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Top 10 of electronic TRACKS, released in this century (and no rereleases of older music).

No genre limitations.

Just post your personal favorites, so don't try to be 'objective' about what is best (because that's ultimately BS IMO).

I'm working on mine. Go go go!


I can't order them, so I'll just namedrop.... some tracks that pops into my mind right now and that has meant something special for me (made me discover a new genre or similiar):


The Orb - Little Fluffy Clouds

Kraftwerk - The Robots

U96 - Das Boot

Prodigy - Out Of Space/Voodoo People/No Good/Their Law/ (ah I like em all :P)

Daft Punk - Around the World

Fluke - Slap It (or Zion if you prefer)

Röyksopp - Röyksopp's Night Out

Trentemoller - Moan (Trentemoller Remix)

Astral Projection - Another World/Enlightened Evolution

Marmion - Schöneberg (MWNN Remix)

Eat Static - Bony Incus (MWNN Remix)

Infected Mushroom - Bust a Move

Wiliam Orbit - Barber's Adagio For Strings (Ferry Corten Remix)


I know I'm breaking the threads rules over and over again but I have to include this: :P


Extrawelt - Dasding Plattenleger (20-05-2006)



I might be back to edit the list (and abide the rules). :rolleyes:


I can't order them, so I'll just namedrop.... some tracks that pops into my mind right now and that has meant something special for me (made me discover a new genre or similiar):


The Orb - Little Fluffy Clouds

Kraftwerk - The Robots

U96 - Das Boot

Prodigy - Out Of Space/Voodoo People/No Good/Their Law/ (ah I like em all :P)

Daft Punk - Around the World

Fluke - Slap It (or Zion if you prefer)

Röyksopp - Röyksopp's Night Out

Trentemoller - Moan (Trentemoller Remix)

Astral Projection - Another World/Enlightened Evolution

Marmion - Schöneberg (MWNN Remix)

Eat Static - Bony Incus (MWNN Remix)

Infected Mushroom - Bust a Move

Wiliam Orbit - Barber's Adagio For Strings (Ferry Corten Remix)


I know I'm breaking the threads rules over and over again but I have to include this: :P


Extrawelt - Dasding Plattenleger (20-05-2006)

I might be back to edit the list (and abide the rules). :rolleyes:

Aren't most of those 20th century?! :unsure:

Some good choices though nonetheless!


damn, that's hard, cause all of my fav tracks are from 20th century...

but i'll try...



1.ketzhal - any track from his album, i'm too lazy to check right now...

2.Ra - insert track here

3.paul van dyk - forbidden fruit

4.shameboy - splend it

5.scatterbrain - that track with homer samples, i forgot name

6. system F - out of the blue

7.cosma - nonstop

8.i have no clue what to type here at the moment

9.idem 8

10.idem 8


and here's my 20th century top 10 (couldn't resist posting this)


1.state of house - unknown raver (= album, but it's one big track of approx 60 minutes like hallucinogen - twisted )

clicky (i found one of the tracks on youtube, not best one though)

2.hallucinogen - shamanix

3.ASIA 2001 - bengali

4.rabbit in the moon - out of body experience

5. FSOL - papua new guinea

6.humate - love stimulation

7.demonic emotion - stuck on a spacetrip

8.underworld - born slippy

9. a guy called gerald -fever

10.orbital - any album/track, i don't have a specific fav track.


Hmmmm.. Interesting


I'll have to say


1. Solar Fields - Air Song (8am Version)

2. Carbon Based Lifeforms - Mos 6581

3. Solar Fields - Air Song

4. Secede - Leraine

5. Tripswitch - Deer Park

6. Asura - XP Continuum

7. Jikkenteki - Stepping Forward

8. Jikkenteki - Ambiguity

9. Infected Mushroom - The Shen

10. Ishq - Sky Blue




Okey, reminded me of a VERY dry joke one guy told me once, and if you really are not into BAD jokes, dont read the following:


There is a guy that walks through the desert, and then suddenly he sees a turtle, so he walks up to it and it says:


"no no noooo"


The guy walks away, since he needs to find some water... however he walks and walks and sees this turtle again and the turtle still is going "no nooo nooooooo"


He shakes his head and goes away, cause he REALLY needs some water...


2 hours later, he bumps into the turtle again, and the turtle is still going "NO NOOO NOOOOO!" so he goes to ask him -"whats the problem turtle?!"

Turtle goes -"noo noooo nooooo, so much sand and not a bucket in sight!"


Anyways, I feel like the turtle, so much music, and not possible to actually make up my mind (not really like the turtle, but yeah... WHATEVER!) :lol:


So, You made it through the joke?!


Well, i am sorry!


Murcof - Mo

Shuttle358 - Frame

The Mitgang Audio - Minor Causes

Clark - Ted

Isan - Gunnera

Lemon Jelly - Closer

Carbon Based Lifeforms - MOS 6581 (compilation version)

Pan Sonic - Arvio [Long Edit]

Freescha - Smurf Shoe

Plaid - New Family

Kettel - Pinch of Pear

Amon Tobin - Four Ton Mantis

Solvent - Frozen Food (Remix)

Röyksopp - So Easy


Ka-Sol - Pricken

Spirallianz - One Way Ltd

X-Dream - Fall Out (Dong Edit)

Juno Reactor - Masters of the Universe

The Delta - Def by Delta (Part 2)

Bent Sentient - Liquid Launch


here are just a few


Aphex Twin - Mt St Michael Mix

Autechre - Gantz Graf

Younger Brother - Ribbon on a Branch

Murcof - Una

Plaid - Marry

Venetian Snares - Hajnal


By no means a complete list, just some things off my head:


Holden - Lump

Holden - A Break in the Clouds

Nathan Fake - Outhouse

Nathan Fake - The Sky Was Pink + James Holden and Martinez remix

Extrawelt - Soopertrack

Prometheus - 9th

Prometheus - Arcadia Magic

Perfect Stranger & Pena - Ode Ae Sol

Shpongle - Beja Flor

Apparat - Wooden

Apparat - Granular Bastard

Apparat - Berlin

Antix - Hiding Place

Antix - Le Lascard

Perfect Stranger & Ace Ventura - Perfect Ace

Younger Brother - The Finger

Younger Brother - All I Want

Bluetech - Alchemie Dub

Bluetech - Prayers for Rain (J.Viewz Remix)

Omar Faruk Tekbilek & Steve Shehan - Ya Bouy (Shulman Remix)

ISAN - The Race To Be First Home

Boards of Canada - Dayvan Cowboy

OOOD & Ott - Eye Of The Beholder

BLT & Danny Makov - Patterns of...

Secede - Leraine

Sensient & Legohead - Modus Operandi

Trentemoller - The Forest

Trentemoller - Evil Dub


My list will be rather imcomplete since I'm just writing down the names that come into my mind without checking my CDs and vinyls so be aware. :ph34r: But at least it will be fun....


Terry Grant - I'll Kill You

Guy Gerber & Shlomi Aber - After Love

Space Cat - Kreak Part 2

Alternative Controle vs. Freaked Frequency - Emoticon

Röyksopp - Only This Moment

Compiler Suite - Regulate

Rank 1 - Conspiracy

Afgin - 10000 Shapes

one of the Benza tracks from his second album but I'd have to listen to the album to see which one I mean <_<

Concord Dawn - Man Of All Season


well can't make a top 10


Pete Namlook & Klaus Schulze - Set the Controls for the Heart of the Mother Part 1

Ulrich Schnauss - Monday Paracetamol

Kraftwerk - Aero Dynamik (live)

Paul Ellis - Shining

Steve Roach - Lifeforming

Steve Roach - Fires Burning

Steve Roach & Vir Unis - Sense

Jeff Greinke - Last Wave

Raison D'etre - Metamorphyses Phase IV

Oöphoi - Lord Of The Starfields

Sasha - Fundamental

Röyksopp - Röyksopp's Night Out

Fluke - Zion

Antix - Quiet is the New Loud

Shpongle - Dorset Perception

Hallucinogen - Angelic Particles (Buckminster Fullerine Mix)

Juno Reactor - Conquistador


By no means a complete list, just some things off my head:



Prometheus - 9th

Prometheus - Arcadia Magic

Antix - Hiding Place

Perfect Stranger & Ace Ventura - Perfect Ace

OOOD & Ott - Eye Of The Beholder

I agree



Chromosome - missing link

Neelix - Complication

Neelix - dittany

elegant universe - music

Ten madison - sonne und meer

The peaking goddess collective - star peace

flooting grooves - immersion

Penta - Perfect sunday

Painkiller - Sustain


Im at work, so this was just what was spinning in my head... More to come


Ok, here goes my list (in no particular order)


Shpongle: Around the world in a tea daze or A new way to say hooray

Hybrid: Finished Symphony or If i survive

Venetian Snares: Hajnal or Szerencsetln

BT: The Antikythera Mechanism or the Internal Locus

Younger Brother: All i want or Ribbon on a branch

Trentemoller: Take me into your skin or Evil dub

Four tet: she moves she

Nitin Sawhney: (not sure what track to put here as they're all too varied...)

Prometheus: Arcadia Magic or 9th

Atmos: Scent of a tunnel

Aes Dana: Opalin

Perfect Stranger: Ode ae sol

Boards of Canada: Dayvan Cowboy

Gotan Project: Mi Confession

Massive Attack: Live with me

Nicola Hitchcock: Heart or I forgive me

Thievery Corporation: Amerimacka

Weekend Players: walking into the sun

Cinematic Orchestra (not sure if they count as electronica though): Burn out or evolution



Bollocks, i've gone way over 10 as well. oh well :rolleyes:

Guest Astro Cortex

No order of course.....


Mr. Projectile - Impregnator

Autechre - Pen Expers

Cosmic Connection - Elcai

Loscil - Ampere

Monolake - Static, Bicom, Axis, Carbon,.....

Plaid - Assault on Precinct Zero

Proem - Long Distance Tiara

Proem - Eck the Badly Drawn

Steve Roach & Vir Unis - Neural Connection

Vir Unis & Saul Stokes - Replicants in Orbit

Steve Roach - Immersion : One

Abfahrt Hinwil - Planquadrat

Num Num - Foot Switch

Underworld - Two Months Off

Esem - Cee, Square Lamp, Qre.ii,....

Maps and Diagrams - Through Me

Maps and Diagrams - Suisai

Plastikman - I don't Know

Displacer - Painkiller

Bovaflux - Where there was Nothing

INKlings - Philosophical Dilemma

Loess - Creshiem



.......would definitely make it into my top 47 post-millennial electronic tracks. I could have put whole albums in there*, but of course it's easier to pick fave tracks if there's a few that stand out....


edit: *such as rRine - Eaciv (how could I forget about that one?!)






















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