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Extrasensory perception


A new combilation from Martin and Liquid Soul own mikrokosmos.

1. FREq - Avatar: The last album: GOSUP 20 disappointed me in a bit... I listened to it 5 times in a row, fishing for something catchy... something great. But i just couldn't find it... So i didn't expect anything from this track, but actually i was Surprised. This track reminds me of what he used to be... He is back in hes typical style we know him from with rollin bassline, great percussion work, big dreamy layers and powerfull synths... perfect progressive with perfect production.

2 Liquid Soul vs FREq -Liquid frequencies(liquid soul rmx): Liquid Souls personal take on the track he made together with FREq. I haven't heard the original so i don't know if this tops it... But it is a very nice track with great synth work and a fat groovy bassline to keep you flowing... Great track.

3 Earsugar - new era:Starts with a vocal sample i don't understand, then the pumpin full count bassline starts, draggin you inside the ride. This track just seems to keep building up, goin deeper and deeper.... A Tempo slide break is melting your brain(or at least mind), when the monsterbass starts pounding again.... Nice track

4 Visua- Spindrive (gaudium Rmx):Another remix of a track that i don't know of. But the good music keeps on coming... The flow keeps on goin' from the last three blasters, in perfect gaudium manners.. Delicious groovy progressive is buttering my ears... Awesome track


5 Infinity - Stratosphere:Don't have anymore words.... the wanderful music keeps on coming.. Great atmospheres and a killer break... Another favorite for my book.


6 Andromeda - Plaza del trippy:Then it is Anders Nillson(The man behind chromosome and soul surfer) and hes partner Nikos Kostoglou... Im a sucker for this style... It just gives me a speciel feeling with their crystal clear synths and layers, hes very innovative melodies and groovy basslines creating huge atmospheres... Don't know if it's just me, but i love this track as a love all (or most) other chromosome/andromeda tracks.


7 BHB - Rumble in the jungle (zen mechanics rmx):I have this track from several other combilations... so nothing new but still a great rmx!

8 Side A - Cansas City shuffle:Out of words. another great track


9 Martin - What the 'bleep' do i know: Im getting tired of praising this music.. but that is what it deserves. Another awesome track.


SO all in all this whas a great album! Not a single filler(imo) and as they say it in the psyshop advertisment: this compilation catch you from the first second on and let you make your own 'Extrasensory Perceptions.


I will strongly recommend you go check this combi out:) And hope you enjoyed it as much as i did




Indeed a great compilation.

I have just one question. Was there ever released original ver of "liquid frequencies" and if yes, where?

I think the liquid soul rmx is a combo - orig and rmx in one :D


Holy moly, this is an incredible VA. I try and not buy VAs, I never liked them but this one is just so good. Why can't I find it on saiko?


Holy moly, this is an incredible VA. I try and not buy VAs, I never liked them but this one is just so good. Why can't I find it on saiko?

Exactly :) SO nice!


But i don't know my friend, just pick it up at psyshop

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