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I think we all recognize that talking about where you can download the latest albums in MP3 just isn't kosher... but what about Youtube? I notice a lot of people post up old songs in order to make them accessible to people on the web... but this is, in a strict sense, about as legal as what the MP3 groups are doing. Nevertheless, the social conventions surrounding Youtube postings are undoubtedly different. What do you think--is it OK to post up links to songs on Youtube or is that just as bad as posting a link to The Pirate Bay?


I'd say it isn't the same at all. Critically, potential listeners aren't likely to use a bunch of Youtube links as a substitute for buying the real thing (assuming it is even available--many Youtube postings focus on the oldies). Because the quality is low (I don't know what the bitrate is but it can't be all that great) the availability of songs on Youtube probably serves more of an educational and informative purpose than anything else.


Why am I interested in this? Well, one of the main things we do here on Psynews is recommend music to each other. It is standard to simply write down a track or album name and leave it up to potential listeners to sort out how to find it. I can tell you that absolutely no one who hears about Etnica's Juggling Alchemists album is going to run out and pay $200 for a copy on the strength of a recommendation alone! Obviously people are taking recommendations and searching for MP3s to hear... and should they like something, perhaps they will go out and buy more from an artist.


Well, if it isn't frowned upon to post links to songs on Youtube this whole process could be greatly streamlined. For example, I was in a discussion recently about good old classic trance tunes on another forum and people were posting up Youtube links. I thought--this is great! You can immediately hear what it is they're talking about--there is no need to budget time to go and scour some dodgy P2P network or whatever. Not bad!


Is there a good argument against this practise? I'm still trying to sort it out...


Well, I saw that many mainstream artists also put their clips on Youtube (Avril Lavigne, Linkin Park, Akon etc.). I suppose they do so in order to promote themselves. So perhaps Goa lovers should do the same, only problem is they don't have the strict right to do so...


But there is one thing I didn't understand, can you or can you not download the song from Youtube?


AFAIK you can't download the videos from Youtube - that's the concept of that site, that people can promote their videos, but not enabling everybody to download and thus owning the works (at least not per se, so if anybody manages to download with tricks, that doesn't count!).


And if artists don't like it when people put their songs on Youtube they can request the videos being taken off the servers. So it's all cool.


Therefore I think it's legal, the Youtube stuff...


songs@youtube are of shit audio quality, thus no big deal, since they simply CANT compete with p2p mp3's ;)

ps. you CAN download every video you want from youtube.


I'm more with Basilisk on this one. When one is recommended a certain tune, the fastest, easiest and pleasant way to find out what the fuss is about is to scope out a Youtube link for example. If you like what you hear, you put your money where your mouse pad is, and if you don't- close the window and kiss the recommended tune a bye bye...


I see no harm in posting a Youtube link in order to help somebody out. You only increase the chances of making that somebody buy the album, CD, vinyl or whatever. Instead of writing down tunes, definitions and/or explanations, why not just let the music speak for itself? A potential customer will always be more inclined towards buying something he has heard rather than something he read was good. Right?


The whole bitrate & sound quality discussion is absolutely irrelevant here, as both p2p and Youtube are notoriously known for atrocious sound quality regardless of the genre, artist, etc...


And it can also help giving the "Skazi, IM, Alien Project fans" another view of Psy/Goa. In their wanderings in search for music they can find some other interesting (I won't say "better" - oops I said it :lol: ) music. Perhaps new fans of oldschool/newschool Goa or even other types of Electronic music can be "born".


And it is also quite helpful in finding good old non released anymore tracks.


There is also a site named deezer where you can hear songs online. They have/had some problems with legality, but apparently they are working on it (a bit like radioblog if you want), and you can upload songs (in quite a lose quality of course).

I already saw Astral, IM, Skazi, some Shpongle. So perhaps it is also another way to promote Goa.




http://www.last.fm/ has all sorts of stuff but coverage is patchy (mostly lots of 30 second clips).


Hmm, come to think of it--Saikosounds has a very extensive database of 4 minute samples. The quality still isn't any good though.


Part of the problem here is that a clip doesn't always inform you of whether a song is really good. The quality of trance is hugely dependent on the big picture; the overall feel... you don't get that in a sample--but maybe you get enough? Hard to say...


yeh i reckon its cool especially for people to put a face to the name of at least some of the artists, i would never have probably listened let alone looked at that zap link someone posted on you tube a while ago.

its insane and i actually really like that tune, so will keep an eye out for it when it appears in the shops, and quite entertaining looking at all those raja ram and 1200mic clips some are hillarious and some of the real newies will hear about the "gods" posford etc well they can see what he looks like (if it will make a difference.

better than the bay etc i guess in a sense you can't directly rip the artists whole discography in one foul swoop at 5 mb per second!!!!


the audio quality on youtube sucks, so it's ok. and no one will put a bunch of music ripped frmo youtube vids in their portable player.


the audio quality on youtube sucks, so it's ok. and no one will put a bunch of music ripped frmo youtube vids in their portable player.



to be certain, you can easily with a firefox plugin download "all" videos from you tube...




to be certain, you can easily with a firefox plugin download "all" videos from you tube...



anyway i pondered this before i put a psytrance soundtrack on my skate video (prana) i kinda feel like i could get in trouble, but


what the heck. not like im getting any money out of it, i used a really old track, im not anything close to a musician and i needed a good soundtrack. F it.


i guess i decided as long as it was a way outdated track i don't feel like i'm hurting anyone, more likely only turning some people on to something different, but i still feel a little guilty, like it would be nice to get permission.


i think when i get another vid together, i'll ask one of the locals if i can use a track, or just use something from

biodegradable, they'd pree tty much have to let me use whatever (or fight me hahahaha)


BUT would i post a "video" in the mtv sense>?? not likely. MAYBE short video from a party, but not likely.


if the psy track IS the draw of the video, i would feel like it is a violation, and as an "artist" if you can call the half assed works i make art, a video where the main draw is someone else's soundtrack is not art by me


for example search kox box and get tons of videos, most of them essentially a bootleg for the sole purpose of being a bootleg. not really helping anyone, especially youtube, to post worthless dark videos bootlegged from clubs that would have ejected you if they caught you taping with real equiptment.


when the video is more about your friends or whatever was going on at the party, i find it more acceptable


many people like to post more or less documentaries of life, so while not for me, i don't see a problem with people taping a great time at a party, and so it comes with the music heard at party, friends videos, videos of "this was the party at xxx" -


probably some sort of violation to use other people's tracks, but what is the big deal. end result, as mentioned, more exposure for artists.


youtube is great to promote music!


i ve seen people asking "what is the track playing?" on countless vids..


something for the future would be nice cooperative vids of psy artists and video artists.. and there are plenty in the scene i think ;)

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