl. Interestingly most of my family digs the oldskool Goa but dislikes the Fullon and just about everything with a bassline sitting infront of a mix. :rolleyes:


My mom can tolerate most music... Though I think its because she is good at filtering it away!

My dad on the other hand likes trippy music, but I think he likes the less aggressive stuff whether it be Goa or psy... Remember one time I was listening to Shiva Chandra - Luna Spice he wanted me to put it on in the living room.


he was also the one to introduce me to electronic music when i was a kid, always playing Jean Michel Jarre and Pink Floyd... Remember he gave me a tape of J.M.J. - Magnetic Fields and I took it to my kindergarden? (børnehave) at the age of 4-5... the other kids though it was weird music, I loved it.


But my dad is a meditation freak so all music with chatting is a hit with him :)

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