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Best bass and percussion?

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which track has the best bass?and the best percussion?Strongest bass?


i really like the bass in Miranda- Evolution Quest and the bass in Pleiadians - Modulation(almost the same bass like in Etnica - Bmv Rotating Fields),and for me,the best percussion is in Etnica-Asthronauts...I also like Deedrah - Reload percI know that many minimal tracks have strong bass but i'm not interested in minimal....and for the strongest bass,let me tell you short story...i live in a building and above me there are a young girl(13 years old)and she usually plays some britney or n sync,and she plays loud....then one day i was really nerveous and she started to play that @!#$ and i say to mysal"this must be finished":))))).and i put my cd(future sound of america)and i point my speakers to the roof and played Deedrah - The wizard demo....on max volume:)))))on max bass.i risked my speakers ,but it worthed:)))).usually my dad is telling me to shut down the music but in that time he didn't...the bass was exploding in my room:)))the sound wasn't that good ,but it was strong and thats what i needed:)))).the track finished and then.......totol silence:))))))).from then,she plays her music in headphones becouse she i s afraid of the BIIIIG,STROOOOOONG BAAAAAAASSSSS of Deedrah!:)))))))))))))


I love the bass in Transwave - Land Of Freedom RMX, the bass kicks so hard core!

Guest lÿsërgïç

talamasca & manitu - genetic monster (the original version) : has got a wicked bassline, on high volume it really makes the place s-h-a-k-e.


or etnica - true protoss warrior : for a really rich kick drum


too bad your not looking for minimal cos MOS uses some of the deepest bass of all!.. hear "my baby" by MOS.

Guest AtomicCow

Pleiadians use very very deep bass (for psytrance anyway) in Family of Light and the way it's done is great...it not just a woo woo woo it's a complex rush-inducing pattern.

Son Kite also have great low bass but it's more of the woo woo variety.

As for percussion...Son Kite are the leaders in that category for me.

Oh..Synthetic is also great for that kind of thing (deep bass + beats) and Spirallianz/Midi Miliz have very kicking beats now and then.

Der Dritte Raum - Trommelmachine = nice percussion.


how about Intact Instinct...magnetrixx/morganixx...i know there's more but theyre not comin to me now

Guest Rabbitakis

Heavy bass

Neuromotor : @!#$ The Dat Mafia Trance XP

Activate Morlack : Psai Sai

Aztec: outer breath

A very hard Basedrum is from an old track of Quirk : Robotised

Skazi uses also heavy basslines... not very fast but Strong!

Guest Mike Indidginus

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Thanks EA, you'll get that dollar later ;) Um, for those interested (here comes the shameless plug)... there's some sound bites on my site (they are only short to save on the download time and on host space)...

Deviant Didg


cydonia: bass monster has a great bass riff.


pixel : black in black out ... strongest bass till now in psy- history i think

Guest Psymijis

i agree that pixel - black in black out has the strongest bass i ever listened in psy track but they are others not so strong but very good like reefer decree - it did

for me reefer decree are the bass masters.


MFG - Project Genesis, Overload, Peaceful Relaxation

Astral Projection - Power Gen

Chi-ad - State of Mind



Luminus - End of Space <--- you should hear this one

Guest lÿsërgïç

oh and i cant believe i forgot THE DELTA! (newer stuff)


that is some serious skull splitting bass


for me MOS has the bass

and xv-kilist the percussions

Guest vasyachkin

Atmos - just about any track

Chi-Ad - Pathfinder


atmos has very heavy phat suffocating kick - very nice

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