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We probably have discussed this again, but here are some questions I wanna ask.


1. Do you download music from the web? Any kind of music. How much? How often?


2. Do you download specifically Psytrance releases?


3. Do you think that downloading (and any other forms of piracy) really hurt the music industry?


4. Do you think that downloading (and any other forms of piracy) really hurt the Psytrance industry?


5. Would you like a world that every new album/comp would be released only in the web?




1. Basically yes and no, but mostly no. I'm not that interested to download a bunch of stuff that I'm never gonna listen. So, I only download specific tracks. For example, I like a track from a pop artist. I would never buy his album, maybe the single has never been released so yes I will download this track.

The funny thing about downloading today is that many ppl just download and download and download but never listen to that stuff. I know a guy that downloaded all the 18 Goa-Head comps and he can't stand electronic music! So, why did he download them? Just to have them, I guess.

Sometimes I download old stuff that they are impossible to find in a store. Possibly only in e-bay or amazon in very high prices.


2. No. They are exceptions though. Yes I downloaded N.D.M.A.-Vitan (a member of this forum uploaded for me). But let's face it, that was the ONLY way to listen to this track. It has been released in a old and rare compilation that practically it's impossible to find.

Or an album that it has stopped released many years now. Pleiadians-IFO is the perfect example. It's the most known album in Psytrance history, yet the most difficult to find.

But I never download new stuff or stuff I can find, or whole albums/compilations just for a track. After all, with the 4 minutes samples of Saikosounds is extremelly easy to understand the style of a release, so the excuse ''I download to preview it, before I buy it'' doesn't work for me.


3. Yes, but a big part of the music industry needed a lesson. I find extremelly stupid that pop starts like Avril Lavigne and this Timberlake guy gain dozens of million dollars, just because they sing. I don't care if they are idols or sell a lot of tickets in their concerts, it's just ridiculous.

It's ridiculous to give 17 euros to buy an audio CD, while a movie DVD costs 20. And why that? Because the ''idols'' want more money. Excuses like ''they have better productions'' and stuff are plain stupid. I have listened to Psytrance cds that have been produced and mastered by only one person and sound ten times better than most of these ''professionally mastered'' stuff.

I don't believe that if the new releases would cost 5 or 8 euros cheaper the download would stop, but it would be a win.


4. Yes! And this is the big difference. For me scenes like Psytrance has nothing to do with pop, rock, r'n'b and other maistream stuff, when it comes to piracy.

I would happily give 16 euros to buy a Psytrance cd, because I know the effort it's needed to release this stuff. Basically most of Psytrance artists are guys that procude their music in their HOME studios, sometimes they even make the artwork themselves and some new of them they don't even paid, they just get a bunch of cds to give for promotion. I respect that! And yes I would buy their cds.

I always found stupid and ridiculous that a million dollars record company like Virgin or Sony cost their cds the same or even more than a small ''two guys runned'' record company like Suntrip. It's like you want to buy a couch and you're going to IKEA and pay the same money with the one of the craftsman of your neigbourhood that actually made this couch himself.

It's not my problem that Madonna wants a 20 million dollars check for her new album. I-d-o-n-t-c-a-r-e!!!

Bottom line? Yes, downloading IS bad for Psytrance IMO.


5. Hell no! :) The main reason is that I'm a collector or try to be. And I love having cds or vinyls etc. Just some files in my computer seem to soulless for me.

But I have a demand. Why labels that still exist stop releasing their old stuff? For example Dragonfly. It's still running, right? Why don't they re-release IFO? I can't understand that. From the moment you enter Psytrance all you hear is IFO and IFO and this is the rariest album out there! It's insane!



Your thoughts/answers?

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1. Do you download music from the web? Any kind of music. How much? How often?


Not any more. I used to be a heavy DC++ user some 3-4 years ago, downloading nearly every new album that was released, but I soon realised how much of it is simply not worth it, and now it become even more apparent. I guess the good/bad ratio (in any goa/psytrance subgenre) nowadays is like 10-15% and out of that 15% there's like 5% that fits me and this much I can afford.


Besides, I noticed that I don't care for downloaded music as much as I do for the physical stuff. Call me 'material', but I can't do nothing about it. I do not enjoy files on the HDD, even if the music. Many times I lost the opportunity to buy something good, because I had it already on my HDD and when I finally decided to get it it was long out of print (like e.g. first Broken Toy, Rinkadink, EU - Cosmic Experiences and many more). Besides, the intangibility of the downloads frightens me. What if my HDD fails and I don't have the files backed up? I know CDs can be destroyed, but this never happened to me and the HDD failures are still quite common.

2. Do you download specifically Psytrance releases?


No. Occasionally I download electronica stuff, to check if I'd like the stuff that's being recommended here, like FSOL, Autechre, Boards of Canada, Biosphere etc. But if I don't like it, I erase it. If I like it, I buy the CDs.


3. Do you think that downloading (and any other forms of piracy) really hurt the music industry?

A tough one. Yes, because people are loosing money, but then maybe there should be alternative methods to earn cash other than just release the physical CD? On the other hand, I don't want CDs (or other physical media) to disappear in favour of downloads, for the reasons I stated above, so I'll support CDs as long as I will be able to. If the business model changes to paid or even free downloads, and artists earning from gigs and merchandise, then it is fine with me. But, please, leave me the possibility to buy your CDs, even at the higher price.


Problem is, young people now think they're entitled to free music. That artists shouldn't be in it for the money, that money kills creativity etc. You've all heard it already. I don't think it can ever change back, so indeed the business model has to be re-invented to make it possible to distribute music free of charge, but to still make it possible for artists to live off their creations. I mean for fucks sake, if they spend their time giving you entertainment, making it their full-time job, then you should pay for it if you're using it! If you don't want to, then go watching landscapes or breathing fresh air - it's all free (for the time being, at least).


Oh, one more idea - since goa/psy scene is so much connected with drugs, maybe artists should receive their cut stuff sold at parties too? ;):D


4. Do you think that downloading (and any other forms of piracy) really hurt the Psytrance industry?


No, it is alive as ever, although the quality is as shitty as ever, too... The old-days lables collapsed not because of piracy, but because of shitty (IMO) music they started releasing prior to their death (Flying Rhino, Transient, Spirit Zone etc.). If there is no profit in it, then how the hell those hundreds of labels are able to survive? True, most of them cater for the lowest possible denominator, but there's still a lot of quality, non psytrance-main-stream music out there.


And there's a lot of truth in that, that a lot of people wouldn't even know of goa/psy if it wasn't for DC++ or Soulseek. If they buy the CDs, it's completely different story though...

5. Would you like a world that every new album/comp would be released only in the web?


God forbid!


1. Do you download music from the web? Any kind of music. How much? How often?


All the time. I have stopped with silly Previews from the sites that offer music. I want the full thing, in order to decide what to buy or not.


2. Do you download specifically Psytrance releases?


All, and if its not to my taste it goes into the Archive bin.


3. Do you think that downloading (and any other forms of piracy) really hurt the music industry?


Personally I don’t think I AM harming, but sure, those people who ONLY download are.


4. Do you think that downloading (and any other forms of piracy) really hurt the Psytrance industry?


Same as the above. I believe in buying stuff, but I wont buy crap.


5. Would you like a world that every new album/comp would be released only in the web?


Hell No. I would like them to be released in ALL formats, so I can fill my archive with even more and more…


I am a collector of many labels, some of them so obscure that its basically not possible to get any of it anymore unless you download it. I started archiving by label many years ago, and I have a pretty impressive archive by now. Loads of the psytrance and techno is ripped by myself and put on the archive as Mp3’s. I don’t share these with any other than 3 very close friends, who are just as maniacs when it comes to have Complete Label releases, and do not spread them to other sites or offer them as Torrents. If I would find out that any of my close friends would do that, I would bust a cap in their ass!


I don’t care if you think that its right or wrong. I don’t care for what the mp3 groups are doing, I believe that it’s the P2P/Torrent scene that has destroyed things, NOT the mp3 groups to start with. Fucking P2P kiddies!


Hope this discussion stays civil and we'll hear responses from all the sides on this matter.


1. Do you download music from the web? Any kind of music. How much? How often?


Less than before, mainly cause I have been getting music from friends that know my taste and when I like it I just go and buy it. Mostly on Beatport or similar sites. Buying CDs is a bit old fashioned and I hope I'll stop doing it after the next (last I hope) purchase.


2. Do you download specifically Psytrance releases?

Not really. Mostly some Rock, Pop, Electronic and other genres.


3. Do you think that downloading (and any other forms of piracy) really hurt the music industry?

Depends whom you ask. I know quite a few artists in this scene that don't live off the CD sales and probably never have been. Most of them won't talk about it in public in order not to hurt label owners but seriously, in the Psy Scene nobody lives off CD sales.


4. Do you think that downloading (and any other forms of piracy) really hurt the Psytrance industry?

No, I don't think so at all. I think that labels that went under went for bad business management rather than poor sales. If you open a new label nowadays you know you have to operate as a booking agency as well. Otherwise you blow yourself very quickly.


5. Would you like a world that every new album/comp would be released only in the web?

Not really. I think there are releases that should be released with a cover art and all. But ultimately it all will be gone in a few years. 20 years from now you'll think about a song and in a few moments you'll have it downloaded into your brain HD.

  Pavel said:

3. Do you think that downloading (and any other forms of piracy) really hurt the music industry?

Depends whom you ask. I know quite a few artists in this scene that don't live off the CD sales and probably never have been. Most of them won't talk about it in public in order not to hurt label owners but seriously, in the Psy Scene nobody lives off CD sales.


4. Do you think that downloading (and any other forms of piracy) really hurt the Psytrance industry?

No, I don't think so at all. I think that labels that went under went for bad business management rather than poor sales. If you open a new label nowadays you know you have to operate as a booking agency as well. Otherwise you blow yourself very quickly.

Maybe nowadays not anymore.. but 9 years ago they did have a serious extra income from cd sales...


I have downloaded since napster and will keep doing it untill the nuclear war, theres no proof it hurts music 'industry' propably opposite but if theres 500 psytrance artists releasing 500 albums that sounds exactly the same on 500 different labels how can someone expect to be a millionare

  supergroover said:

Maybe nowadays not anymore.. but 9 years ago they did have a serious extra income from cd sales...

Well yea, but the scene expands. 9 years ago you never had such huge festivals like you have now. Boom, Universo Parallelo to mention a few. The scene expands all the time. The amount of artists and labels is rises as well. Today you got dark psy artists that create music and with 5 friends they have they set up a label that sells 100 copies to their friends. I think everybody deserves a chance but the bigger labels will definitely suffer from it. Simple economics. Also you can take a success story like Iboga and see that they had a quality mark for years and have a wide and strong roster of artists and dj's. I don't know how many CDs they sell but for sure it's marginal when comparing to the money they make as Iboga Booking. Same with Twisted and perhaps Tribal Vision.

1. Do you download music from the web? Any kind of music. How much? How often?

nothing, no music, no movies, no software, nada, never


2. Do you download specifically Psytrance releases?

nope. Actually the only thing i buy are expensive, rare CD's. I'm very selective, but i buy approx 2 CD a month, 5 DVD's, and go to cinema twice a month.

I like high quality, and i want to see or listen to the original product, how it was intended, in it's full glory.


3. Do you think that downloading (and any other forms of piracy) really hurt the music industry?

yes, and people who claim otherwise are simply bad informed , not informed or speculating.

I cannot speak for the music industry but i have a job in media and sometimes freelance for non commercial movies.

And i have seen with my own eyes how this industry changed and is adapting to the modern digital age.

The most frustrating part about it is that piracy does not hurt the people with the money, they just calculate it down on newcommers.

Best proof of this is the ongoing strike in hollywood of the writers guild which has allready stopped the golden glode awards this year.

In the end i only see a bad outcome, those employees want things to go back to "the old days" but they don't understand it's impossible.

Big label CEO's will not adapt the same way as they expect from their employees, if they will be forced, they will just leave the industry, looking for more profitable sectors, and then it will really start collapsing. Most people don't see the direct impact of piracy cause they don't know they are hurting the regular guy on the street while the movie star or rockstar still lives his spectacular life.


4. Do you think that downloading (and any other forms of piracy) really hurt the Psytrance industry?

How many big labels took the dust last years? And how many mp3 netlabels were born in the same years? that's proof enough imo

The psytrance scene today exists more out of amateurish homebrew than quality commercial products, every form of media first started with homebrew.

I am a strong supporter of homebrew, open source and alternative media, it is in this strong and loyal community that dreams come true and revolutions are born.

But it is not my choice to download a commercial product.

I buy commercial products, i download homebrew. It's just a matter of respect to the artist.

Once homebrew grows up, it's mature version will always be commercial.

Homebrew and open source is a good thing but without money you can't deliver a high quality product.


5. Would you like a world that every new album/comp would be released only in the web

I don't like buying 1's and 0's. I like a CD. Even when i buy software on the net i buy the more expensive box version.

  Ormion said:

We probably have discussed this again, but here are some questions I wanna ask.


1. Do you download music from the web? Any kind of music. How much? How often?


2. Do you download specifically Psytrance releases?


3. Do you think that downloading (and any other forms of piracy) really hurt the music industry?


4. Do you think that downloading (and any other forms of piracy) really hurt the Psytrance industry?


5. Would you like a world that every new album/comp would be released only in the web?



Your thoughts/answers?

1. Yes, I download free stuff from sites like antiscarp etc... and mix tapes frequently as to downright piracy I sometimes download mp3's of stuff that i have on vinyl when I can't be arsed to set up my stuff so that I can rip them


2. I download all kinds of music. Seriously, there's tons of free music out there, not just electronic.


3. Threefold thingy, on the other hand it gives exposure to artists worldwide, especially more obscure ones but on the other it's the small/indie labels that will be hurt the most but on the third one (lame pun I know) usually these small labels have a more dedicated clientèle that really want to support them.


4. See #3


5. No, I will never pay for an mp3.


1. Do you download music from the web? Any kind of music. How much? How often?

All the time. Pretty much every psy-release there is. I need to know that I don't miss anything good. Samples can go to hell I rather waste broadband and get the complete shitty release instead. I delete the really bad releases. I buy the really good ones.


2. Do you download specifically Psytrance releases?

I download anything I want :)


3. Do you think that downloading (and any other forms of piracy) really hurt the music industry?

I don't care about the "normal" music industry. They are all shit anyway.


4. Do you think that downloading (and any other forms of piracy) really hurt the Psytrance industry?

Not the way I do it :)


5. Would you like a world that every new album/comp would be released only in the web?

Fuck no thats horrible.


1. Do you download music from the web? Any kind of music. How much? How often?


Yes, plenty. As often as people recommend a release.


2. Do you download specifically Psytrance releases?


Yes. I only ever really download Psy and other forms of EDM.


3. Do you think that downloading (and any other forms of piracy) really hurt the music industry?




4. Do you think that downloading (and any other forms of piracy) really hurt the Psytrance industry?


Not in particular, lesser known musical genres are gaining alot of attention because they are freely available these days. It lets people explore musical genres that they never had much access to before. If it weren't for illegal downloads of Psy, then I wouldn't have purchased the large collection of Psy I have right now, there would also be alot of guesswork on my part deciding which Psy to buy. I have no problem dishing out money for Psy releases I enjoy, I feel that it is justified. Forking out money to mainstream artists though, seems a bit silly to me, though it doesn't really effect me since I don't enjoy and am not interested in most mainstream artists, and as a result don't have any illegal copies of their work. I have Psy and EDM I enjoy, and have downloaded, and where possible purchased legitimately (this can be hard in Australia) and then I have EDM that I never listen to but because I'm a pack rat never delete either.


At least in my case, the Psy industry has benefited from illegal downloads.


5. Would you like a world that every new album/comp would be released only in the web?


Not if they continue using 128kb as a benchmark. That is pathetically low quality, 320kb minimum please. Preferably lossless, even though I can't tell the difference between FLAC and 320kb mp3, bandwidth is cheap. Also, I like having the case and such. In fact I would like to have the industry switch to SACD or DVD-A. We haven't seen any real progress in audio quality in ages, in fact, with iTunes and such we are seeing a regression.




PS: Someone mentioned that mastering on pop releases isn't exactly good. Well, go check out any Red Hot Chilli Peppers release ever made, atrocious mastering, really really horrible. Then compare to something like Ultimae releases or Infected Mushroom, which as far as I can tell sounds fantastic.


I just remembered a cool analogy someone once told me:


Buying an mp3 is like buying the airholes from a cheese



1. Do you download music from the web? Any kind of music. How much? How often?

Yes. LOTS, I mean...LOTS. Everyday. And you know what ? I buy everything I like.



2. Do you download specifically Psytrance releases?

Yes 95% of it. 4% more are other electronic musics, 1% is other kinds of music.



3. Do you think that downloading (and any other forms of piracy) really hurt the music industry?

Yes. But it was just a consequence.

Just look at this fact: the production cost for one cd is 3 euro/cd and it's sold 18 euro minimum in a big shop like Virgin/Fnac. I understand every part of the music indusry chain takes its part, but fact is it could be possible to sell the same cd for 12 euro in the same store and the store would still make profit.


Another aspect: young people don't make a living, they rely on what their parents give them, nevertheless, they are the range of people the most interested in musics in general and the most likely to buy it.

Until 15 my parents would give me 30 euros a month to survive. Until 20 I got 75 euors a month. And I was lucky to have that much. I doubt nowadays, 16-20 year old youngsters get 100 euro per month !

Let's look at the monthly expenses of an average wealthy european :

- pens / papers / photocopies for school (10 euros)

- 2 cinema entrances (17 euro)

- lunches (20 euro with the help of the school/university, or parents pay for them)

- phone (25 euros restricting him/herself a looot)

- disco entrances (20 euros for 2 week ends or 1 with a boy/girlfriend)

- drinks with friends or extras like some cloth (30 euros)

TOTAL: 122 euro, or ~100 if parents pay for the lunches for example


How can this 15-25 year old young buy any 18 euro cd in these conditions ??? How can he even be tempted to buy a cd and renounce going out with his friends when he can have the same cd thanks to the internet connection of their parents ? How can majors be so blind as not to understand that ? Yeah they do know but they prefer play with the fear factor and ask the RIAA to put some order. At the same time they cry their profits are dropping. Don't make a mistake. They still make a lot of profit. They only make less than before.


How about older people ? Waht % of the cds do they buy ? I don't know and if anyone knows, pease tell. However, I'm sorry to notice the market is not aiming at them. Most of the music advertised (I didn't say released) these days is about one-shot bands just ouf of some reality TV singing academy show, or trendy groups with a rebel look. 30-60 year old people don't recgnize themselves there. What do they do then ? they download on the internet and test the music (before they can buy it), because there is no other way of having an idea of the music that suits them. Have you heard about the fact less and less families make ends meet ? Have you heard about this huge financial crisis that's preparing, what if they cannot afford it ? They keep on downloading.

How about old people (60-90) ? There is simply no music for them. Not even released. They don't download anyway, the Internet is unknown territory for them.


Fact is majors target audiences that can't afford prices of their products !!!!


I have a theory: if cds were cheaper, they would sell better. I'm taking the risk of being answered this is a too simplistic theory "because in nowaday's society everything has grown incredibly intricate and not a single thing can acount of society phenomenon blablabla". Bullshit ! It's the most mean way of lulling people and ask them not to think by themselves.



4. Do you think that downloading (and any other forms of piracy) really hurt the Psytrance industry?

No. Psytrancers have been exchanging DAT's and CD's way long before the mp3 wave.

Prices remain reasonable in most shops and online shops. But Psytrance cds don't reach big shops like Virgin anymore. So it's hard to catch a new audience, the scene remains small, and labels press low volumes no matter what.



5. Would you like a world that every new album/comp would be released only in the web?

No because I like to have the real thing in my hands. I'm not interested in a one-shot license for a stream of bytes.

There is also the problem of licensing and sublicensing in the digital distrib industry, where profits dillute to the infinite and labels earn even less than before.


1. Do you download music from the web? Any kind of music. How much? How often?


I stopped. Maybe I would if I had more time. Actually, I do have spare time, and yes some of it is spent on the internet, but I prefer chatting on MSN, reading interesting movie/sport/music related articles. If exchanging tracks with some forum members here is piracy and considered crime, then I got no other option but to plead guilty. But then, those trades consist of rips from original releases, so the music was payed for, thus ensuring the artist and label in question got their piece of the pie.


2. Do you download specifically Psytrance releases?


I use to. In fact, it is thanks to all those p2p software that I became aware of my favorite acts. The main difference is that, unlike many, I gave back to the artists as much as I could by buying the original CDs. So I guess I reedemed myself if any harm was done back in the day.


3. Do you think that downloading (and any other forms of piracy) really hurt the music industry?


Yes and no. Some artists got world wide recognition and hit superstardom because of their music getting freely spreaded all over the world, reaching the most isolated corners of the globe, where otherwise it most probably would have never come...

On the other hand, some artists are having sudden lossess in sales. Labels are collapsing. Distributors are out of ideas on how to opress the piracy trend... All in all, as every complex issue, this is a damn vicious cycle...


4. Do you think that downloading (and any other forms of piracy) really hurt the Psytrance industry?


Tough one. On a personal level I know barely any people who are really involved in the scene. There are people way more competent than I am who have way more expertise to nicely answer this one. But, following my own logical thread from the previous question, I suppose that if this issue negatively affects the music industry as a whole, then to a certain extent it also makes sense that it equally affect all of its sub categories, genres, styles and branches. Naturally, I could be wrong.


5. Would you like a world that every new album/comp would be released only in the web?


Nah, just looking at some of those CDs/12" on my shelf makes my blood pressure higher. It feels good being, in a certain way, a part of history of a musical genre you've venerated for years. I feel great looking at original albums from my favourite artists. I feel like I contributed a little something to the masterpieces those people provided the music world with. And that is a feeling no web site, or on-line music shop can take away.

  bone577 said:

PS: Someone mentioned that mastering on pop releases isn't exactly good. Well, go check out any Red Hot Chilli Peppers release ever made, atrocious mastering, really really horrible. Then compare to something like Ultimae releases or Infected Mushroom, which as far as I can tell sounds fantastic.

Infected Mushroom to my ears sound as bad as RHCP. But I think that for their (major labels) goals the mastering does it's work. It sounds extremely loud and when it's played in Radio/MTV etc it sounds louder (read better) and it stands above other tracks.

  Ormion said:

We probably have discussed this again, but here are some questions I wanna ask.


1. Do you download music from the web? Any kind of music. How much? How often?


2. Do you download specifically Psytrance releases?


3. Do you think that downloading (and any other forms of piracy) really hurt the music industry?


4. Do you think that downloading (and any other forms of piracy) really hurt the Psytrance industry?


5. Would you like a world that every new album/comp would be released only in the web?

1&2. Yes. Lots. Daily. All kinds of music, about 20% is psytrance.


3&4. Yes it hurts, but not in my case. I buy as much as I can with my limited resources. And if I couldn't download, and would never been able to, I wouldn't have bought any music.


5. NOOOOOOO!!!1 I would never pay for digital music. Never. That is like giving away money, without getting anything in return. I want to hold my records, look at the coverart, collect them, flip through the boxes in some dirty used-cds store etc...

  Daniël said:

I just remembered a cool analogy someone once told me:


Buying an mp3 is like buying the airholes from a cheese


You will stop listening to music in a timeframe of 10 years is my guess, and you will also stop eating, cause they will only feed the sheep holes of the cheese :P:lol:

I'm too tired to make an elaborate post but what I can say is that for me downloading has introduced me to ALOT of artists in the psy-scene that I did not know about and I have also bought their cd's. And still I am discovering artists, and I buy everything I like.


1. Do you download music from the web? Any kind of music. How much? How often?


i download mainly rock music; if i hear a name somewhere which sounds interesting i download it, and if i like it, i try to buy the whole band's discography.


2. Do you download specifically Psytrance releases?


no. i know exactly what psytrance i like, no testing needed. i only download some old goa here and there, and mostly single tracks (classics).


3. Do you think that downloading (and any other forms of piracy) really hurt the music industry?




4. Do you think that downloading (and any other forms of piracy) really hurt the Psytrance industry?




5. Would you like a world that every new album/comp would be released only in the web?


no. cds = silver gold, records = black gold.


Generally speaking about this subject, i think that those who love this music will supported by any kind mean.


Personally i have downloaded many releases at times, oldies & goldies that now are lost and deleted to find and some (interesting) new ones for tasting/listening before buying them.

Believe me that whichever release i download enchants me (or interests me quite bit) then i will purchase it as soon as possible.

Having it already downloaded in my cpu it is half the way to union/beatitude.


Because no. The original release (CD or Vinyl) holds a magic essence that is with no match.

It is the romance of an "inner" search (in a vinylstore stall or downtown, "underground" or mainstream) and revelation into your hands and your ears 'n mind (graphics/theme, sounds/melodies/atmospheres/compositions).


Ofcourse i do not despise the diy way, for instance to burn a disc making along your own inspired patterns and themes - great!


Also it always looked odd to me the aspect of artists/labels trying to make plenty of money out of psychedelic trance. - :unsure: -

Psy-Trance industry? - :drama: -

  Nemo said:

You will stop listening to music in a timeframe of 10 years is my guess, and you will also stop eating, cause they will only feed the sheep holes of the cheese :P:lol:

I don't understand what you are talking about and where this comment is coming from. You completely missed my point.

if you want to be a wise guy, please pick someone else.


" :lol::P"

  antic said:

4. Do you think that downloading (and any other forms of piracy) really hurt the Psytrance industry?


No, it is alive as ever, although the quality is as shitty as ever, too... The old-days lables collapsed not because of piracy, but because of shitty (IMO) music they started releasing prior to their death (Flying Rhino, Transient, Spirit Zone etc.). If there is no profit in it, then how the hell those hundreds of labels are able to survive? True, most of them cater for the lowest possible denominator, but there's still a lot of quality, non psytrance-main-stream music out there.


And there's a lot of truth in that, that a lot of people wouldn't even know of goa/psy if it wasn't for DC++ or Soulseek. If they buy the CDs, it's completely different story though...

5. Would you like a world that every new album/comp would be released only in the web?


Gods forbid!

+ 1

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