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Hey guys was just down to the local shopping market... was a reasonably big one (like 2 story) but still... I went down to HMV and saw Infected mushroom cds under BEST SELLER in the dance section! Went down and bought a copy of The Gathering and Classic Mushroom but there was also Vicous Delicous(Vicous Delicous was hidden from view actually... and I'm suprised only one copy... perhaps we don't like it here?), 2 copies of converting vegetarians and another The gathering box there (as well as a empty slot where B.P. Empire had been)... suffice to say I didn't expect that when I walked into the store. Was a bit expensive but I'm certainly happy anyway... I also saw 1200 mics-Magic Numbers (yuck) and a Tristran Album...


Well you don't see that every day. Well I'm recomending that shop to anyone whos buying edm cds certainly. Well I'm defenitly supporting that shop... have any of you guys seen and bought Psytrance/Goa Trance cds in stores?


I've seen a couple of psy cds in the locals stores. Mostly big names like Cosmosis (sold it to Pavel kek), Astral Projection, Infected Mushroom, Hallucinogen, MWNN. I found Hallu - Twisted (Dragonfly release) in a big chain in Stockholm, hooray. It can be worth while checking in the stores since so few people know what it is, not even the guys who work there I suppose.


Hey guys was just down to the local shopping market... was a reasonably big one (like 2 story) but still... I went down to HMV and saw Infected mushroom cds under BEST SELLER in the dance section! Went down and bought a copy of The Gathering and Classic Mushroom but there was also Vicous Delicous(Vicous Delicous was hidden from view actually... and I'm suprised only one copy... perhaps we don't like it here?), 2 copies of converting vegetarians and another The gathering box there (as well as a empty slot where B.P. Empire had been)... suffice to say I didn't expect that when I walked into the store. Was a bit expensive but I'm certainly happy anyway... I also saw 1200 mics-Magic Numbers (yuck) and a Tristran Album...


Well you don't see that every day. Well I'm recomending that shop to anyone whos buying edm cds certainly. Well I'm defenitly supporting that shop... have any of you guys seen and bought Psytrance/Goa Trance cds in stores?


Yeah totally. In HMV in Tottenham Court in London (a massive CD shop) you can pick up loads of Psytrance CD's . Im sure ive even seen a few Psytrance vinyls.


They also have a small psy section at the local City Disc shop in my hometown. They cary some samplers from YSE but also others, some prog and also new artist albums like from IM and Astrix. I've bought several albums there, the Vibrasphere Remix album for example, but normaly I try to support my local psystore when I buy stuff.


Some big local stores in Athens have quite a few of Psytrance stuff, mostly stuff by YSE or Phonokol, HOMmega etc.

But once in a while you can find very old releases in a small price.

I have bought Doof-Let's Turn On, Goa-Head 3, OOOD-Breathing Space in local stores while I can't find them in the internet!


Saturn (a big electronics supermarket chain) always had the newest Goa Head volume. Also they have fairly many CDs from Yellow Sunshine Explosion. In the past they also had Spirit Zone releases, I remember prelistening the Beat-ific compilation at Saturn (the prelistening option was cool in the past, you could listen to the whole CD practically as long as you want ... now they have another system though).


MediaMarkt also carries a stash of ps CDs. Mostly new stuff but different kinds, not only full-on.


Never seen it actually though I usually don't venture into big super markets, after reading this sure gonna check next time I'm in one wich is actually just 20min ago just returned from one. I was actually quite shocked walking through it with soo many ppl and lines after lines of meat laid up. I did feel sad about the animals truly...gettin offtopic stopping..


I have bought... OOOD-Breathing Space in local stores while I can't find them in the internet!

:blink: Recently? Or pre-2001? AFAIK the only store you can still get it in is Tower Records in Tel Aviv, since it was pressed in Israel.


:blink: Recently? Or pre-2001? AFAIK the only store you can still get it in is Tower Records in Tel Aviv, since it was pressed in Israel.

I bought it in 2003 or 2004 if I remeber correctly.


Guys, you mean THIS FNAC?


Posted Image


Because I went to alot of them and they say they don't sell any Psy/Goa music because nobody actually buys them... :angry:


Hey guys was just down to the local shopping market... was a reasonably big one (like 2 story) but still... I went down to HMV and saw Infected mushroom cds under BEST SELLER in the dance section! Went down and bought a copy of The Gathering and Classic Mushroom but there was also Vicous Delicous(Vicous Delicous was hidden from view actually... and I'm suprised only one copy... perhaps we don't like it here?), 2 copies of converting vegetarians and another The gathering box there (as well as a empty slot where B.P. Empire had been)... suffice to say I didn't expect that when I walked into the store. Was a bit expensive but I'm certainly happy anyway... I also saw 1200 mics-Magic Numbers (yuck) and a Tristran Album...


Well you don't see that every day. Well I'm recomending that shop to anyone whos buying edm cds certainly. Well I'm defenitly supporting that shop... have any of you guys seen and bought Psytrance/Goa Trance cds in stores?

Yes i bought around 20% of my collection in normal cdstore. This would be some 150cds :)

Yes i bought around 20% of my collection in normal cdstore. This would be some 150cds :)

I bought Dimension 5 - Transdimensional from a cd/record store on the east coast, original intastella edition, brand new, for $9.50USD with shipping :) When Froogle.com was like super beta still, it scored me that release. :) I read about froogle on slashdot.org and was like hmm, I should try that and find some rare psy cds, and sure enough, brand new copy of D5-TD from Intastella, 6 dollars plus 3.50 shipping/handling woot! They had other CDs listed too but were out of stock. Unfortunately, that was their last copy of the d5. Then I bought five copies of Xenomorph's Cassandra's Nightmare from an eBay store for 5euros a piece :) The guy who had the store owned a death metal record storefront in Germany. I think he confused this xenomorph with the other xenomorph heehee. :)



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