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Guest ritual om

a party will take place in graffiti club pumping ritual beats of goa and psy trance.

sunday 15 december.

wait confirmation the next days.


ðáéäåò ôåëéêç åðéâåâáéùóç áðï äåõôåñá!

Óôï ðáñôõ èá ðáéîåé goa kai psy åðï÷çò 1995-2000 êáé åðéëåãìåíá êáéíïõñãéá.

Åíäéáöåñïìåíïé õðáñ÷ïõí?

Guest Starlancer

Iparxoun iparxoun...mono pes mas pou na broume perrisoteres leptomeries

Guest ritual om

san ti?

o,ti thes egw eimai edw

ask whatever u want

oles oi apories sas lunontai.

apla rwthste


greek: fadazome oti i pio simadiki pliroforia pu thelume na mathume einai to poioi tha pezun sto party...


english: i'm asking who's playing on the party


Kala, den einai aparaitito na paizei kapoios pasignostos gia na einai kalo to party... Alla ontos prepei na kseroume pou einai to club. Pantos nomizo oti prepei na to vgaleis kai paraekso (an den to exeis kanei already), opos na doseis sto Space Om flyerakia i na enimerosete to tranceport.gr kai to psychedelic.gr(xoris na ginei massive!). Mporei kapoioi na min mpainoun edo, einai krima na xasoun tin enimerosi, giati pisteuo oti POLLOI einai mesa, eidika gia kaloudia ekeinis tis epoxis...

ntua, eee ;-)

Guest ritual om

loipon paides(vathia anasa...............)

1.mousikh tha paizw egw kai enas filos mou.

eimaste 21 kai asxoloumaste me psy apo to 1995

akoume mexri twra alla epeidh me ta kainourgia exoume mpouxtisei eisika edw sthn athina to set mas tha perilamvanei klassika kommatia ths xrushs goa epoxhs(1995-1999) kai epilegmena kainourgia kai panta ola full on.


to set pistevo tha ikanopoihsei(e,ti sto kalo) alla thelw na pw oti oi allages ws pros beatmatch isws exoun kapoio psegadi dioti

a.den eimaste kai oi treloi texnika dj ALLA polu enhmerwmenoi kai kallierghmenoi mousika(toulaxiston s'auto to eidos) agapame thn mousikh pou tha paiksoume.AUTO KAI MONO AUTO!!!!

b.o meikths tou bar den exei pitch


2.to club vrisketai se steno katheto panw sthn sugrou

sugkekrimena áôèéäùí 5.einai peripou sto upsos tou envy club.einai apo thn pleura tou paradromou opou suxnazoun ta travesti.


h eisodos einai 6 euros kai pros theou to PARTY DEN EXEI XRHMATIKES PROOPTIKES


apla auth h mousikh paizetai pleon mono sta spitia emena(giwrgos) kai tou allou paidiou(giannh) kai apla theloume na thn akousoume dunata se ena megalo xwro(kala mikroulhs einai) na xorepsoume kai na porwthoume.


LOIPON osoi pistoi proselthete,kai eimai sthn diathesh sas gia plhrofories.


thank you for keeping this post at the top of the forum



Guest ritual om

loipon paides(vathia anasa...............)

1.mousikh tha paizw egw kai enas filos mou.

eimaste 21 kai asxoloumaste me psy apo to 1995

akoume mexri twra alla epeidh me ta kainourgia exoume mpouxtisei eisika edw sthn athina to set mas tha perilamvanei klassika kommatia ths xrushs goa epoxhs(1995-1999) kai epilegmena kainourgia kai panta ola full on.


to set pistevo tha ikanopoihsei(e,ti sto kalo) alla thelw na pw oti oi allages ws pros beatmatch isws exoun kapoio psegadi dioti

a.den eimaste kai oi treloi texnika dj ALLA polu enhmerwmenoi kai kallierghmenoi mousika(toulaxiston s'auto to eidos) agapame thn mousikh pou tha paiksoume.AUTO KAI MONO AUTO!!!!

b.o meikths tou bar den exei pitch


2.to club vrisketai se steno katheto panw sthn sugrou

sugkekrimena áôèéäùí 5.einai peripou sto upsos tou envy club.einai apo thn pleura tou paradromou opou suxnazoun ta travesti.


h eisodos einai 6 euros kai pros theou to PARTY DEN EXEI XRHMATIKES PROOPTIKES


apla auth h mousikh paizetai pleon mono sta spitia emena(giwrgos) kai tou allou paidiou(giannh) kai apla theloume na thn akousoume dunata se ena megalo xwro(kala mikroulhs einai) na xorepsoume kai na porwthoume.


LOIPON osoi pistoi proselthete,kai eimai sthn diathesh sas gia plhrofories.


thank you for keeping this post at the top of the forum



Guest Rabbitalien

Good Luck Guys with your party!!!


The scene needs events like that !

Guest Rabbitalien




Guest Hallucinogenious

afta ta parties goustarw ... na mazeyete kosmos pou kserei ti tou ginete ... ;p (milaei twra o guru) ante kali epitixia


den to kanete kana dio meres pio meta?

erxome athina stis 16...


kali diaskedasi !

Guest ritual om

vasika den kserw an tha valw afises se kentrika merh opws space om,discobole(xexe),thiseio,exarhia giati fovamai mhn erthoun kai kapoioi anepithumhtoi.oloi kserete poious ennow.poia h gnwmh sas panw se auto?

aaaaaaa,lew na valw merikes afises mono se panepisthmia.

eseis ti lete?

Guest Hallucinogenious

hmm panepistimia kalo afto ... anebasmeno epipedo

simfwnw min baleis afises se *asxeta* meri ...


ontos prepei na prosexeis pu vazeis afises... perioxi giro apo soda kai loft, psiri, monastiraki-thisio (opos eipes) einai apagorevmenes gia afisokolisi an thes na min mazeftun "anepithimitoi"....

Guest ritual om

paides to party elpizw na ikanopoihsei kai osoi goustaroun as erthoun.

exete deuteres skepseis panw sto party?

moirasteite tis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

isws na einai lanthasmenes!!!!

eimai olos autia!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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