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Mystical Sun



Dec 2006




1 2012 (7:28)

2 Blue Magnetic Ocean (7:21)

3 Halo (8:13)

4 Pure (6:36)

5 Cloudbursting (7:14)

6 7 Generations (6:11)

7 Ceremony (4:17)

8 Ninth Sphere (4:40)

9 Innerworld (4:33)

10 In Between Orbits (5:37)

11 Dragonfly (2:53)

12 River Goddess (3:19)

13 Waters Of Life (4:18)

14 Antediluvian (1:17)


Mystical Sun had a lot of tracks on compilations that I really liked & I was interested in hearing more of his work for quite a long time. when he released this album towards the end of 2006 I was immediately interested & eventually bough it. I was a little disappointed to see 5 tracks out of 14 that had already been released over the previous 5 years but that still left 9 brand spanking new tracks for me to enjoy.


1. 2012

Well, we start with a familiar track, this was released on the 2003 compilation 13th Moon & struck me then as a great track. It strikes me now as a great track. The melody the, slick sliding beats & lovely chimes all fit very well & create a kind of under water atmosphere. This manages to blend psy chill & lounge very well so is a nice opener to the album even if I have heard it before.


2. Blue Magnetic Ocean

Another familiar sounding track, this time one from Ultimae's 2002 compilation Fahrenheit Project Part Three. It has everything you might expect from an ultimae track, soft, spacey, floaty with a lot of atmosphere & beats that you are never quite sure what they are going to do. Other than that this really manages to give me the impression of an ocean. From floating slowly above it to riding the crest of it's wave. Very nice stuff.


3. Halo

The 3rd track in a row to be one I've already heard. This time a more dubby number from Interchill's 2005 compilation Earth Octave Lounge Vol. 2. Like from that compilation it's pretty Eastern sounding dub mixed with lots of floating atmosphere's. The layers seem to rise higher & higher with this track until I feel like I'm floating among the clouds looking down on the landscape far below & it's people milling about as people do. A nice track again but I'm waiting for something new.


4. Pure

Finally at track I've never heard before & it's about time! It has a familiar sounding melody but I can't put my finger on what it sounds like. The beauty of this track for me is the wet percussive sounds acting as a sub beats oscillate in and out of the track. The tribal beat that kicks in with a couple of minutes to go is kind of slow jungle in feel but it's brief & ends up sounding like it did at the start. Progression missed.


5. Cloudbursting

Points go to the best track title here. I like the image just the name puts in my head. Up among the clouds as little things go pop. I'm left hoping that the track will live up to what I'm expecting and for the most part it does. It's quicker & more energetic than I'd expect & sounds more like cloud riding but it definitely has that high in the sky feel.


6. 7 Generations

A slightly more mystical sound with promises of oriental power & mental control mixed with some steady 4-4 beats & crashes of symbols here & there. It never quite lives up to it's promises though & becomes quite forgettable in the end. Not bad but not great.


7. Ceremony

An aptly named track manages in some way to feel ceremonious. The soft shuffling beats that leads the soft slow build up into seemingly nothing but the long drawn out groans of a synth that hint at ritual. Just as you feel something's going to happen though it ends. Like it's sacrificed it's own ending to the gods.


8. Ninth Sphere

After a couple of disappointing tracks it's nice to get back on track with a heavy but slow beat driven track. The sounds hint at flying in the sky but the beats are much more grounded! The hidden melody in the track rears it's sound briefly & lightly throughout the track giving it a real sense of mystery. Nice work.


9. Innerworld

A bit more trancey here with quite a quick 4-4 beat. Could easily be played on a relaxed dancefloor. The vocals are pretty decent adding an ethereal element to the music but it doesn't quite manage to pull it off. There is nothing wrong with the voice per say but they just don7t have the goddess like quality you hope from such an effort. Overall it's a nice track but not as good as it's potential. May sound better with lighter beats as a heavy beat often detracts from what I think this track is trying to get at, etherealness.


10. In Between Orbits

A spacier feel with this track as the title suggests. The sounds are a lot further apart it seems. All the sounds have an infinite space in which to breath & you can almost here them breathing like the wind. The beats are sporadic at first but build into something a little more coherent. The sounds blip out of the darkness like pinholes of light in the dark canvas of the music.


11. Dragonfly

I'm put in mind of Ishq's work here. Imagine a dragonfly lazily flitting over a lake in the late evening as the sun is about to go down on another summer's day. A lovely image indeed but it should have been longer and more involved. At less than 3 minutes it's almost pointless. Over so soon.


12. River Goddess

Back to the familiar tracks. This one from 2001 on Interchill's Floataion. Another nice floating ambient track that I feel could do a lot if it was long enough but at 3 minutes again it never really does anything.


13. Waters of Life

From 2001 again, this time from Fahrenheit Project Part Two on Ultimae records. Ambient again with the sound of a bubbling stream running through. A very nice wet track. Only brought down again by the shortness of it. The vocal leading into the dark synths is nothing short of amazing & the atmosphere it manages to build is as good as anything on FP2 but it's over before you are able to sink into it.

14. Antediluvian

Well, we finish on more of an outro a short 77 second track which once again makes me wish it was longer. In just over a minute Mystical Sun has managed to create a nice atmosphere but just as I want more it's over.



What I'd really like to here from Mystical Sun is an ambient album. Not Psy Chill, not 4-4 beats, almost beatless in fact would be great. An album not of 14 tracks like this but somewhere between 3 & 8 would be perfect. See this guy obviously has talent but I feel he's wasted it a little bit on this album. The tracks I really though could be great were far too short & I could never really get into them. 3 minutes is just not enough time to explore an ambient landscape. 10 minutes to an hour is best so if this guy ever releases an album like that I'll snap it up. As for this offering, it's decent enough but far from essential. With so many tracks available elsewhere (including two of the best) it feels a bit lazy & the shortness of the best tracks is disappointing. Let's see what the future holds.


I freakin' love this album even though it has pretty random tracks that have been released before from a quite large range of time (2001 to 2005 I believe) and all but yeah brilliant stuff ^_^


Mystical Sun on his web site claims that all the tracks that were released on comps where made for this album and simply appeared on the comps first. I would not slam an artist for wanting their music on their own proper album. He released some singles in lieu of an album and shouldn't be knocked for that. I read this on his blog.


I love short songs, not every song needs to be an epic. Sometimes something sounds great for 3 minutes but horrible after 4 minutes. If you want a song longer, simply press loop.


The thing about this album that strikes me is it doesn't sound like anyone else right now. I am tired of buying albums with 9 tracks that all sound the same. I also don't need 15 minutes songs that don't go anywhere. I think you are 100% wrong on your song length opinion.


3 minutes = pointless? no, 3 minutes is to the point. I am reminded of FSOL Lifeforms where most of the songs are very short, that doesn't make it any less of a landmark album.


Well, that's the beauty of opinions. One is not wright or wrong, you either agree or disagree!

I like long tracks where an artist has time to expand his ideas into a story which I really think Mystical Sun could do :D

Looping a track, as I have found does not have the same effect, just end up sounding like a long track that has no progression. I also don't like 15 minute tracks that don't go anywhere, I love though 15 minute tracks that do go somewhere & I think if Mystical Sun made long tracks they would go far.

The music in this album is all good, and when I say that there are too many tracks that I already own, it doesn't affect my opinion if he made the music for the album before they were released on the compilations. At the end of the day I bought an album that I already owned 5 tracks. To me this was disappointing. But that's just my opinion, it's not right or wrong, just how I feel ;)


Well, perhaps it a greatest hits collection? It is nice to have all the tracks in place. I actually don't like them on the comps, they sound too different from the other material on the comps.


There are just so many artists who are capable of creating an interesting 3-4 minutes of ideas, but then try and stretch those ideas out into long mixes which end up making you sick and tired of the ideas you liked. In other words, the material overstays its welcome.


My opinion is that the long ambient tracks are okay, but get old really fast. I think the gold standard is:


FSOL Lifeforms.



Lots of mini tracks on there.


I think ambient died in the 1990s because people got board with the long over indulgent tracks.


Can you give me an example of a long ambient piece that doesn't get old fast?




Well, that's the beauty of opinions. One is not wright or wrong, you either agree or disagree!

I like long tracks where an artist has time to expand his ideas into a story which I really think Mystical Sun could do :D

Looping a track, as I have found does not have the same effect, just end up sounding like a long track that has no progression. I also don't like 15 minute tracks that don't go anywhere, I love though 15 minute tracks that do go somewhere & I think if Mystical Sun made long tracks they would go far.

The music in this album is all good, and when I say that there are too many tracks that I already own, it doesn't affect my opinion if he made the music for the album before they were released on the compilations. At the end of the day I bought an album that I already owned 5 tracks. To me this was disappointing. But that's just my opinion, it's not right or wrong, just how I feel ;)

look for tracks like "Journey To Samadhi" (over 34minutes) or 'Waveglider" if you'd prefer to hear some of his longer stuff. both can be found on Primordial Atmospheres.


i'm more than satisfied with this album though, it's wonderful to finally hear all those (now almost nostalgic) tracks on a proper album of their own instead of being scattered around on random comps. at least here they're in the company they deserve to be. :D


track-lenght isn't an issue either, considering he manages to pour more story in a 3minute track than most artists spread over an entire album.


all in all, shere class album. :)

  • 1 year later...

Halo is simply an amazing hypnotic track full of mysteriously and oriental sounds! Pure is pretty good, but fails to progress unfortunately. :( Most of the other tracks are not very good compared to these. Halo is one of my favorite tracks evar!!!!


Halo is simply an amazing hypnotic track full of mysteriously and oriental sounds! Pure is pretty good, but fails to progress unfortunately. :( Most of the other tracks are not very good compared to these. Halo is one of my favorite tracks evar!!!!


I love 'halo' too, but i don't agree with you about the other tracks, I think the album is amazingly solid. look at "Blue Magnetic Ocean" and you won't find 1 second of it that is ever the same.


the album has amazing variety on it. unlike a lot of albums where all the songs sound same, this album offers a huge variety to choose from.


the album gets better the more you listen to it. some songs are very deep, and take a while to understand. this aint pop electronic like BT. this is deep stuff.

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