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VA - NEVERENDING STORY 3 (Zaikadelic Records, 2007)

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VA - NEVERENDING STORY 3 (Zaikadelic Records, 2007)


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Format: CD

Label: Zaikadelic Records

Cat. #: ZAICD006

Release date: 15 November 2007



Track listing:


1. Overdream - Click Here [preview]

2. M.M.C. - Optimal Orbit 25 [preview]

3. Saikozaurus - Magic Mushroom [preview]

4. Digitalist - Mind Meditation [preview]

5. Ocelot - Shock to the System [preview]

6. Darkpsy - Vertigens [preview]

7. Encephalopaticys and Kulu - Ultra Spinner [preview]

8. Becoming Intense - The Edge of Forever [preview]

9. Para Halu - Eternity [preview]


Review by Ilse (Mushroom Magazine / Parvati Records):


Zaikadelic Records from Israel brings it's 6th cd and the end of the Neverending Story triptych. last part was a great piece of compilation and i am very curious what to expect in this as Zaikadelic seems to become a serious counterpart to the doofers in israel.

let me dive into it ..


Overdream is ukrainian and "click here" is a very nice startup for this compilation. spooky atmospheres and a proper deep groove spangled with a few acids keep my attention from beginning. the track does not loose time to start and kicks me nice into a acidic modulated line. sweet changes with the right samples fitting to the idea "LSD 25", and at least since here i am full into it. but unfortunately what was hinted a very little bit in the beginning, that Overdream is able to handle their tool, they absolutely brings it to the boil in the end by trying so many tricks and breaks. i cant emphasize it enough that i dont like such long breaks, but this track was a so nice starter looses its charme with this overacted attitude.


M.M.C.'s "optimal orbit 25" has a more forcing groove and also does not need any long intros nor boring lines to build it up. it keeps attention with lots of little tit bits from beginning. it tweaks and bleeps, yeah that i like!!! the groove is very nice has enough changes to keep me moving and a few nice samples makes me grin too. the build up is logic and shows a golden thread it seems, but in the last minutes it seems ideas gone out. good track and a proper one to the first.


Zaikosaurus starts also with a modest offbeat and a lot of twiggy acids. and after the kick, where it becomes rolling, the spirals kept my brain wiggling. the arrangement becomes more overdosed and complicated later and changes at its right moment with a very phat base has the variety it needs to be satisfying. unfortunately not the last consequence in the end to twist me away but still a good one. i am curious about what to come by zaikosaurus in the future. nevertheless a nice track!


Digitalist from swiss catched my attention long ago with very good tracks and this one is no exception. lines coming from the back and the right highs and lows fitting together in a whole story this is swiss exactness. he has a real twilight attitude in his throughout positive appearance and the leads. very proper production also he shows a wide spread knowledge in the mix. reminds me on some french stuff lately, but in swiss the multicultured way of living is shown here too it seems. this dude will be big in the future i am sure. here he presents me his recent state of the art. very nice tune!


Ocelot, no need to introduce him anymore, as he just brought his 5th solo album on Zaikadelic. and in the same way his recent album was made he starts this goodie in this tribalistic mayhem as his album was distinguished by. he knows how to build up a track and shows here a versed interaction between spooky lines changing to tribalistic exraordinary frenzy. that is a typical Aaron gem as i learned to love his work for. highly psychedelic stuff. more of this please, MORE!!


Darkpsy from Portugal is also quit some time in the circuit he has a really nice groove here. better than i know him in the past, and with thick acidlines on top he builds a massive atmosphere! full packed with a droppy sense of lysergic attitude this track is a deep night track made to be played on a real phat sound system. this will trip you away, if you able to dig the massive way of psychedlic journey he provided access to.


mazedonian recent top man in the psyscene vasko aka Encephalopaticys meets the greek madhad Kulu. here the atmosphere is kind of spooky and you can call it dark. a forcing typical rolling baseline not too dominant has me catched from beginning. the right kicks on the fitting corner building up a massive acid treat on its own is in its way of production also high level. they play with the acidic sounds coming from all sites and twist me away. this is highly psychedelic and i love this shit. the percussions are as always hijacking you as well the lines shooting you from ahead. one of my favorite gems and to be heard in all my recent sets. killer one and best track on this compilation! thx for the music!


Becoming Intense shows up recently on different compilations too and brings here a longer introduction in an epic way. rolling groove from beginning and patient build up. for my taste then it becomes a bit flat. and as i thought now it could start man, the track was almost done. here i miss something, but after i tasted it a few times more than all the others on this cd i found out that here tension is build up extensively. nevertheless here the acid factor is missing even it never losses this epic attitude, but i will look out for working with it in the right moment.


Para Halu finishing the cd as they did in the last one also with a special goodie may be an appetizer for their upcoming album, also to expect on Zaikadelic. a faster groove but definitely a catchy one spreads sunny atmosphere. thick lysergic sounds just had me catched, then the sun seems to shine bright in my eyes as a long break makes me stumble, damn it. two times even. they go on with modulated synths and kick very smart adding the right percussions to it, but these breaks before were not neccessary in my bloody opinion. after they become more complicated and diving deep into a lovely ending trip. without the breaks a blissful hot sunny daytime track.


in the end i have to say zaikadelic was not able to top the last part of the triptych. but it seems the intention they want to go is even more clear now than before. grown up psytrance without any chintzy squiggles. an even more careful selected line up with a few upcoming ones as well established artists making a compilation has a high potential of psychedlica and presents a logic story in its whole. maybe i dont find as much freaking out stompers as on last part, but maybe i have to taste it a few times more to be sure in this. a bit sad that this was last part of a series, but i am sure Zaikadelic will establish a new story in the near future spreading the psychedelic vibe in the right way.


thx for the music!











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