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Artist: Poli

Title: Electric Wonders

Label: Spun Records

Release: September 2007

Track Listing


01. 8�21� Poli vs. Spiritual Enhancer & Dizzy Mind � Dig Music (GMS Remix)

02. 6�55� Poli � Majestic

03. 6�38� Poli vs. DJ Torry � Poltor

04. 6�56� Poli vs. DJ Nyimo & DJ Levin � Our World

05. 8�02� Poli vs. GMS vs Frequency Surfer � Cause I Just

06. 6�27� Poli vs. GMS � Universal (Poli Remix)

07. 6�37� Poli vs. DJ Nyimo & DJ Levin � Spin Zone

08. 7�23� Poli � Humanoid Typhoon

09. 7�06� Poli � Cyber Storm

10. 6�25� Poli � Ibiza


This is Austin Matkin who has appeared on numerous compilations. Spun records was founded in part by GMS so it stands to reason that they would be all over this thing. Hell GMS and Poli did a track called Universal which is on this CD as a Poli remix. Same track? I dunno. Maybe GMS and Poli are the same person. Have you ever seen them at the same time, cause I sure haven�t. Looking at this track list, it screams fluffy club trance, but sometimes that candy corn gummi bear cotton candy stuff can be good in a 4 cavity visit to the dentist kinda way. I mean c�mon�there is a track named Ibiza here. What the hell type of music do you think this is? Anyway, all sugary sweet jokes aside, let�s get to it!



Poli vs. Spiritual Enhancer & Dizzy Mind � Dig Music (GMS Remix)- I usually shudder when more than 2 people collaborate on a track cause it usually turns out to be a pot luck meal. You can eat it, but you would much rather have a Big Mac to fill you up. This has a big kick with a galloping bass line. Bet you didn�t see that coming. There is a lot of power here and the synths are quite energetic. Rest assured the large build up is here, but very well done. Very good track!


Poli � Majestic- Fat kick? Check. Frenetic synths? You bet. Once again this track bristles with power. The several breaks there are, are well laid out. The melody line at the end of the track feels like it would come right out of Ibiza. That sand does get everywhere doesn�t it? But Kudos to Poli for not putting any singing in this track, as that is a common pitfall. Good track!


Poli vs. DJ Torry � Poltor- No sir, I don�t know what that means. Unless...You combined Poli with Poltor. Clever rabbit! Gallop bass line, gallop! This has a sort of house feel that I was expecting throughout. Club trance du jour, saccharin sweet, but gosh darnit, I can�t help tapping my toe to it. Well done!

Poli vs. DJ Nyimo & DJ Levin � Our World- This one seems a little slower, but that giddyup bass line might be confusing me. The lead melody is super catchy and I cannot stop bouncing to this. Very good track!


Poli vs. GMS vs Frequency Surfer � Cause I Just � Cause you just what? Pooped your pants? Swallowed your gum? I heard some synthesized vocals in this one, and this is what I was expecting. I can see the lights in the clubs oscillating, pulsing. The kick is still heavy, and I continue to sway into the last break which leads me to ponder life�s mysteries. Pretty good track.


Poli vs. GMS � Universal (Poli Remix)- �Do you really believe that stuff about parallel universes?� I could listen to the other track on the 2004 compilation Next Generation Dynamic, but I�m a lazy man Roger. The sample sounds familiar, but then it would, wouldn�t it? Do you see that there, I typed tit? I love boobies. Back on track though, the effort is another driver, moving with power. The melodies are pretty simple and variation is at a minimum. As Bobby Hill would say, it�s all right.


Poli vs. DJ Nyimo & DJ Levin � Spin Zone- This is the 2nd track with these two DJs in it. He must like them. Wasting no time, the bass line gallops on. Full on to the bone, with simple melodies and not a whole lot else. Decent track.


Poli � Humanoid Typhoon- The last three tracks are all Poli all the time. The short melody has you looking skyward as the kick thunders forward. I like the way the final melody weaves within the track, filters being used nicely. This is just a good rumbler. Nice track!


Poli � Cyber Storm- This bass line has some attitude. Are you talkin� to me? This track really sounds full and regains some momentum after the break. The synth lines are anthemic and boom! You just can�t help moving to this track. Very good track!


Poli � Ibiza- I wonder what this is going to sound like? This is definitely slower than the previous tracks. I would call this sway music. The break is funky and I find myself liking it. A lot. Heavenly synths and sticky grooves. Good stuff!


Summary: Here�s what I have to say. Give it a chance. It is what it is. I was sure I was going to hate this. I was expecting house vocals with over the top synths but what I got was power and energetic rhythms. This is outdoor party music which happens to be Spun�s mantra. This is euphoric and happy and get me another drink as I watch the sunrise trance. Definition of guilty pleasure right here. But damnit it�s good. I just wish there was an emoticon shaking his but. Now where the hell are my glow sticks? 8/10.



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