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I'm just wondering...


How will the scene be like in 5 years from now? Will you still be into it? What labels will cease to exist? Which new ones will come up? How will artists develop? What new technologies will come? Do you give a damn?


I have this kind of 5 years plan, you know ... wrote down where I wanna stand in 5 years - as far as I can influence it. But I never said anything about where I wanna stand music-wise in it. And so I was wondering...


Personally I think that I'll still be into psy music in 5 years. It has become a part of me, almost can't get rid of it anymore. So I'll still be into the music. But I don't know if I still will be part of the scene ... I think that if I would still be in the scene then I won't be a bystander anymore, I'd contribute in some form to it. Either that or I wouldn't go to parties anymore except some very very few times ... that's what I think.

Music-wise I think that there will come more newskool and more commercial stuff. Maybe some "big ones" - artists or others - will get bored of it eventually. And I think there's lots of new artists to come. And more progressive house. Maybe a few new styles too, some new terms. But nothing really fundamental.

Labels? I hope Ultimae will still release stuff as magical as nowadays in 5 years. I actually think they will. Apart from that I don't know.

There might be some changes in the artists I think. Big ones will either go or get into background a little ... or they'll venture so far into the foreground that they aren't part of our scene anymore. New artists will come up. Even more focus on the little ones that have almost no releases and only make lives on parties. That's what I guess.

Techniques? CD will probably be produced less. More mp3/wav releases. Maybe even for free. That's why I say many new artists will come up - they will come, with no label but a free mp3 release. The process has already begun...

That's about what I think.


I think this will be so great fun when we look in here in 5 years again :D


Who knows, and I think any predictions will fall far short of what's really gonna happen. I'm thinking it'll be amazing...


One thing I see happening is a return to the tightknit community vibe everyone's always lamenting the loss of. Just look at anything else that got popular, blew up, and attracted a ton of idiots. Yep, thats right, before long the idiots got bored and went along the road trying to find their next New fix. One thing that can be counted on is the short attention span of the shallow.


I'm sure I'll still be into psytrance, hell its been more than 10 years since I first heard psy and goa. And in that time I never once thought, maybe I should move on to another style... Psy keeps getting better (if you know how to look and listen), more diverse, and MORE INSANE! Its only got UP to go from here!


2013 EARTH


Random noises threw here and there. No beat. Ravers with sucked heads are lying on the floor, degenerated. Blood is running from their noses. Total apathy. Just few glitches of sounds pop up from time to time. The period of illbient came upon humans. Droning, sorrow illbient. Bunch of straight heads that kept their heads clean for few years back are desperately trying to bring the beat back. But there is no beat. Only desperate sighs from toxicated kids running on their lows. The only producer left resides on top of the mountain. Modifying sounds up there. Experimenting. Having hope of reviving the music and bringing all those poor kids back. He is thinking. He is hitting the note. Bang ! :ph34r:


cool wheres that mountain?

Montana Sagrada. Holy Mountain. Top of The World. Go figure. :D


Still listening to .... whatever it's going to be. Music has been present in my life for the last 24 years and will be for another .... :)


right- aren't we supposed to believe the world won't be around for another five years??


anyway if the rest of the world doesn't change radically, i don't see the scene changing that much either.


one group or another's parties get too big , they start breaking off into scenes, the "cool" people have smaller and smaller private parties until the inbreeding overloads.


another scene mainstreams large enough for the general public to wind up at a party, the smaller scenes mix it up, on like that.

here in SF area this is accelerated by things like burning man and other large yearly multi genre events.


anyway music genres this strong don't change all that much over time.


It is hard to imagine the music itself changing all that much, i don't know. advances in tech certainly helped between 93 and 03 but it does seem like we reached a level here, psytrance has something of a definition, so if it changes much it is something else, no???


your regular music types have been essentially unchanged for decades and even centuries for the most part.


Still, there's probably more coming... some crazy effect or sound that hasn't been used that will change psy a little more


One thing I see happening is a return to the tightknit community vibe everyone's always lamenting the loss of. Just look at anything else that got popular, blew up, and attracted a ton of idiots. Yep, thats right, before long the idiots got bored and went along the road trying to find their next New fix. One thing that can be counted on is the short attention span of the shallow.

Yes, that sounds reasonable ... I'm counting on this since some time already.

I think also the fact of the new way to release things (mp3s on the net) will be a factor in this ... that the people with short attention span don't have the nerve to dig deep and thus miss much of the good stuff, get bored and venture elsewhere...


one group or another's parties get too big , they start breaking off into scenes, the "cool" people have smaller and smaller private parties until the inbreeding overloads.


another scene mainstreams large enough for the general public to wind up at a party, the smaller scenes mix it up, on like that.

here in SF area this is accelerated by things like burning man and other large yearly multi genre events.


anyway music genres this strong don't change all that much over time.


It is hard to imagine the music itself changing all that much, i don't know. advances in tech certainly helped between 93 and 03 but it does seem like we reached a level here, psytrance has something of a definition, so if it changes much it is something else, no???


your regular music types have been essentially unchanged for decades and even centuries for the most part.


Still, there's probably more coming... some crazy effect or sound that hasn't been used that will change psy a little more

Yep ... it's already the case that they make big parties with one psy floor, one techno floor and so on...

and about music change ... I don't think the kind of sound itself will change that much, but I think there will be a shift in focus. The first signs are alreday here.


15 years & I'm still listening to it so I'm sure I'll still listen to psy in 5 years time.

I think the music will get better but the percentage of shite will increase. So it'll take more effort to find the music.

I think CDs will still be around, maybe less but people will still want some physical products


I'm pretty damn sure i'll still be into Psytrance. In the next few weeks I plan on dropping a pretty big chunk of cash on my first turntables, plan on upgrading my mixer, and will buy some studio monitors.... I'm hoping to slowly introduce Psytrance to my hometown at some point and maybe get some cool desert parties going.


As far as what the future has in store.... I don't think Psytrance will change at all unfortunately.... No new artists.... Hopefully festivals will change soon; I would like to see them evolve to the point where people start coming for the visuals, then the music.


I'm not really optimistic about the future of psytrance.


I think darkpsy will become even more popular & eventually sound more like hardcore & breakcore.

Full on will die, finito. Instead a darkpsy version of full on will rise.

goa trance will be the underdog like it has been for the past 5 years, but no remarkable revivals, very good releases but also very rare.

progressive psy will probably be the most succesfull, decently organised parties & quality. But proggy is not my kind of music...

Big labels will stick to established names, avoid newcommers.


Quality will drop in all releases.

more mp3 releases with less quality.

Even CD releases will have less quality, especially in the overcrowded & popular subgenres like darkpsy.



So i'll propably stick to the rare but wonderfull goatrance releases, sometimes a proggy CD with über soundquality.


Haha, so far everybody agrees with: "the percentage of shit will rise" :lol:


Is that the only definite thing? That it will be worse in 5 years than it is now? I guess yes :(


I'm not really optimistic about the future of psytrance.


I think darkpsy will become even more popular & eventually sound more like hardcore & breakcore.

Full on will die, finito. Instead a darkpsy version of full on will rise.

goa trance will be the underdog like it has been for the past 5 years, but no remarkable revivals, very good releases but also very rare.

progressive psy will probably be the most succesfull, decently organised parties & quality. But proggy is not my kind of music...

Big labels will stick to established names, avoid newcommers.



I'm not really optimistic about the future of psytrance.

I'm not really optimistic about the future in general, let alone psytrance... :drama:

I'm not really optimistic about the future in general, let alone psytrance... :drama:



'What an optimist!' :P


I'm not really optimistic about the future of psytrance.


I think darkpsy will become even more popular & eventually sound more like hardcore & breakcore.

Full on will die, finito. Instead a darkpsy version of full on will rise.

goa trance will be the underdog like it has been for the past 5 years, but no remarkable revivals, very good releases but also very rare.

progressive psy will probably be the most succesfull, decently organised parties & quality. But proggy is not my kind of music...

Big labels will stick to established names, avoid newcommers.


+1... although anything is possible.



'What an optimist!' :P


Sounds more like a realist to me. :P


I'm not really optimistic about the future in general, let alone psytrance... :drama:

optimists are bad informed pessimists


quote by: some guy


I'm seeing more quality psytrance from "underground" releases rather than stuff that comes off of a label. I'm gonna make a guess that some of the smaller labels, if they don't take any risks on new guys, could potentially drop out of business... It would be cool if psy was just a straight community based style of music (ie: no labels, just artists selling records independantly).


As for me, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna keep on doing what I do... woo.


I'm just wondering...


How will the scene be like in 5 years from now? Will you still be into it? What labels will cease to exist? Which new ones will come up? How will artists develop? What new technologies will come? Do you give a damn?


I have this kind of 5 years plan, you know ... wrote down where I wanna stand in 5 years - as far as I can influence it. But I never said anything about where I wanna stand music-wise in it. And so I was wondering...


Personally I think that I'll still be into psy music in 5 years. It has become a part of me, almost can't get rid of it anymore. So I'll still be into the music. But I don't know if I still will be part of the scene ... I think that if I would still be in the scene then I won't be a bystander anymore, I'd contribute in some form to it. Either that or I wouldn't go to parties anymore except some very very few times ... that's what I think.

Music-wise I think that there will come more newskool and more commercial stuff. Maybe some "big ones" - artists or others - will get bored of it eventually. And I think there's lots of new artists to come. And more progressive house. Maybe a few new styles too, some new terms. But nothing really fundamental.

Labels? I hope Ultimae will still release stuff as magical as nowadays in 5 years. I actually think they will. Apart from that I don't know.

There might be some changes in the artists I think. Big ones will either go or get into background a little ... or they'll venture so far into the foreground that they aren't part of our scene anymore. New artists will come up. Even more focus on the little ones that have almost no releases and only make lives on parties. That's what I guess.

Techniques? CD will probably be produced less. More mp3/wav releases. Maybe even for free. That's why I say many new artists will come up - they will come, with no label but a free mp3 release. The process has already begun...

That's about what I think.


I think this will be so great fun when we look in here in 5 years again :D

it will be the same for you as it was for me 5 years after I was 23 ;) SHIT! :lol:

it will be the same for you as it was for me 5 years after I was 23 ;) SHIT! :lol:

Will it seriously be that bad?

No, I can't believe it!

Are all you guys that say it's going to get worse serious?

I mean ... if really all things constantly go down the drain as so many people always say, why do we keep on going? Why do we keep staying in the scene? Why would we sit out another 5 years if it's all so shit? Is it only hope that drives us? Nah, I don't think so. For me it's not like that. Granted, it's not really what I would call perfect, but it's not sooo bad. There still is good stuff, there must be, otherwise you or me wouldn't be here!


There will always be good stuff, great stuff even but it will be more & more difficult to find.

There is more good music now than there used to be there is just even more shite than we ever imagined possible & it's getting harder & harder to shift through it.

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