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I Have Been Shpongled....

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I was at my local Borders Books and Music store (I felt like a trator because I work at Barnes and Noble) and I ran into a copy of "Are You Shpongled?" I downloaded some songs from "Tales of the Inexpressible" and didn't really enjoy it....I read that "Are You Shpongled" is more musical than "TofI" so I impulsively bought it without thinking for two reasons. 1) I don't own an ambient album and I everyone loves Shpongle so it seemed like a safe bet and 2) Finding Shpongle albums here isn't that easy


Now after listening to 3 tracks this is what I have to say....


I LOVE this album thus far! I couldn't wait to get home and blast it in my room....however my room is dirty so I decided to past this and then I'm going to clean my room set up some vinilla candles shut off all the lights and put on this album and sit and chill......if only I had some Shrooms, Mescaline or L.S.D......damn I miss halluciongenics....


Do it with headphones!!!

Great music! Such beatiful melodies and crazy psychadelia! (or whatever you wanna call it...)

I listened for the first time on Shroomies 2 days ago! Terrific stuff! It'll tie your brain in a knot! :)

Guest >--<SenstatuX>--

i think we had this topic before ;=8()


it's really a great album, i also like it more than toti. haven't heard it with shrooms or something. but when you are stoned it sounds even better. i can only advise you to also try the hallucinogen in dub album. it's dubbier but somehow a little alike to the first shpongle album because it has some very beautifull melodies in it.


Holy mother of god! Here is what I did last night...


I cleaned my room and set up my computer speakers opposite each other so that each of them were on one side of the room with my bed in the middle creating a type of surround sound effect...


Then I lit 4 vinilla scented candles and placed them around my room and turned off the light....the candles illuminated my room in such a relaxing way, it was very nice. After that I turned off my PC screen and proceeded to listen to "Are You Shpongled?"....


I layed down on my bed and closed my eyes and began to relax and focused my attention on the sounds coming out of the loud speakers...By the time I got through track #3 "Vapour Rumours" I was in some sort of sober trance and it was like I couldn't move and the only thing that existed was the music around me....it was very surreal. Then in the middle of my soothing trance (and right in the middle of Raja Rams Flute Playing in track #4 "Behind Closed Eyelids") my cell phone rang and spapped me out of my zen like state!!!!!


I answered the phone and tried to get off quickly so I could go back to being tranced.....well I finally did but it wasn't the same, but the funny thing was by the time "...And the Day Turned Into Night" started I had drifted off into a very peaceful sleep.....which is a good thing....I woke up the next morning with the candles still lit (yikes) and I didn't know what happend and how I ended up asleep...I couldn't even remember the last thing that happened before I fell asleep....awesome...


After listening to this album I defenitly need to find some hallucinogenics and escape this reality and go into Shpongles Dimension...that would be very sweet. I plan to not listen to this album too much mainly because I don't want it to become "familiar"...the more you listen to songs the more you know what to expect, and since this album has some trippy surpirses I want them to remain surprises....awesome album 10/10....when I get my login/password I will post a review!


Well, I have listened to it a fair bit, and can say that it will still surprise you when you are on hallucinogens, as will all psychedelic music. I heard "Behind Closed Eyelids" last week when I had a little DXM for the first time, and it was amazing. The speaker placement IS very important, you have to sit right in the middle. So, I am happy of your new discovery, and can right away recommend Celtic Cross: Hicksville (Liquid Sound Design - 1998) as your next chill-out purchase. It's Simon Posford and the other guy, who is behind Dub Trees (is he also part of Younger Brother?). Anyways, forgot his name.






phew! i'm not the only one that doesnt like TotI very much... but are you shpongled is gorgeous!


except for that naff bit of druggie singing ;) sheesh!

Guest Zaramatu

Daniel, you should check out the album "Rushes" by The Fireman. It's an excellent album. It's not that far away from the "Are you Shpongled"-style, IMO.

Guest dj Mike

Tales of the inexpressible was the most insanest thing ive ever done while stoned. I got my cd player, put in 2 brand new AA batteries, Poped in my new TOTI cd and Got really stoned. Played it loud 8/10, with my nice headphones on... It was insane. I actually started moving to the music and some parts are really fast like the guitar solos in Dorset Perseption, So im like twitching allmost... hehe it was crazy. Once I was on song 7 my mind just melted into bliss... It was pure aww inspiring stuff, u know. song 8 blew me away. After Flute Fruit I was just sitting there with no sound pondering for 5 minutes what i just heard.... Recomendation : Get really stoned and listen to the WHOLE cd, dont skip any parts or nothing, and have good quality headphones/speakers... :0) peace


am i the only one who's VERY BORED with shpongle these days? I've raped both albums :)

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