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Artist: Ott

Release Title: Skylon

Label: Twisted Records

Release date: January 2008




1. From Trunch To Stromness

2. The Queen Of All Everything

3. Rogue Bagel

4. Daisies And Rubies

5. Signals From Bob

6. 382 Seaside

7. Rolfcopter

8. A Shower Of Sparks




First of all i love Ott's music. Blumenkraft and In Dub are two of my favourite albums ever.

So i 've been expecting Skylon to rock my world once again.


I wanted Skylon to be just like his previous albums but in the same time fresh and different.

Superb production, great melodies, nice progression and rythms that make you move in a eastern-indian-dub way.


And so i wasn't dissapointed. Skylon has all of the above mentioned ingredients and from the first time i listened to it, i was almost sure that i was going to love it.


But...after some more carefullly listening, i wasn't suprised in a way i would like to.


Some tracks make me feel like i'm listening to Blumenkraft.

From Trunch To Stromness for example :

The opening track is building slowly and slowly with a strange melody in the beginning that reminds me of something deeply held in my subconscious. I can't remember what it is but it reminds me of my childhood...(lol).

The progression of the track is almost identical with the opening track in Blumenkraft. Long intro, slowly fading in drums and bassline and a slow tempo dub rhythm.

Lovely track but ....well... i say ok, lets move on...


The Queen Of All Everything

Next track starts slowly again, and looks like a psychedelic rock ballad. The vocal sample is masterfully processed and placed in the track so that in no time, you are moving your head forth and backwards, not realising how skillfully the drumbeat entered in the track. It's not over yet...the second movement is breaks in with a shpongle-like melody and continues until it reaches the sky!

Well i say ... this is why i love this man! Huge track!


Rogue Bagel

Most of you have probably listened to this one before. This is quite a typical Ott track with a couple of indian-like samples which unfortunatelly (for me) have been used before again and again...

I don't really like this one but i can't stop listening to it...! It's so damn catchy! But i recon that it is based upon the premade samples. That's why it doesn't impress me.

I'll press the next button...


Daisies And Rubies

I have to admit that this man is a genius in using sampled vocals. Again we have an allready known sample but it is so well placed and formed that for a moment i didn't realise i've heard it before. So this time it won't spill the track for me. Great melodies and dub feeling that makes you wanna dance.



Signals From Bob

The Ott you all know is back again. That's not bad but i can't find something new on this track. The sitar (or whatever its name is) pretty much the same and the bassline too. Suprisingly the track becomes more and more interesting after minute 5 in which the dreamy melodies take over the place. It feels so warm now, i can't leave it....lol

Hmm....i don't know...mixed feelings about this one...


382 Seaside

The singing of a siren leads us to the seaside. Lovely vocals and some nice fat leads that make this track special. It has all it needs to make you feel warm and free...I can't describe it any more. You have to listen to it.



Something's going on here...it's like the even number tracks want to reveal a new Ott and the odd ones aren't leaving this to happen....hmmmm number 7 is an odd one... come on, next track.


A Shower Of Sparks

This is really "odd"!!!

The closing track is amazing. The bassline is not a classic dub one here and there are no sitars here. The presence of the flute sound does the trick, before the vocals arrive to take you to sky again. Great psychedelic signals in the middle holding you until the last breaking which is fully emotional and nostalgic.

I love it....


Overall :

This album is definatelly worth it. I feel a little confused however, cause it could really be the ultimate comeback..

Anyway it won't dissapoint most of you i beleive.


Favourites : the odd... 2,4,6,8 :)


p.s. 1 This the first time im fully reviewing an album so any comments are welcome...but don't be harsh... :)

p.s. 2 It's really hard to express my feelings in another language than my native. One can easilly find words about objects but hardly about emotions


I just wanted to say thank you to Psygnus for posting the first review in the 2008 section before the end of January. It's about time!



Nice job Psygnus for saving our collective honor!


Sorry for the off-topic, but it had to be saisd.


I just wanted to say thank you to Psygnus for posting the first review in the 2008 section before the end of January. It's about time!



Nice job Psygnus for saving our collective honor!


Sorry for the off-topic, but it had to be saisd.

Thanks to you my friend!




First of all, congratz to you!

Really! Thanks for this great review in a foreign language, i totally know what you mean about expressing feelings, i still have trouble in english...

Anyway, for the CD, I really liked it. However i can't seem to pinpoint the one thing that makes me say LISTEN TO THIS GUY, COME ON CAN YOU HEAR THIS??? HES A FUCKING GENIUS!!...

And i miss that, because it prevents me from really putting it at the very top of my list...

I hope that made sense :S


I was looking forward to Ott's second album till I listened to the samples. You can't judge an album by samples, of course, but they gave me a feeling that I already heard this before. For like 3 years I was able to listen to something similar by sticking any above-average downtempo album with ethno vocals and a loungy approach.


At a certain point, Blumenkraft was revolution (for me). It stood out, there was nothing to compare it to and when you heard Ott's track playing at a party or friend's home, you didn't need a second guess to know who's track it was.


Skylon production-wise is nearly perfect, but I don't find it interesting. Yes, that's probably the best album you can play when you want to relax with your friends that aren't into any kind of music as much you are, but will I want to listen and dive into it again? I doubt it.


Yes, thanks to the reviewer who opened this thread for picking an album that many of us actually care about, one with an actual intelligent thought, and not the general Full On crap that seems to fill up psynews.org review lists each year around the quality albums. The reviewer did a fine job for a first review. The only thing missing is the..











I heard Blumenkraft and of all the songs, found Splitting An Atom, Billy The Kid Strikes Back, and Smoked Glass and Chrome instant hits in the Psy [downtempo] genre. On Skylon, it seems like Ott wanted to make a new boat without using as much fresh material as he could have.


Edit: I did NOT care for Ott's dub tracks on the debut album. I am not a big fan of "dub" in general. And that is one of the reasons why I enjoy Shpongle and Younger Brother far over Ott, to date. But he makes some great tracks.


Very good quality. Very nice sounds. Very, very boring. I sense a decided lack of inspiration for this album, and it's the kind of downtempo music I would listen to in the background while doing something more entertaining.


I think this is a great album. It's a little bit like a refined version off Blumenkraft.


edit: It's not as Dub influenced as Blumenkraft, just a few tracks, but I really like the direction OTT has taken with this album.


Very good quality. Very nice sounds. Very, very boring.

I've not heard the album but what you've written above is exactly what I feared it might be be. I might still get it and see for myself but I'm getting rather tired of towntempo stuff, regardless of what artists and labels are involved.

Very good quality. Very nice sounds. Very, very boring. I sense a decided lack of inspiration for this album, and it's the kind of downtempo music I would listen to in the background while doing something more entertaining.

Unfortunately this is exactly how I feel about this release. 5 years after his debut.. I would've thought he'd have come up with new ideas, but there's even a few examples I think I recognize from his own previous album. Isn't that just sad? Frankly though, I have grown tired of psychill, because of these overused samples, ethnic singing and instruments and whatnot, so it could be my taste is clouded by that. But still, I would have loved to seen some progress, some evolution, some new ideas, but instead we get the same ideas in a slightly worn, but roughly the same, coat that might have been fashionable in 2003 but after having seen everyone wearing the same jacket for years, I can't stand them anymore.


Sorry Ott, you're brilliant, but this just isn't original enough for me.


Hmm...well, I think it is about time someone said something good about this album. Cos I absolutely love it. I have been listening to it pretty solidly for the two weeks or so that it has been in my possession, and I think its the best thing I have laid my paws on in a good long while.


Yes it has been a long time (far too long) coming, but I reckon it is a great follow-on to Blumenkraft. Quite different in feel, IMHO. And very far from dull. Is it mind twistingly psychedelic? No, certainly not. But I don't think it was ever trying to be. This is bouncy-psydub of the highest quality. Something to loose yourself in and bounce along to on a hot summer's day. And as for the quality of the production, it is frankly superb. Nice to listen to very very loud too (shame I have neighbours).


I don't normally do track by track reviews, but hell, a new Ott album doesn't come along very often...so here we (briefly) go:


1. From Trunch To Stromness

Slow opening, which doesn't set my world on fire, but once we get going, very nice dubby groove.


2. The Queen Of All Everything

The appearance of a voice (Naked Nick's it would seem), apparently filtered through a vocoder, did set alarm bells ringing, but actually works suprisingly well. Very warm summery feel to this one. And once we get past the breakdown into the last third, this makes me go all fuzzy inside. Lush.


3. Rogue Bagel

Aha! So this is the track I was bouncing about like a loon to at several of last summer's festivals. Nice opening build through some tabla and sitar into several sets of ethnic vocals. Old samples and ideas, as has been suggested? Perhaps, but I don't remember it being executed this well. Again, a nice breakdown, with the final quarter having some lovely lead sitar (I think) and flute. A big, big hit with me this one. Danced like a loon around the room again!


4. Daisies And Rubies

More straight up dub, with lots of psychedelic squelching. Probably the one track that doesn't do too much for me. Shame, as it is cowritten with Nick Mannessah. Not bad, but trying to do a bit of a Shpongle, and falls down compared to the rest of the album.


5. Signals From Bob

Totally love this one again. I was hoping Bob was "Bob" from the church of the sub-genius, but apparently it is more likely to be Robert Anton Wilson. Makes sense I guess. Slow build, through a RAW? sample into some lovely dubby beats. Nice background synth line which keeps morphing. Again sitar used to good effect and again a change into the last quarter, with a beautifully rich synthy-coda, which again puts a big smile on my face. Lots of nice detail in the background. Boring...I think not ;-)


6. 382 Seaside

Took a while to grow on me this one. Quite different in style, difficult to describe. Slow mellow stuff, nice slide guitar and female vocals. A bit Tripswitchy. Forms a very nice more chilled bridge between 5 and 7.


7. Rolfcopter

Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes. Stand out track, which just rocks my world to bits. More sinister feel to this, and more uptempo drums, before morphing into a dub monster. And the finest sample of the year, nay decade! "......everything is acceptable, as long as house prices don't crash". Brilliant. Followed by what appears to be a balalika solo. Again a breakdown 3/4 through...and off we go again.


8. A Shower Of Sparks

A slower, more chilled end to the album. Again warm summer sunshine, nice female vocals and a lush and lovely way to finish off.



So in conclusion: Favourite tracks (immediately) 3, 5, 7. Growers: 2, 6

A fantastic album, which, had it been made by anyone new, people would be wetting themselves in excitement over. The somewhat cool reception it is getting baffles me, but maybe people are mad it took so long? Who knows, IMHO, one of the finest psychill albums ever, and a very worthy successor to Blumenkraft (which has sat at the top of the pile for years). Is it quite as good as Blumenkraft? Only time will tell, but it is bloody lovely, I can tell thee that much.


Cracking bloke, cracking album. And loving those old Aeroflot Tu-154s on the cover art.




are the ROFLcopter vocals sampled from somewhere?

Not sure where they are from, but it is a familiar sounding English voice. In full:


lie, cheat, deceive, connive

buy now, pay later

consolidate your loans, take more, give less

drive big, eat all you can

survival of the fattest

shock and awe

regime change

do as i say, not as i do

eye for an eye

free money if you fall over, sue the company

diminished responsibility

everything is acceptable, as.. long.... as..... house..... prices...... don't......... crash...


A few years have passed and I'm still fucking crazy over Hallucinogen in Dub, as much as I've been since I first heard it. This is why back in the day I gave Blumenkraft many many opportunities to impress me, but that just never happened. I feel the same for Skylon... it's alright background music, but that's about it.

  • 2 weeks later...

A few years have passed and I'm still fucking crazy over Hallucinogen in Dub, as much as I've been since I first heard it. This is why back in the day I gave Blumenkraft many many opportunities to impress me, but that just never happened. I feel the same for Skylon... it's alright background music, but that's about it.

I feel the same way. I still listen to Hallucinogen in Dub, but Ott's own albums aren't that interesting. The only tune I found to be above average on the new album was the second track, The Queen Of All Everything.


the vocals always turn me off

they sound so cut and pasted. it is a shame when i am really enjoying some of the fat grooves, only to have a 'ethnic/tribal' vocal come in

the music can sustain itself without them


Funny how people's tastes are...


If I had to choose only one psychedelic downtempo album to keep in my collection, well, I wouldn't want to have to make that choice, but if I did, I'd choose "Blumenkraft"... Would be my favorite ever if I had to pick one... "Hallucinogen in Dub" is fantastic too though, for sure...


Have yet to hear this "Skylon" though - when will saikosounds or psyshop carry it? I want to order a couple other discs too and don't want to pay 2X for shipping costs...


at the beginning i thought that this album is boring like many people here...then i spent some days listening while in bed with my girl and i changed my mind...maybe it was the combination of hugs kisses and sex or that i just gave the album some more listens...but now i believe that it is brilliant...much much better than blumenkraft :posford:


2!, 4, 5, 7, 8


indeed nothing new here, but to be honest I never liked the first ott album either,

excpet the hallucinogen in dub album what is a masterpiece but remixes of course


this one is very acceptable, a good level of ethno, but I have always liked that since the beginning

and I guess I always will, especially in psychedelic ambient...


it's good, I expected worse to be honest...

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