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best BPM


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Guest kingdok

What's the best BPM to play at/dance to? I'm partial to 145.


Do you like to hear sets at steady, rip-roaring pace, or would you rather a DJ start slower and gradually work upwards? If so, what's the slowest/fastest you'd allow? Should more ambient, slower tracks be placed only at the beginning/end of a set, or do you like to hear them interspliced?


Please give me all your thoughts on this matter, as your opinions are valuable to me.




(a.k.a. dj variant)


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145 is the ONLY bpm necessary! Har har har.

Its actually becoming something of a joke here in Uppsala. I started making all my tracks in 145 bpm so I could mix them with my DATs and then it just continued. Perfect speed really. But for the peak I think up to 148 is necessary. NOT above though, you lose the groove there.


For a whole party, start slow (0 bpm is fine), build it slowly slowly (130-140) to a peak (146), take it down (140), peak again (148) (repeat with morning music if you wish) and then mellow out over a long time (140-120) and end with chill-out. That should be something like 14 hours or so, 22-12. :)


For sure not ambient or slow tracks in the middle of a set, maybe some long breaks during the sunrise tracks - if there is such a thing as a sunrise, ie outdoor party.

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in a psy set i always starts with 139 , i decrease in the middle at 137 then i go again with 139 , increasing to 141 and the final tracks at 144 .


139 bpm is my favourite one

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best bpm for true partymusic is over 155 bpm

high level brainmusic will never die

har har har

the underground is still alive

2003 is real revolutionary year for psychedelic music

the time has come...........

dancing for freedom and peace



c ya at the dancefloor


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start with some minimal 136... keep it there.. and then a killer 140... get it back like a 138 then start moving up till 142-143... and then you will know how to finish...

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i dont't have a favourite beat but i like old-school sets which are getting faster and faster. there are some great tracks over 150 bmps like gnotr - atomic armadillo. if you slow them down too much they lose their magic a little.

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Guest Freakadelle





Come on, let us freakin at the dancefloor!!! :-)




Party-energy-music should be over 150 bpm.

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there´s no such thing as the perfect bpm.....


it depends on the track how much bpm it should be.

frankly i think it´s kinda lame not to even try playing anything faster, couse people do appriciate some real fast crazyness sometimes!


my live goes between 133bpm > 168 and 170 too sometimes...got a few of them crazy trax ;)


if it was a DJ set i´d want all bpms but not oo much chillout on the dancefloor unless it´s some kickass track....when the bpms change it feels more like a trip than as one of u guys did; to play only 145 bpm trax =/

what´s the point in being a DJ if you dunno how to work the damn pitch?





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There IS no pitch on DAT-players!! :P

But that was only my own tracks, and I play tracks between 130 and 148 in a whole set.

145 is a very good tempo for a good kicking party though, it can go on for hours and hours if you find the right tracks so it doesnt get boring.

If it gets boring of course its possible to change the bpm...

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Hey Seinis-When are you going to release a new Cd?I fucking loved your track on Freaks in a frenzy and Scrambled minds-out with it for all us Sienis lovers!!!!

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heheh well the tracks for the album will be ready this year....that much i know...


when i find a good label, it´s pretty much up to them how long it will take for the release....


D-Dave: playing just stuff around 145 doesn´t make my trip complete on the dancefloor...i´d rather have things going slow and fast so i can get some kind of groove on my trip...some kind of story....


i guess most shit nowadays is pretty much the same bpm tho...not much to choose from...

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