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Guest nuk hallington

it is not funny looking at the latest reviews and find nothing...

I mean are the site masters crazy or what...

no more reviews no more site, it's easy or not?

why kill a site in that way.

I have to say that is stupid.

for few bad and abusing reviews destroy all the section...mmmm.

think about it please,

remove that fuking userpass appllet and

let us free.

free to show our opinions.

or maybe you are all na*zi

and I am loosing time with you...

I find a lot of na*zi like guys in the trance scene...

also in the organizer team.

look at south africa party, could you do a party

like that and say o yes this is the best party I

ever been, ooo yes this is so beatiful

when outside the party just dead and poor people.

they take a lot of money from that partry

who give something to the fuking africans.

noones cause they are nothing for the international

community and also for nothing for the trance scene.

na*zi*st is close to you more than you think...



nuk hallington

Guest spacemonkey - 604

dé·jà vu Pronunciation Key (dzhä v)



1. Psychology. The illusion of having already experienced something actually being experienced for the first time.


1. An impression of having seen or experienced something before: Old-timers watched the stock-market crash with a distinct sense of déjà vu.

2. Dull familiarity; monotony: the déjà vu of the tabloid headlines.



[French : déjà, already + vu, seen.]

Guest Goagabba

The only fascist here is you mate. If you so fucking upset about the poor Africans outside a party in Africa, why don't you educate them then, so they can work, so that they can eat? Why don't you educate the gov's there. What an absolutely stupid analogy. Such a knight in white armour you are. Big words no action. If you don't like the site, fuck off and spread your shit vibes somewhere else.


Yes, I'm a South African.


if someone really wants to post reviews, then he will spare 2 mins to exchange an email with children to get his password.. its not such a big deal....

and the site is not dead imo because there arent as many new reviews as there were before... the forums are the real life of this site, here you get news etc

oh and how can you call the people who run this site to be nazis? i mean did u just find a bad name or did u put some thought (?) into that as well? im curious...

Guest nuk hallington

hey mr. goagabba


"educate them then, so they can work, so that they can eat?"


ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah




are you black?


if not, you are not South African.


you are the invader!!!



nuk hallington

Guest Goagabba

Wow, you have such worldy knowledge man. How could I ever compete? I was born in the country, so how am I the invader, Dr Ruth? Last time I checked I had a South African passport, hmmm! Oh yeah, and ask some of my black friends there if I'm a rascist or an opressor.


Invader Zim reporting for action Sir!

Guest cut-the-crap

Too bad you felt the need to make that stupid analogy with South Africa because otherwise I agree with you.

The reviews section is a huge part of this site. I think the dumb kids who were ruining the review section got the point, and if not then how hard is it to get two or three moderators to look after the new cd's being reviewed? That is where most of the traffic will be anyway.

Unikos, exchanging e-mails with Mars obviously is a problem because everytime you want to post an e-mail you need to go through your inbox and find the password that Mars gave you. Every CD that got put up got tons of reviews before the new system so maybe it's time to say: this isn't working, lets try something else.

It would be better if we could choose our own passwords, that would bring up the number of reviews for sure, but the only way to make sure that the crop of CD's from the past few months get the respect they deserve is to remove the password entirely.

How bout trying this just for one month as a trial to see if people have learned their lesson? I will volunteer to co-moderate the new CD's being reviewed if thats what it takes.


Come on Mars and Children, do you think its a coincedince that Isratrance has doubled its members since you guys started this new system? I am a moderator there and I think it is extremely important to have 2 or 3 places where you can come and compare what people think. You are not helping the Trance scene, you are hurting it because people will hesitate to buy a CD if they can't find any reviews about it. Plese think about this at the very least.


i second that...that is about the reviews and passwords and all that...nonsense

Guest spacemonkey

none is as whorty as ZIM!!




Guest Freakshow

sorry nuk,


but you are a very great idiot! :-(((


I'm having real problems buying the trance I love because I can't read reviews about them-there are fucking noen at all for some cds that have been out 3 months!!!!!!!!. Come on Mars/children etc can't you see that your review system ain't working. I would rather have 80% normal reviews and 20% naff ones than none at all-you are fucking this site with your very santisied and censored version of the log in system.


See ya I'm off to the isratrance forum where I can at least get some information about some current new releases.

Guest veridia

why read reviews just listen to samples of new releases at any of the various online shops, gives you a better idea of whether or not you'll like the sound of any given release than someone else's opinion will.

Guest nuk hallington

I love this forum cause it remember me

when I was young in the high school


2 kiss:

one for goagabba and one for Freakshow...


Nuk, you should really try and learn more about the country before you make such a STUPID comment. Sure the place has its racial issues, but to say something like that is very naive and wrong.


Tsk tsk..

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