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Something different, does not have to be limited to psy, but does to trance, dnb, breaks at least electronica.


Im looking for music that gives the feel music in movies do. Possibly using classical or just edgy stuff like movies.


Some examples are Sandman - Witchcraft. Quite a few of his tracks give me that feeling.


Anotherone could be something like Hybrid. Tracks like Finished Symphony blending classical with breaks/trance.


Cosmic Baby - Thinking About Myself has some great tracks in there but most of CD isnt quite my style.


Autobots vs Screwface - Apocalypse where it rips movie music (check it on beatport, f'ing awesome track!).


Don't have asura life² yet, maybe tomorrow, but if it is the track I think it is then it made me think of conquest for paradise - 1492

it is THAT track... I did an ambient/Downtempo party last weekend in BE, and I mixed that Golgotha track with some Vangelis on the party, it fits perfectly... Pure film music indeed :)


If you can handle ambient then you should definitely try some. Often the drone soundscapes sound like they come right out of a dark movie.


Posted Image

Lammergeyer - Birds of Prey


This was an album made for a possible movie.


Maybe you'd also like Juno Reactor's matrix soundtracks?

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