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Why before the 10th?

If you are going to a psy-party you can just as well ask around when you get there, there is absolutely no doubt you will find acid if you are asking the right person, I have talent for that. :)


Dunno what you expect really, you won't get it by mail.


arent they going to decline shipment to uk?

donno, worked fine for me to another country -


indeed. but it depends on how it is shipped. besides, I haven't ordred shrooms to Norway in years. Back then it was legal. To Denmark, no stress so far.


patroller seems to reside in uk atm, uk isnt the frendliest place for mushrooms, is it?

azarius for example doesnt ship large part of their shroom assortment to uk.


I need help in finding some before september 10th please, i can swap some cd's for them, cheers.


Hehe haven't tripped in a while either, I'm also a narc for the record..

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