abasio Posted January 1, 2008 Posted January 1, 2008 Electrypnose Where Do we Go? Digital Psionics 2007 Tracklist CD1 1 Go Back To Mummy (6:50) 2 Fini La Plaisanterie (7:02) 3 Intellinoise (7:58) 4 Discogil (8:39) 5 Swiss Clockwork (vs Airi) (7:54) 6 Push It (6:48) 7 Try To Hold It (6:13) 8 Overtripdose (6:03) 9 Secret Weapon (8:00) 10 Give Me Some Fun (5:31) CD2 1 Pensées Douteuses (4:00) 2 Lost In Peace (7:05) 3 A Little Bell In The Night (9:45) 4 Negative G's (7:36) 5 Sunny Heart (7:22) 6 Erimesa (9:34) 7 Cerebral Factory - Creamfield (Electrypnose Remix) (8:35) 8 E(30fz%-#) (6:17) 9 Electro Tonic (7:17) 10 MyDRM (vs Airi) (4:39) Well, Electrypnose sure makes a lot of music and he's produced a double CD here with where do we go. The concept is meant to be one CD of hard banging dark night time trance & one CD of hard banging light daytime trance, depicted in the CD art work as a Devil & Angels respectively. So was Electrypnose able to keep up the quality level when he's releasing so much? CD1 1. Go Back To Mummy This starts off sounding like some kiddies TV program but quickly gets a beat & a bassline then a cheesy nasty sample naming the song. After that it's all dark twisted night time stuff. Nothing mind blowing but pleasant enough for home listening. I couldn't imagine dancing to it though as it stops every few seconds & I think I'd get pissed off on the dancefloor. 2. Fini La Plaisanterie More standard darkish fullon here. The bassline & beat are all pretty basic non thought out examples but the hints of melody & trippy noises give this a great sci fi edge, a feeling which is accentuated by the really acidic metallic synths. Once again though it doesn't manage to build much energy with it's relentless stopping for brief seconds just to ruin the energy build up. 3. Intellinoise The sort of computer static you expect to hear in some sci fi horror movie leads into a pretty decent track here. Lots of well placed trippy acidic sounds manage to build into a melody of sorts. The sounds get more chaotic as the track gets on but they all seem to work well together. Best are the sounds near the end that remind me of a panicking computer 4. Discogil A slightly more atmospheric number with some nice background ambience. Thankfully the flow is a little better here & it doesn't keep stopping and starting (quite so much). The twisted sounds are still evident as are the bog standard beat & bassline but there is something in the background that manges to build more energy & atmosphere than any of the previous efforts. 5. Swiss Clockwork (Vs Airi) There's beat & bassline some nice sci fi noises & hints of melody in this one but this falls victim to the stopping & starting syndrome that is singlehandedly ruining the experience of this album. I can't quite understand the appeal of it. It destroys any energy that might be built up. It's annoying on the dancefloor & when done as much in this track it's bloody annoying to hear at home. It actually sounds like they don't know what they're doing & while all the production sounds crystal clear it does have a cut & paste gone wrong feel to it. 6. Push It A better effort here with some nice cascading acidity in the back ground. This actually does manage to build energy (despite the stopping) with it's very nice synth work. The mid section is a bit sketchy but it ends well. 7. Try To Hold It A fatter bassline starts us off with some nice building sounds that actually release a bit of energy when it all kicks in. The beats are better, a little more intricate than your standard boom boom boom with underlying beats that you can actually here. Nice bell sounds occasionally & wet synths add a decent feel & the stop starts are complimented this time with samples which helps the flow a little. 8. Overtripdose As a stand alone track this might sound pretty good but on the album it just seems to have taken a few of the preceding tracks & cut & paste to make a new track with the same sounds & feel but with just a slightly different progression. Same beat, same bassline, similar sci fi sounds as in many tracks. Same scratchy synths as in the first track & the same stopping & starting as in most others. Not bad just lacking any originality. 9. Secret Weapons The samples are pretty cool, the synths are excellent, the beat is fine but the same tired bassline is recycled again albeit with a little more vigour this time driving the track a lot more than previously. Probably the best track on this CD with a decent amount of energy, some nice melodic sounds which seem to trickle through the music. It's the synths though that make this track great though. Very nice work. Falls foul again of losing it's energy with poor stop starts littered throughout. 10. Give Me Some Fun We finish the nighttime CD then with a more atmospheric intro. Starting with a long spacey drone the mood is set for what could be a great track. As soon as the beat & by now very tired bassline come in all atmosphere is lost & we are left with a pretty standard nighttime track. Not particularly offensive but nothing special & with the promise in the intro completely destroyed you can't help but feel that it's ending on a real low note. The cheesy vocal just makes it worse. So to sum up CD1 it's pretty decent nighttime fullon with some cool twisted sounds. Some of the synth work is really good and there are some nice acidic moments that sound very spacey & metallic. The main problems are; 1. The lazy use of the same bassline throughout & 2. The energy that could have been built is all destroyed by to many stop starts. It's really annoying & I think this CD could have been really really good with more flow & better basslines. CD2 1. Pensées Douteuses A brilliantly deceptive opener. A nice downbeat number filled with lots of acid making me think the whole CD would be downbeat or ambient, maybe in the vein of Subliminal Melancholies. The track has some nice light melody & interesting trip hop like beats. Long drones almost sounding like a choir lead into a tasty bassline & funkier beats getting more breakbeat in style. Pretty cool overall. 2. Lost In Peace The intro to this kept my hopes alive for a few seconds at least but under the nice tech sounds & light melody I can hear the beat & bassline creep in. It works better here though as with the foot off the pedal the music develops a little more fluidly. The melody is really quite nice on the ears & stands in contrast to the harshness of the last CD, much nicer, more atmosphere & although slower manages more energy due to a much nicer flow without as much stopping an starting. 3. A Little Bell In The Night Another ambient intro, really manages to build an atmosphere of a little bell in the night. The bass line & beat kick in & once again the beat is slower & the bassline thankfully is a little more dynamic. It moves differently than those on CD1 is not having much variation unto itself. A very spacey track with lots of interesting alienesque & nighttime sounds but given a nice melodic touch by the melody that rings like the bell. 4. Negative G's This starts with a nice floating ambient intro with a nice melody flying around & a lovely sounding voice sample adding extra "air" to the track. A very nice open feeling & when the beat & bass kick in it seems very natural & well done. The feeling now of racing through the sky rather than floating through it. Probably one of my favourite tracks on the whole album. Excellent stuff, funky & fun, dreamy & nice. 5. Sunny Heart A slightly harder track now but with lots of atmosphere. Nice background ambience under the strong beat & bassline. The bassline is nothing special but does have the quality of not dominating proceedings which I like. An interesting electro sounding melody kind of whines rather than plays & towards the end of the track the beats become much more interesting with slick sub beats adding an extra dimension to them. 6. Erimesa Another nice track with a bubbly melody which works very well in my ears. The pace is a little slower again & it allows the track to breathe & breathe it does. A very nice progression with lots of melodies in various styles. The twisted noises really sound involved in the track not just randomly layered but integral. Good stuff all round. 7. Cerebral Factory - Creamfield (Electrypnose Remix) A pick up in pace & a drop in quality here. A pretty standard fullon track with nothing to make it stand out positively. Too many stop starts like in the 1st CD and a boring bassline that only puts my in mind of someone farting. Never heard the original so I don't know if Electrypnose has ruined this or made it at least bearable. It's not terrible it's just boring. 8. E(30fz%-#) Points for the most bizarre track name I've heard in a while. I am left wondering where the inspiration for it came from. A mathematical equation? Randomly hitting the keyboard? Going by the music it could have been either. There are a lot of random sounds but there does seem to be an overall cohesiveness to it makes it pretty enjoyable. Some nice synths and acidic sounds too make this feel quite warm. 9. Electro Tonic Yeah it's cheesy but in a fun way. You can actually feel like the artist had fun making it & it comes out in the track. The samples are quite enjoyable in a cheesy but not overly so way. Less cheesy lets say than the Orbs recent track DDD (Dirty Disco Dub) which was unbearable. This though is just fun & nice. the rest of the music is cool too. My favourite bit being the high pitched cascading vocal from the start & the melody is probably the most enjoyable on this double CD. 10. MyDRM (vs Airi) It sounds like we are going to end on a dreamy ambient number to close but some painful breakcore beats ruin the whole thing for me. I've decided that I don't like Airi. He appears twice on this album & it's crap both times. At least now I have a name to avoid. To be fair there is some nice ambience & melody (I guess from Electrypnose) but that's spoiled by the breakcore beats for the brief time they are in. A decision I wish they could go back & change. So then CD2 in my opinion is much better than CD1. It's more melodious, has better flow, more intricate beats. Sometimes the bassline is better sometimes just less dominating & overall has more atmosphere. This album is worth getting for CD2 alone. Despite two tracks not to my liking, the CD holds up pretty well & there is some decent stuff on the 1st disc as well but that CD is pretty much plagued by the annoying stopping and starting almost constantly something that is relatively absent on CD2 which was quite a relief. Electrypnose shows that he definitely has the skills to make good music. I think my negative comments probably come from me not liking that style so much. That said though, in your dark stuff sir, try & experiment a little more with basslines. The ones you've used here are pretty boring & sound like a cut & paste job. The ones on CD2 are better & the crazy sounds you use are cool. I'd definitely like to here more downbeat stuff from Electrypnose. Note Before anyone tells me of my error in the track titles, I got this from Electrypnose's website For some reasons, tracks 2 and 3 on disc 2 have been switched by error on the final process of the release. Track 2 on the second disc is "lost in peace" and track 3 is "a little bell in the night". Quote
Pandemonium Posted January 2, 2008 Posted January 2, 2008 I totally agree with you. cd2 for me flowed so much smoother, and I enjoy the beutiful ambient influences which are present. Favorites: A Little Bell In The Night, Neagative G's, Sunny Heart, Electro Tonic Quote
mike.54 Posted January 2, 2008 Posted January 2, 2008 i like Electrypnose´s album Sublimal Melancholies and his melancholy track in VA MAgical Journey... CD 1 is very hard dark psy for me CD2 is nice Negative G is my fav Quote
Maden Posted January 2, 2008 Posted January 2, 2008 I think Ambiant project from Electrypnose are great, but i don't like the crazy psychedelick side, i find it pointless :s Quote
Gutty Posted January 4, 2008 Posted January 4, 2008 Nice review abasio. I've only heard the samples so far, so I won't comment on the music, but what a crappy cover I know it doesn't really matter, but that looks terrible. He should've made the top half black and the bottom half white with just 'electrypnose' in the white part written in virgin's blood. Or some red font that looks like it was smeared. Awesome producer though. Quote
Gnome Posted January 4, 2008 Posted January 4, 2008 I hope that cover is supposed to be a joke of some sort. Quote
happy_harry Posted January 20, 2008 Posted January 20, 2008 To be honest, this is one the best albums of 2007. It's full of creative thinking, filled/mixed different styles and i guess it works really well. The sound quality is perfect, i can just listen to it over and over again, even with headphones. :posford: Quote
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