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Guest Ktrance

Didnt know myself actually :)


LP is for Long Play, which mean a full length 12" records played at 33rpm. A 12" that plays at 45rpm is usually only called a 12".


As for EP, well it means extanded play so it's use for a 7" records played at 33rpm. A 7" that plays at 45rpm is not suppose to be called an EP.

Guest flyonacid

Why is that humilliating?

Several months ago I was asking who was Simon postford!!!!!!!!Was that humilliating??NO!



Also as a side note...but this is probably very obvious....an LP is usually a full length album, where an EP is usually a single (with some bonus tracks). I actually didn't know what LP and EP standed for either. Thanx for the info and for asking.


Yeah I"ve never really figured it out either so thanks for asking and thanks for the answer, and don't be afraid to ask the questions that may seem dumb, because they re usually the ones that everyone wants to know but are also to embarrassed(?) to ask hehe :-P


no one should be embarassed to ask for information... if anything, take some pride - you are concerned with expanding your repretoire of knowledge :) and conversely, no one should laugh at anyone's questions, for questions are the gateway to understanding - without questions no one would ever grow...


for all practical purposes LP means an album, and EP means a single... the technical roots of these terms will show a different story however, but english is a wonderful thing since it adapts to current usage rather than remain mired in the rigid past.

Guest Kiph T. Elephant

I'm not sure, but I think it might stand for "personal appearance". That's what I heard somewhere at least.


public address

Think of schools where they have "p.a's" in class rooms ("johnny come up to the principals office") or like a speech...

"public adress" systems

they can be used for just about anything of course...


i believe in the case of a live act ....p.a. stands for:


perfoming artist.


as opposed to a dj set...where the dj is still presumably "live" and not dead or automated.


its public address


as in, "shit GMS are playing live here this evening, we'd better get a PA sorted."


my interpretation has always been:


DJ - someone is spinning other peoples music

Live - the artist is playing material they've created, truly live

Liva PA - the artist is playing material they've created, but mostly just hitting a button and dancing around (thusly PA would mean "personal appearance")...


Thanks for all the answers people!! :-D



And people, i'm am not embarassed for asking this! I had to think of a title for the topic and that's what i came up with. Stop treating me like a child!!!


And flyonacid, i have to agree with you on that one. I'd rather be naked in the midlle of a S.L.B vs S.C.P soccer game than to ask who's Simon's Postford!! :-P



Thanks again people! :-)

Guest Kiph T. Elephant

"Stop treating me like a child!!!"


Look the little guy is angry. How cute.





...hehehe...and on a side note...who is Simon PosTford? ;)


on the "p.a." thing...


personal appearence ...well if they are doing a dj set..they are still there in person. so that doesnt make sense.


simon posford - live p.a. (presonal appearence) if it meant personal appearence then that means hes just there and if all he did was a dj set..people would be pissed off.



public address.....eh? a "public address system" is like in a school where they have those little speakers in every room...what does it have to do with music and playing live?


simon psoford - live p.a. (public address) not sure what that really means...is he gonna make a speach?


performing artist...there you have an artist who is performing...hes not doing a dj set and if hes performing...then it stands to reason that he is actualy in the place and hes alive. so i still think p.a. stands for performing artist.


simon posford - live p.a. (performing artinst)


there you have it..hes performing...live.


and although i guess it makes some sense i have never seen anyone actualy differentiate between "live p.a." and just "live"


like ive never on a flyer seen one person listed as live pa and someone else as just live. its always been one or the other depending on how they decided to word it.



anyways..thats my take on it.


"There are no stupid questions - only stupid people."




Haha..... how funny EP.












But remember speakers and stuff are referred to as a PA.. as in "Lets setup the PA".. performance audio?

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