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Adham Shaikh - Journey To The Sun

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Instinct Ambient 1995

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Re-released on Interchill 2006


1 Guru Sambhu Dada (1:47)
2 Emergence (9:58)
3 Flute Interlude #1 (0:42)
4 Journey To The Sun (14:15)
5 Innocence (0:34)
6 Infinite Emanation (9:42)
7 Dropal (1:07)
8 Flute Interlude #2 (0:44)
9 Ethereal Ion (3:23)
10 Liquid Evolution (16:39)
11 Ganges By Full Moon (2:27)
12 Sri Kainchih Templebells (1:13)
13 Zero G (5:46)

Adham Shaikh journeyed through India & tried to convey the rich beautiful colours & the warmth and kindness of the people he met there. This is definately a journey album. One that takes you from yourself and gets you lost in the music.
Here's my Journey...

1. Guru Sambhu Dada
A dark atmospheric lull opens my day. I can hear long drawn out chanting, like Buddhist monks before the dawn trying to coax the sun out of hiding for another day.

2. Emergence
It's still dark but there is a twinkling on the horizon. A long ambient drone pushes & pushes, I can even hear lightly played sitar somewhere close. Still the drone tries to push the light & the twinkling promises more. The sitar & the drone seem to blend into each other making the horizon light up. The sound of early morning is upon us. The world is still asleep mostly but some of us are awake. Not just me I notice, someone is chanting in the distance.
It's brighter now & there are more people singing as I pass by. The sun very much out now illuminates everything. I feel it's going to be a good day.

3. Flute Interlude #1
A gorgeous ambient flute sounds across the breeze briefly directing my attention onwards.

4. Journey to the Sun
I'm standing in a little brook, listening to the water lap around my ankles. Feeling refreshed by the cool water. My head full of nothing I concentrate on the sounds of the water & the air around me. A man, like me chasing the sun, passes by & briefly intrudes upon my reflections. Amazed by the shadows the Sun casts he just can't keep it to himself. I smile but attempt nothing more. I stand with my head looking up to the sky marveling at the wonder of it, the blue textures the hint of clouds in the distance. The way it gets whiter the closer I look at the sun until finally I have to close my eyes. I can hear his light & bathe in his warmth. I have some energy so I wade further into the stream & walk down it. The water moving between my toes & splashing up my legs is a both shocking yet beautiful sensation. As I pass by a small village I can hear a shaman performing a ritual. He bangs on a drum & uses his pipe to call to the spirits from another world. Initially I have a feeling close to fear but my fears are allayed as I feel the friendly & peaceful exchanges between them. I do not hasten but I do not linger here. The other chaser is still with me. He is speaking but it seems to be a distant mutter & doesn't intrude upon my thoughts

5. Innocence
I come out of my meditation briefly as I see a child alone playing by the river but as I decide to warn her to stay safe her mother appears & takes her away.

6. Infinite Emanation
As I continue on my Journey I come across a slightly larger village away from the river. I want to stop & rest a while & the local chief invites me into his house for a smoke & to reflect upon the day. Soon we are joined by some of the other villages & their children. The conversation is light & lively, some of the boys have bought drums & begin to play. Even though I see no other instruments they manage to create a beautiful melody seemingly out of thin air. I have never heard anything like this before. I ask them What kind of music is this? but they just laugh and answer It is Music. They are right, simple effective music. I can see these people are blessed with joy & serenity. I want to stay but a Journey can't stand still for too long.

7. Dropal
As I leave the village the wind is strong. It blows through my hair & I catch my breath. I walk into the woods to listen to it rustle among the trees.

8. Flute Interlude #2
An ethereal sound comes out of the trees, like psirens enticing me to stay here & never leave.

9. Ethereal Ion
As I walk deeper into the wood I realise that it is bigger than I first thought. The deeper I go the darker it feels. I'm glad for the sun shining in through the high tree tops. In the middle of the day he can light up the darkest of dark places.

10. Liquid Evolution
I get to the far edge of the woods & it feels more natural here. The birds are singing and their song brings joy to my heart. I sit a while and reflect again upon myself & the sun shines on the side of my face, he is lower in the sky now & his touch is more tender. As a butterfly flitters in front of my face I decide it is time to move on, I follow the sun into the west but I am no match for his speed. I feel like I am going to lose him & that my world will be plunged into darkness. I can already feel the dusk starting to surround me. Another chaser is muttering the same sentiments. I focus on the darkening sounds in the air & I wait. As I finally lose him & all I am left with is twilight I realise that this is not the end but just another beginning. As the twilight fades people emerge from the hills & drums start up. It has begun, I forget about the day for a while & then I see it, high in the sky is the moon reflecting the sun's glory so I can still basque in his light.

11. Ganges by Full Moon
I pass by a river, the moon shining from underneath. People all around me worship the reflection in the sky but I am transfixed by the rippling twin in the water. I look down & it shimmers back up at me.

12. Sri Kainchin Templebells
As I finally reach my destination they call out at my arrival, it seems they have waited long for me to come here & have awarded me the honour of sounding the temple bells in celebration. I wrack my brains thinking why I would be given such a rapturous welcome but as I step inside everything stops.

13. Zero g
One step is all I got and my soul ascends through the temple. Higher & higher I have left my body but I still see, I hear, I feel. My soul soars up angelically into the night sky. Up Up slowly but surely I am above the world. I briefly think about the physical shell I left behind but on seeing the wonder of this heavenly sight it becomes a passing thought only. As I soar higher & higher I think I might actually meet the sun but he has gone far away & I am going in the wrong direction. I fight ever so slightly to halt my ascension so I can wait for his next pass.
Up here, I wait. I wait!

A very ambient journey indeed with very few beats in just a few tracks. Not just background music, this journey needs some serious attention. Give it some!

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