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Posted ImageMantra of Bliss with Goa Gil and Arianne


May 16-18, 2008 presented by Those People Productions Buy tickets here


We welcome Goa Gil back to the southeastern United States. Join us in a regional gathering of the tribes as we celebrate Goa Gil's sonic transmission of cutting-edge psychedelic trance integrating in a galactic wonderworld near you! The space is once again the amazing Deerfields, with its lush green valleys and orchards to camp in and fresh water ponds for swimming after a long hot dance!


Goa Gil & Arianne (The Nommos, Avatar Records)


Friday May 16- Sunday the 18, 2008

All ages (under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian)


Gate opens at 4pm, Friday, May 17, 2008


Drum Circle Friday Night !


NO RE-ENTRY - Bring everything you will need for survival


Primitive campsites are available in designated areas


No renegade sound systems


Carpool and leave no trace


Absolutely no dogs allowed


Buses and Rv's welcomed and offered discounts for more than 5 passengers (please email in advance).




Pre-registered tickets $45.00 US until May 10th


$50.00 US at The Gate


Deco by Pyite and The Community

Sound by DS Audio

Flyer Design by ..iikah..

Visuals by Psyonic


More info and directions at:


www.goagil.com Goa Gil is one of the founders of the goa trance and psytrance movement in electronic dance music.


www.deerfields.com Deerfields is located 20 minutes south of Asheville, North Carolina in the Mills River Community (directions). The private retreat is a 940-acre family-owned tract of unspoiled wilderness offering camping, swimming, and hiking. Cascading through the Queens Creek Mountains of the Appalachia, the land is surrounded by ponds, apple orchards, and rhododendrons.

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