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Spirallianz or Midi Miliz


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Guest pSyBoRg

by the way i have just noticed that one track of Midi Miliz "Instant ID" at the beginning of track it has the sound of the movie "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" (when in the scene aparently a corpse is stolen by those insane guys also at the beginning) just for that this track rocks! Importing those kind of indus-noise samples make this 2 projects pretty different and fuckin dark. No fuckin Melodies, a tech- trance with a dark, and industrial-ambient bizarre atmosphere. Specially Spirallianz with their "Blast Food" critically changing the Psy-Trance Scene. and this album have became one of my favorite classic with the IM "Classical Mushroom" and The Delta "Schizoeffective"

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From what I've heard so far Spirallianz is better, but I haven't heard the new Midimiliz album yet (I ordered it about 2 hours ago). Blast Food is just an awesome album from start to finish, with a couple huge killers on it (One Way Ltd is one of my top ten favorites), whereas Antistat is not as complete or fulfilling an album. Also, there were a few really good tracks on Spirallianz's Silver EP series. :)

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Guest cubensis

They said in an interview that they do not choose different material to release with the two different names. From the Psynews interview with Spirallianz:


3) Do you work differently when producing as Spirallianz or Midi Miliz ?


There's no big difference between "Midi Miliz" and "spirallianz", maybe the "Midi Miliz"-tracks are more rough, and spirallianz is a bit more trance. but it is co-incedence what is what.



Basically, they can only release as Spirallianz on Spirit Zone/Plusquam, or with Spirit Zone's permission. Midi Miliz is used for all other labels.

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Guest Soulhunter

Yeah, that's right. I think it's Arne Schaffhausen, not sure. I think the latest Midimiliz is waaaay better than the first one. Nice production and it sounds fresh compared to the other recent releases these days. Nice artwork as well.

I like it :)

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Guest Soulhunter

Spiralkinder (Marco Shmedding & Arne Schaffhausen)

Midimiliz (Arne Schaffhausen & Wayan Raabe)

The Delta (Marcus C. Maichel (X-Dream) and Midimiliz/Spirallianz)

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Guest Darkspiral

The best live act of year 2002 ( for me!!) was X-Dream vs Midi Miliz, 2 hours of darkness.... And after this live set, 2 hours with arne ¡¡¡¡

So 4 hours of strange sounds, industrial hardcore beat...

Best track : X-Dream, Radio, song number 6 ( dont remember the name)ç

The delta, Send in send back, song Standby

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Guest mindbender

I didn't like Antistat that much and I didn't buy it. Neither have I liked Midimiliz tracks on comps or singles that much (tho I have a few). Somehow Midimiliz is too monotonous and repetitive for me. But the funny thing is that there isn't really such a big difference between Spirallianz and Midimiliz and I LOVE Spirallianz, especially the Blast Food album. Somehow that sounds a lot more original to me than most Midimiliz productions.


I'd like to hear the new Midimiliz, maybe it's closer to Blast Food than Antistat.



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im going with spirallianz as well.


i see there that they said its coincidence...but i think not. maybe they dont do it different on purpose..but they know in thier heads when they are midimiliz nd when they are spirallianz.


if you hear tracks from the two its easy to tell which one is which...by style i mean. even if you never heard the track before...you can tell if its one or the other.

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Midi Miliz by FAAAAAAR. His new album Passages kicks everyone's ass. No Exit, Aeromode (seriosly, try following the bassline through the whole track, it never stays the same, morphs and morphs and mooorphs!) and lets not forget the amazingly Starz. The most revolutionary psy that was released last year. New twists in the music i've never heard before, it just takes some time to notice them:)

But, Spirallianz have one of the most kickass tunes ever made, One Way Ltd.

Nevertheless, Midi Miliz is the best, no doubt, if you just give the small details the attention they demand it'll blow your fucking mind to outer space!

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