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in case someone hasn't heard


inpsyde has re released


kox box - dragon tales

x-dream - radio


so far only aware of wirikuta selling but the others maybe also

not sure how many they have done


so if you don't have kox box suggest you get it now

as x- dream is still easy to get on blueroom




I just saw this as well.... got mighty happy since I have written to inpsyde a few times asking them why this gems wasn't available (I don't own it yet)....


:) this month is going to be pure red numbers!


No worries - yours is still more "authentic" than the new pressings ;)


So far I only have to different versions of "Forever After". The flimsy Box Bunny release, and a US Harthouse... I am still on the the lookout for the original german Harthouse edition :)


- A


Cool re-releases, I don't have neither of them, but have been aware that they've been out there for quite some time.


I reckon they're both out of stock for a whil now.


I remember trying to purchase a copy of "Radio" for a friend some time ago and that it was sold out everywhere... That still the case? I wouldn't mind having another copy of "Dragon Tales"


No worries - yours is still more "authentic" than the new pressings ;)


So far I only have to different versions of "Forever After". The flimsy Box Bunny release, and a US Harthouse... I am still on the the lookout for the original german Harthouse edition :)


- A

I have the Matsuri/Box Bunny release. How is it "flimsy"?


e: Sorry, I'm uneducated. I have a different version. I don't keep track of these things. How is it "flimsy"? :D

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