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Hi guys and dolls,


I just moved out of my old apartment, and into a new one. I had a big box of junk, that I really didn't know what contained. I got a bit surprised when I found a Technics 1200 MK2 in there. Appearently it's a pretty sweet deck, and it seems to be in complete working order. Cool. Only downside is, it has no pickup, and I know absolutely jack about this kind of stuff. So, what would be an excellent pickup for this? I was thinking about posting in the music making section, because I don't just want to listen to records, I also wanna freck'em up a little, and maybe learn the basics of scrathing...


Thanks in advance!


- A


The pickup arm that you need is of course the technics sl-1200mk2 one, ask about spares in any better hi-fi store.


Cartridge & styli -wise, I use the stanton 500's but I don't know about scratching since I'm not into turntablism myself.


well it's all a matter of choice between listening quality and record life. Most DJs favor a needle with a very steep angle, like the Ortofon Concordes (named like that because they resemble the Concord's nose when it's landing):


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Since the needle has a steep angle it presses hard against the grooves of the record, producing thus a louder and clearer signal... HOWEVER the harder the needle will press against the record, the faster it will wear because of friction. So even though many record stores will recommend you this type of needle do NOT play a record you love and want to keep forever with them!!!


if low wear is what you want, then you're better off with something like this:


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less funky looking but your records will apreciate it ;)


That's certainly a first entry into uncharted territory - thanks! I am reading what I can find about the different types and brands... It's fun, but I should also consider getting some actual records. I have a Flying Rhino that was warped from standing in a window with the sun shining in... Shame on me!


- A


That's certainly a first entry into uncharted territory - thanks! I am reading what I can find about the different types and brands... It's fun, but I should also consider getting some actual records. I have a Flying Rhino that was warped from standing in a window with the sun shining in... Shame on me!


- A

heh psytrance turntablism I'd like to hear that ;)

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