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Talamasca live - Vienna


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a bit late, but oh well, maybe someone in the vicinity of Vienna doesn't know yet :-)




(3D Visions, Spiral Trax)




Dj Lestat FRA (Spiral Trax)

Xela L. (Psychic Reaction)

Horizon (Cosmixed Society)



Chill hosted by SUNDAY CHAIZELT

Dj`s: Osmose(Freestyle de luxe)

Jason King Size

Deco Blanketts by Eve S. Stoccholm



Location HALLE 18


Organizer Psychic Reaction & Subzero


how 2 get there:

Brünnerstr. - after ca.15km there's a roundabout --> direction Wolkersdorf--> after the town sign right --> follow the signs

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hello hippo


i'm definately going and i will for the second time meet my soulbrother dj jan kian and my soulsister, his gf (who also spins), alex. :)) That is if I actually would believe in that soulstuff... but who knows... I just know I'm very very very much looking forward to the party, to meeting jan and alex and to meeting all the other great people!!


I will be wearing my favourite t-shirt.. it's yellow and has "w00t!" in black letters on it. :)) Just talk me up if you see me. :)

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Ok, no t-shirt saying "w00t!" at the party. I asked every guy in a yellow shirt or in a shirt that seemed yellow at the time ( you know, with weird party lights and stuff :P)... nobody had any idea what I was talking about (as usual)...


anyways, Lestat just won the price for BEST FUCKING LIVE ACT EVER!!!!!!!!


also I have to say that I have never heard soo much good music, just about non-stop (at least after a while), at an indoor party before. I had to quite at 8am, my back was giving in before my legs.... getting old sucks :P


if you get a chance to see Talamasca live anywhere near, go there, it will be worth it.


Especially loved the 1200mics - lsd remix, WICKED!


nice guy too :))

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Hello again,


hippo, I don't know why you couldn't find me... I was there from about 11 pm to 10 am... walking around a lot, chilling, dancing... it was a nice party... the music was good, although I didn't pay much attention to who was spinning... maybe we'll meet next time... ;)



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