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I will be 37 this year. But I don't feel it at all. I would like to think this music keeps you young, and I feel that it has done so for me. I am also an Ultimate frisbee player on a nationally ranked team so that probably helps. I have enjoyed this community and reading your posts, but I am more of a lurker that a true poster. There are some very smart and entertaining people on this board.


Don't know where this post is going, I just had some ideas and threw it out there!


BTW, have you heard the new Hiyarant Cd? Muy bien! :posford:




I will be 37 this year. But I don't feel it at all. I would like to think this music keeps you young, and I feel that it has done so for me. I am also an Ultimate frisbee player on a nationally ranked team so that probably helps. I have enjoyed this community and reading your posts, but I am more of a lurker that a true poster. There are some very smart and entertaining people on this board.


Don't know where this post is going, I just had some ideas and threw it out there!


BTW, have you heard the new Hiyarant Cd? Muy bien! :posford:



Isnt faze an old fart as well? Or me (33) hehe.

I will be 37 this year. But I don't feel it at all. I would like to think this music keeps you young, and I feel that it has done so for me. I am also an Ultimate frisbee player on a nationally ranked team so that probably helps. I have enjoyed this community and reading your posts, but I am more of a lurker that a true poster. There are some very smart and entertaining people on this board.


Don't know where this post is going, I just had some ideas and threw it out there!


BTW, have you heard the new Hiyarant Cd? Muy bien! :posford:



Funny, I always thought just by looking at your avatar, signature and nickname that you must be amongst the youngest. ;):D


Maybe we should start a "Senior's club" or something, starting with our own member group.

I'll be 32 by the end of this year :)


Maybe we should start a "Senior's club" or something, starting with our own member group.

please do, then I'll feel younger...


I know I'm only 23 now and having age panick at that time is not normal, but I'm serious!


I will be 37 this year. But I don't feel it at all. I would like to think this music keeps you young, and I feel that it has done so for me. I am also an Ultimate frisbee player on a nationally ranked team so that probably helps. I have enjoyed this community and reading your posts, but I am more of a lurker that a true poster. There are some very smart and entertaining people on this board.


Don't know where this post is going, I just had some ideas and threw it out there!


BTW, have you heard the new Hiyarant Cd? Muy bien! :posford:



you are certainly not the oldest guy here aldough i dont post much here because of my heavy partylife and quit entertaining social life but never the less i think that it is true that music keeps you young

Maybe we should start a "Senior's club" or something, starting with our own member group.

I'll be 32 by the end of this year :)

At what age does would the Senior's Club accept members?


At what age does would the Senior's Club accept members?

I think it should be at 40. Like the OMSA (Old mens Skaters Association) we should have it OMPNC (Old Mens Psy News Club) :D and of course OWPNC as well :D

please do, then I'll feel younger...


I know I'm only 23 now and having age panick at that time is not normal, but I'm serious!

Hahaha, I think the same sometimes myself. I'm used to being the youngest at parties, amongst people who like that kind of music etc. But that sure has changed :)

Hahaha, I think the same sometimes myself. I'm used to being the youngest at parties, amongst people who like that kind of music etc. But that sure has changed :)

I'm not sure what's worse being the youngest or the oldest@party ... :blink:


I will be 37 this year. But I don't feel it at all. I would like to think this music keeps you young, and I feel that it has done so for me. I am also an Ultimate frisbee player on a nationally ranked team so that probably helps.......



I honestly hate to one up you here, but I have an uncle who's turned 60 just recently, he played over the summer, among other things :P, but not a psy head (he plays a mean tabla though :posford: )


please do, then I'll feel younger...


I know I'm only 23 now and having age panick at that time is not normal, but I'm serious!


I will be 37 this year. But I don't feel it at all. I would like to think this music keeps you young, and I feel that it has done so for me. I am also an Ultimate frisbee player on a nationally ranked team so that probably helps. I have enjoyed this community and reading your posts, but I am more of a lurker that a true poster. There are some very smart and entertaining people on this board.


Don't know where this post is going, I just had some ideas and threw it out there!


BTW, have you heard the new Hiyarant Cd? Muy bien! :posford:



We have the same age pal :ph34r:

The question is how old are you feeling :rolleyes:

I beleive too that maybe psy is the best "pill" to look younger...hehehe


We have the same age pal :ph34r:

The question is how old are you feeling :rolleyes:

I beleive too that maybe psy is the best "pill" to look younger...hehehe

age, its just some stupid invention to make us feel shittier :D

age, its just some stupid invention to make us feel shittier :D

Also a way for the "man" to allow us into an R rated movie, drink in my country, and also die in a stupid war.

35 here. I agree this music helps one feel younger. If I'd just now gotten into it I'd suspect a mid-life crisis.


I think 30 is a good line for the Psynews geezers club. 40 would be for the ultra-geezers. :D



I meant "ultra" in a good way. As in Ultraman. Ultrageezer! :D


Maybe Supergeezer? Megageezer? Ubergeezer? ;)


(I'm just taking out on you what the 20-somethings take out on me. I suggest harassing the 50-somethings.) :D


man you guys are old!

You look suprised.

Is it anything that frighten you?

You can ask the "old" guys here. ;)


You look suprised.

Is it anything that frighten you?

You can ask the "old" guys here. ;)

Of course he can. :)

One thing though - you've got to use the word 'sir' when doing so.


For exampe: "Sir, WTF are you talking about?!" etc...

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