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Guest Pok.Ta.pUk

Wutzz going on at the Mexican Trance Escene? Does Mexican Trance Escene is just a fashion? Where are the live acts? Where are the d.j's?

Where are the labels? Where are the support of the "labels"?

Does Mexican Trance Escene are just drug partys?


Wut can we espect this year abot Mexican Trance Escene?

Guest psycle

a whole lotta questions u got goin' for ya there;)


well brother Pok.Ta.pUk, I espect to have a few more desent partys. About the junkies well... thers not much to do about that. May be we both should try to educate mexicans about drugs and partys, don't you think?

about DJ's and Live Acts I just espect'em to play something else but 3D Vision, I'm tired of going to partys and just listent to 3D Vision shit...


...Am I asking too much?


Guest psy - xs

i belive that in mexico is easy to find a good party ,just than the party producers always push international artists in our country and there is no a label pushing our own mexican artists , here you have to find your way alone , i wrote to all the psy labels in mexico and no one ever answer to me i get better answers in italy (inpsyde media) or in tokio (elf music) who are realasing 2 of mi tracks , in mexico theres is too much "malinchismo" , sad but truth......

Guest Tentwins

It's sad to hear that, being mexican, you've got answers from foreigners first.


It's sadder to just sit there and complain about how fucked we are...


besides, I'v been rideing interviews with DJ's and bands that have recently come to Mexico and everybody agree that this country has a great sceen. I personally like to have a few more well organized partys WITHOUT alcohol and less fucked up people by drugs.

To change the names in the national line ups will be fucking good




My opinion.


Mexican scene is not that new, but in some sense it is (in comparition with other countries), besides the producing concept is a bit "new" for us too. I think that its just about time to see the new generation boom of producers and dj's, (hope to be there too:)


Other cultural issues like sending the kids to learn music while they r young (wich is more like a new custom in america) may be of vital importance.


More and more people is getting into the "rave psychedelic hippie poser fashion" wich suks, but there r also more and more perople gettin seriously involved in the trance concept so im absolutely possitive that the scene is growing and getting stronger here. I think we need more live experienced people involved into the labeling and party organizing that knows what they r doing, cuz the most of the people that wants to get his nose into the offering side of trance seems to be just a bunch of teenagers who wants to be the king of the parties and they want it from the night to the morning without the usefull experience and knowledge that a quality, serious, and pro Dj, artist, organizer, etc... needs.



About the drugs.....what can I say, i like them a lot and im a peacefull warrior at the parties... I think its just some sort of drugs that makes the big difference, about the teens wich consume loads of mdma (etc..), well, they will learn the easy or the hard way but nothing can be done about it, maybe spreading serious information about it may help... personally, im visiting the concelor of the CIJ (centro de integración juvenil) cuz i was going the hard way.


oh, and i also think that parties will become more and more "elitist" cuz it seems to be the only way to increase the chance of having a nice pacefull party. I just hope that that I dont get banned too....: )


BTW....Pok.Ta.pUk - r u the same guy as ma.ku.paax?


btw....."The Melovskys".....psyshop says something about mexican maestros....so i think they may be from mexico, is it correct,,, if its....r they any known name, where did they came from so suddenly?



btw....their purple haze tune damn rocks....


about producers : the whole problem is that is very dificult to find a job well payed to start building a studio , dont forget that we live in a third world country , so dont expect to much good producers .


about drugs : its like a cycle , people that started 2 years ago with mdma now are doing lsd they are peaceful ones but they will have no future if they keep doing that every weekend , the rave is their life i think most of them are inteligent to stop someday , anyway some flyers with info about drugs is a good idea .


some partyes in mexico last year had the magic that in other countries its imposible to persive pure fucking telepatic stuff in the expansion we will find the salvation.


What I hear about parties in mexico is that there are not many FREAKS wether they are metal heads, goths, hippies, punks that have made a little transcission into psy trance. Its moslty middle class to rich mexican kids trying to fuck them selfs up on E But producers seem to love mexico they get payed quite well because of the large parties.



But thats just what I hear

Guest doblematic

no mamen!!! las fiestas en mexico son de las maaas chingonas del mundo no sean pendejos,, > unlimited > y asi lo entiende la banda que es super guerrera en mexico, si no se han fijado cuando cualquier live act acaba casi siempre hace carabana a la banda por que sabe que nos la rifamos chido! y los musicos son sinceros y repetan a la banda como para bajarse y con todo gusto un toke y platicar con cualquiere de nosotros.. y por que creen que cada ves mas gente va y va a las fiestas, no mamen o en que parte del mundo sale el sol y el pre-horizonte son las dos piramides mas tripeadas del mundo????? y ese es el territorio en el que nos movemos, simpre hay pensamientos piratas pero al final lo que nos une es el trance y la fuerza de la comunicacion telepatica.


a la chindaga, cada quien vera, unos se quedaran, otros no, unos mas otros menos, el pedo es que es unlimited, no rulers territories, solo manda la moral de la vibra en cada fiesta.. esto es nuevo y es un proceso como todo, y aqui en mexico maxico hay inspiracion para cualquier proyeccion...


projectos musicales si hay: MTM, el d-tek, blue lunar monkey, space, solar, ecliptic, stalker.


aguanta no quieras que de un putazo este todo, cada fin fiesta esta cabron, ya se empezaban a poner muy piratas las parties...


algo saldra......


TODO EXCESO ES MALO, cuiden a los menores...

Guest doblematic



y las MUJEEEERES... man!! que siempre nos dejan sin palabras....


que chuladas...




no creo que nadie piense diferente doblematic..., asi que no se porqué el tono de tu mensaje........estoy sobretodo de acuerdo con lo de las chicas ; ).



lo que si, es que a pesar de que mexico es chingon, etc... esta medio guey creer que estamos en la cumbre de la preferencia y todo eso. la vibra en todo caso es global, pese que en algunos países se vicia (innegable) el ambiente de las fiestas y eso...


....mas nos valdria ser humildes en todo caso master.


cambio y fuera

Guest doblematic

simon man,,, oye pero mi tono no es en forma agresiva o algo por el estilo, y no es que sea una preferencia de cumbre (solo la normal) solo que otras personas no le tiren de mala gana a la escena por que a ellos no les parecen como esta ahorita, segun yo la escena va creciendo, muchos musicos trabajan en casa y si todos apoyamos el pedo tendremos nuestra propia escena completa ojala y pronto no??

Guest Pok.Ta.pUk

Plizz u doblematic or problematic.. hem.....express your self in an international lenguage...to the understanding of all us .

Guest sukanta

don't u know how to speak english so every body can understand u ????........


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