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  Nemo said:

All x2 (one of each still in Plastic) have also ripped it to mp3 and wav, and made copies (obsessive, yeah I know) :D

Thats a good idea. I would have an extra copy of each just to collect. Do you have two copies of each for a backup or to collect, or to sell in the future?

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Filteria - Sky Input

Ka Sol - Fairytale

Khetzal - Corolle

Dimension 5 - Transdimensional

VA - Twist Dream


I wanted the rest but saiko were out of stock & I had no paypal to buy from SUNTRIP but now I have paypal again when I get my first (full) pay check in January I shall get the rest :)

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Updated: July, 2008


All of them. KA SOL was the only one I thought was pretty good, not great as a whole. And the comps have been great and/or excellent. But I feel V/A - Twist Dreams is unquestionably the weakest to date, although it bests 99% compilations releasing today. V/A - Opus Iridium was a boost back up to greatness and excellence.




2. V/A - APSARA - B+








10. RA - 9th - A-



I've never experienced a record label with so many consistently strong releases as Suntrip Records to date. It's pretty amazing actually. And I expect them to maintain excellence because they continue to invest energy into developing their awareness and the artists they attract and sign.

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I have them all except the last Goasia album, buying soon.


BTW - any news about the Ra album ?


I there are "new" releases which have the full potential to become wanted-classics within years time* then they are Suntrip releases. They are all already sold-out on the main online-stores.


(*unless occasionally there are re-prints of course)

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All but these:


1 Goasia - From Other Spaces

1 Dimension 5 - Transdimensional

1 VA - Twist Dream


Goasia and the Twist Dream compilation is on my to buy-list. I allready own the D5 release on vinyl so I won't buy that CD. Well, unless I get lots of money... ;)

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  antic said:

That's not a reason to be proud, but then you're Polish so it is kind of understandable... :(

It's not about being proud or not. I just dislike suntrip goa stuff. It sounds way too modern for me.

A true goa era is dead since very long time. Only lables like suntrip tries to keep it alive, and huge respect for them for that. But stil...it isnt the real deal :(

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  pawelek said:

It's not about being proud or not. I just dislike suntrip goa stuff. It sounds way too modern for me.

A true goa era is dead since very long time. Only lables like suntrip tries to keep it alive, and huge respect for them for that. But stil...it isnt the real deal :(

It's what you make of it! I'm sure if you heard some of the suntrip stuff 13 years ago you would have been completely blown away with how good it is!

Yes it is different from old school goa. God if everyone stagnated the world of music would be a crap hole. Labels like Suntrip nowadays are producing some bloody good music. Don't just discount all the albums just because you think Goa is dead!

Learn to love music again & you might be happier! Or just stagnate yourself :drama:

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  pawelek said:

It's not about being proud or not. I just dislike suntrip goa stuff. It sounds way too modern for me.

A true goa era is dead since very long time. Only lables like suntrip tries to keep it alive, and huge respect for them for that. But stil...it isnt the real deal :(

well, a part of the music from Suntrip is actually from the 90's, D5 is, and I know the Khetzal album was created a LONG time before it was released... so well, it is not all "modern"...


On the other hand it's true they are doing their own thing with the goa trance movement, which is good... You have to go with your time

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There is no time! There is only music!


It's like when people say it's okay but it sounds so dated who the fuck cares if it sounds dated. 1995 was a good year, if a 1995 track sounds like it's from 1995 who the fuck cares? People who care about time over music that's who!!!



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abasio : this is very simple.i have heard most of suntrip records releases. this isn't the kind of stuff i can enjoy for a longer time period.

it's good, but it has no soul in my opinoon. i cant find even one single reelase ill be enjoying in 5 years from suntrip and alike labels. i'm very sure ill foget all of them, while stuff like "dnacing galaxy" will last forever. this is the main difference for me between newschool goa and oldshcool goa stuff. oldies will be remembered forever while new things swill be fogoten very fast :(


Oldies make my heart beat faster, and im tripping :)

Modern goa is just fine, i dont feel anything thats puts me higher...

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