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But all that is NOT the reason why there are less women in the scene today right!?

I mean, this explaines why there are less creative people of 30-40+, but how many girls of 25 stay in the house to cook etc? Well, I know NONE... All the people I know of my age and that are able to work, work... Girls and boys... And still they are not as active in making psy trance!? So, that's not the reason for sure...


As a teacher I am confronted with youth in general, my school is partly a fassion school, and girls there are very creative, but not one (of the 150 I teach) is interested in making music... (I talk alot about that in my classes), while the 2 boys that are doing fashion as well are busy with it... 1 is a hip hop producer, the other drummer... Coincedance? Naaah... :)

No, it's probably not the reason why there arent any female producers, but it's still an interesting topic, and in a way(maybe a little far out) i can seehow this is connected... But your right, i can't see how the children of the new generation(you know people who have been raised as a modern women) is effected by it :) So she's right, maybe not far out in the future, we get to see more female artists? I hope :)


Let this ugly topic serve as an example of why there aren't so many women participating in making psytrance (or even talking about it here on Psynews). The fact remains that you cannot open a thread about a female producer or DJ without a bunch of boys commenting on the attractiveness of the specimen, posting photos to help assess the matter, or even making lewd comments about what they'd really like to do with her. It's disgraceful, and no wonder there are fewer women participating in online communities such as this one... you would also get tired if your gender was a source of endless fascination/revulsion and always a matter for comment (as it has been in this very thread).


The main problem I have with this thread was simply that one conclusion made earlier, that women are naturally less creative than men. I don't think anyone would be right to insist on gender equality; different selective pressures have acted on the different genders throughout our evolutionary history, and the genders possess different common traits. It isn't equality I would insist on but equity (fairness), and generalizing women as incapable in the creative arts is not in any way fair. Perhaps women are not as motivated to compete in the field? There are many explanations for the observed phenomenon such that callous judgements about natural capabilities simply aren't very valid.

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No buzzocks, its not Ormions fault that there are less women on this board, its the general output of this board (to which I am also contributing of course) that scares them away, I THINK. Look at TC and MC, even they are posting less. Its pretty sad. Lauryn does not post that much either (and she is a dj, and from what I gather makes music as well?). Or it is just that we have many female lurkers, and they laugh their asses off at us, and are too damn smart not to join, to get sucked into endless discussions of nonsense. :lol:


And to say that what was 100 years ago, does not happen anymore cause most of us are around our 30s just does not add up. Maybe my child will be free of a womanizing world, but not us. We still have grandparents and parents that think in very weird ways.


I know that I was pretty much shocked when I came down to Spain for instance. There are a lot of woman beaters here. I saw one guy beating up a woman on the street the other day, luckily the police came. Another woman got beaten in the South of Spain 4 days ago, beyond recognition.


Example from real life. My grandmother is extremely creative. She was a housewife her entire life, and was TOLD what to vote by her husband until they came past 60 or something. He never beat her, and he was a super kind person to her. He loved her very much, but she HAD to stay in the house and cook. She playes the guitar very very good, but never got to play when he was around... She wanted to paint but got to hear "Bah, you dont have time for that, you are too busy with the house!!" But he LOVED her with his whole heart. I loved that guy, he was my hero. He still is one of the persons I love the most, but I sincerely think he robbed my grandmothers life. Heck, he never took her out either, always going alone on the piss. And this is happening all over the world still, even if you think it does not.


Now is the time for us to rectify that problem which exists, and yeah it is getting better, but it is far from good. How many of your grandparents had a woman that worked? BE HONEST! Cristina my girlfriend, her Mother never worked. (She is Spanish). ALL the moms of my Greek friends (Sorry Ormion) dont work, they are housewifes. Sad. Cause I bet you a million, that they all WOULD love to have a job, earn their own money, be creative, etc etc.


The majority of Hairdressers I KNOW are men, by ze way! ;)


Anyways, this is my last post for a while here. Not because of the discussion, but I need to get some things sorted in my life, my fucking girlfriend has put me on kitchen duty, the BITCH! ;):lol: (just kidding of course)

BUZZOCKS(drumroll) Applause


You mean buzzman... but like bullocks :D So funny


Just don't understand why, since i, except for the things i know is a fact, only have asked questions... what ever


Let this ugly topic serve as an example of why there aren't so many women participating in making psytrance (or even talking about it here on Psynews).

Would you please get out of that psytrance scene bubble and realise that there aren't so many girls participating in making other music too.

I'm into IDM/Industrial/Ambient for a few years now and the only decent piece of music i've heard from a girl is one tune and my top 100 in last.fm are all dudes (with 10 out of 100 being psytrance acts).


One tune and it was a remix she did on her boyfriend's tune (Autoclav 1.1) which was amazing anyway.And i'm pretty sure he helped her too.


Would you please get out of that psytrance scene bubble and realise that there aren't so many girls participating in making other music too.

I'm not refuting that point. Obviously there aren't a lot of women making electronic music compared to men. I'm simply arguing against natural deficiencies in creativity as being the reason for this.


I'm not refuting that point. Obviously there aren't a lot of women making electronic music compared to men. I'm simply arguing against natural deficiencies in creativity as being the reason for this.

Then i will agree with you.Saying that women are less creative than men is completely wrong and shows no experience with women whatsoever.

We might be more creative when it comes to music but in other things like,lets say,decoration.You cant beat them.


I know I said I would not post much, but before I get to work, i just have to post this very appropriate video!



Then i will agree with you.Saying that women are less creative than men is completely wrong and shows no experience with women whatsoever.

We might be more creative when it comes to music but in other things like,lets say,decoration.You cant beat them.

That I agree :)


(to prove this... The artwork of Twist Dreams and Apsara was made by a woman... Actually my mum, héhé)


but I always see music = mathematics = male thing (I explained why), that's why music is less female, but not necessarely other types of creative stuff :)


We might be more creative when it comes to music but in other things like,lets say,decoration.You cant beat them.

Ormion agreed with me when i said the exact same things in the beginning of this disgussion :)


Ormion agreed with me when i said the exact same things in the beginning of this disgussion :)

Oh really.Sorry i haven't read each and every post.Most of them seemed mumbo jumbo tbh :rolleyes:

I don't think women is generally bad with music, but generally I think they have different abilities than most men.

Why is there many great female singers but hardly any decent female drummers?

There is many possible reasons.

Drumming can be seen as a masculine adrenaline-filled kind of activity.

It could be the more masculine image that made it harder for women to get in to it or to become accepted.


Personally I think the reason has to do with general differences in how our brains work.

I do think that females are better in multitasking, and that multitasking comes at the expense of ability to focus really hard on one thing.


As a drummer focus is a very important factor. Drifting away doesn't work to well in most tracks so you have to keep focus on the beat and lead the rest of the band.

As a singer on the other hand you have to be able to deal with many things.

You have to convey a feeling from the lyrics with all the audience attention and be much more attentive to what the rest of the band is doing. In many cases also move and/or smile.


The ability to analyse individual sounds in a mix is very important as a producer and it's also very much about your focusing ability.


And to be able to on your own produce full tracks with all what that entails means you have to seriously dedicate yourself if you like to become successful.

Girls I know who who use computers just don't sit endless hours fanatically focused on learning how to use a complex system as a DAW. But I know many guys who get an idea some day "hey I want to produce" and then proceed to invest lots of time and money on it not even knowing if he will anything out of it whatsoever.


Today it's a lot easier and cheaper to start making music and I hope that could mean that more girls get in to producing.

I think a lot of the music today have a bit too much focus on the details and could do with a bit more "holistic" approach to the result. And I do think that most people like to hear more females, I only ever heard positive comments about the fact that a producer or DJ is a girl.

Of course when you have a crowd dominated by young males, like most forums, you can expect a lot of responses about tits this or ass that as soon as the word girl is mentioned :wank: :lol:

But most people really seem interested in hearing music from girls, it's just that very few girls seem interested in making it so far.


I've got more to say about this later, but just wanted to comment and say that that Anoebis, I LOVE your mother's artwork! Some of my favorite cd covers ever! Does she have anything else posted online?


(to prove this... The artwork of Twist Dreams and Apsara was made by a woman... Actually my mum, héhé)


I've got more to say about this later, but just wanted to comment and say that that Anoebis, I LOVE your mother's artwork! Some of my favorite cd covers ever! Does she have anything else posted online?

cool :)


she has a site, but a new and updated one will be online soon... Also expect alot more paintings and stuff in the double cd we'll release... anyway, here we go:






Maybe it's because they are all oppressed!?!?


& It's all men's fault?? ehm?


and patriarchy...


goa parties are sexist!


They are degrading to women!!



women should not be seen for their GENDER!!!

Women are not OBJECTS!!!

Women are MEN!!!


THATS WHY they don't make music GEEZ!! hello? duh!




U sexist pig!!!




By saying that women are not talented or less talented than men in arts, it's like saying white men can't jump! I'm quite sure that if you take a look in the Fine Arts University of Athens you'll find 80% of the people to be women actually! Now if they'll make a carreer i don't know, but they sure have an artistic nature!



But truth is that men are better in everything than women! (Apart of breastfeeding!)


:lol: :lol:








Interesting discussion.


That doesn't prove anything but my favorite artist is a woman. :)


I'm trying to guess why someone would want to be a musician. And I think that "imitating others" has a lot to do with that.

For exemple when a guy has a friend playing guitar in a band, he might want to do the same and be like him.

When most producers in electronic music are male, how many women will want to imitate them?

Few women artists ==> few women interested in becoming artists. Like a vicious circle.

It was just an idea...



goa parties are sexist!

They are degrading to women!!

What's wrong with goa parties? I'd like to know, I've never been to one.

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