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Imo both make sense. And I think mind is more predominant than soul, because the use of the English word psyche (obviously derived from greek) seems closer to 'mind' than to 'soul'. Correct me if I'm wrong please. :)

Dictionary says:


psy·che 1 (sī'kē) Pronunciation Key



1. The spirit or soul.

2. Psychiatry The mind functioning as the center of thought, emotion, and behavior and consciously or unconsciously adjusting or mediating the body's responses to the social and physical environment.

Since spirit and soul are more or less abstract concepts IMO,i guess it is the mind indeed but,we are talking about feelings that you usually cannot control or explain/describe so maybe it is the parts of the brain/mind that we naturally haven't got any access at all ? Thoughts and emotions are two totally different things.The ones you create,the ones come from deep within.And thats what im tallking about.Is it the soul?Or the spirit?Who knows for sure.




haha so you see. only the definition already is subjective.. let alone the interpretation.

Well yeah we are just assuming here.Pure philosophical discussion,noone needs to be right or wrong :)

Agreed on those last words, but I disagreed on your first statement. Entheogenic is just another term coined for the same kind of thing. People that were dissatisfied with the negative (and hippy) connotations of the word psychedelic, started using this term instead. Creating the God within, now that's an ambiguous term, if you ask me. I never understood how people can make separations between certain kinds of substance, when it all depends so much on a lot of other things, set and setting being the most prominent among them.

Dude i wont really go into that cause im in a period of my life where im trying not to thing too much about the things happened on salvia,all i have to say is from my point of view it had absolutely nothing to do with what i thought of psychedelia for the past 8 years on psychedelics.With entheogens you actually feel that you've been transported to a reality/dimension where you can actually communicate/connect either with alien entities or the alien part of your self and you have absolute loss of ego,i mean mind and soul?They are not even there.(alien not meaning the green dude with the big head but the actual meaning of the word).

old and very simple,


psychedelic is what you experience psychedelic as an individual...

this is like saying: blue is what you experience as blue as an individual. It doesnt explain anything anything about blue.


this is like saying: blue is what you experience as blue as an individual. It doesnt explain anything anything about blue.

exactly that's my point...


it's influenced by taste and taste is individual


In my opinion "Psychedelic" is mainly a personal thing as it deals with the psychism of the one who's listening.


From Psy music I expect to have emotions, be surprised, like in every for of art. I also expect to experiece pleasure out of it, feel that urge to dance and honour the music as it's flowing around me. And I expect its structure to have some repetitive or hypnotic or melodic aspects that make me detach one way or another from what's happening around me. Without drugs of course. I call some music psychedelic when I close my eyes listening to it and can see a beautiful landscape opening on some sunset, when I have the feeling of a very pesent and unreachable horizon, when clouds talk to me, when, despite the vast area beneath me, I feel I'm moving in a corridor and feel like the walls are breathing with me and with the music. I may still be dancing, yet my brain informs me I'm walking on top of the clouds and the sun smiles watching it. My body and my spirit have gone two ways. This is psychedelic.


Notice I used "mainly" in my first sentence. Have you ever been in a party where all looks so simple, when your love or friends are here, you're dancing under the sun, everyone is smiling with you and you feel like all of you are uniting your energies and you're just one body dancing. The whole dancefloor feels that communion has something to do with infinity and everyone is begging for the track to never end, so that it lasts forever. This communion is another aspect of what I call psychedelic.


Take the Dragonfly compilation "The technical use of sound in magick". It's 100% full of these dimensional catapults. Take the track nr6, "Nucleus- Superluminal". It has both aspects I described before. If you're an oldschool DJ, and have the chance to play at 1PM at some party next summer, just spin it and watch the dancefloor ! http://www.discogs.com/release/88091


Sure you can have such experiences with LSD, any psychotropic drug, being in love, or just very tired. Then, some filters are disabled in your mind and you're more easily touched with the music, events and people around you, but this is only the amplification of what I described above. IF you have to take drugs to feel something, then it's not psychedelic. In that case drugs crops and amplifies for you the little amount of subtility of the music. Want a parallel ? OK, usually anyone can figure lots of things when looking at the nature, especially the clouds. Anytime, anyone would guess a new shape every 30 seconds in any cloud. Now check that: http://www.discogs.com/viewimages?what=R&obid=66694

Normally you'd think this is an awful pile of metal in the middle of the landscape. Under LSD you can feel its symetry and the fractalism reinforcements are giving. Great....I prefer the real stuff with a clean head.


Greetings to strydr for the image in his signature that inspired me.

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