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Title: Something To Fit

Artist: Various

Label: Materia Records

Release: May 2008



1. Save The World - Puzzle Vs. MadMaxx (8:02)

2. Seed the Future - Heroes (Aka Puzzle & DJ Pin) (6:41)

3. Expanding Consciousness - Kali (6:31)

4. Personal Beach - Puzzle Vs. Mekkanikka (6:33)

5. Powerful Reality (Vibraddict remix) - Sirius Isness (7:40)

6. Beam of Light - Tempo Shrine (Aka Cortex & Shake the Snake) (8:10)

7. Check The Beat - Dizzy Mind (7:22)

8. Galaxy Rider - Puzzle Vs. Ultramind (7:12)

9. Bong of Destiny - Puzzle & Cyrus the Virus Vs. Jimbo (7:17)

10. It's a Dream - Speedball (7:39)




This is the 7th release from Spanish label Materia Records. They have been responsible for some very powerful comps such as Goodfellas, Robosapiens, and Ultimate Energy. Now let's look at the cover. Yikes. That is really ugly and if you look it says that this is mounted by Puzzle. :unsure: O kaaay. Let's hope that the tracks inside are not indicative of the atrocious cover art.



Save The World - Puzzle Vs. MadMaxx- Here is the boys from Puzzle and 1/2 of Sirius Isness (I'm guessing it's Max). The track has a (you guessed it) pumping full-on bass line. The melody skates in chorus with the beat right into the break. The rhythm picks up and bounces right along. I got a very floaty feeling with this track. Pretty good start!




Seed the Future - Heroes (Aka Puzzle & DJ Pin)- Puzzle again with a friend. With the swarming bass drop we are launched into some chopped up synths. I really like the fluttering synth that starts as background, but soon plays a more promising role. The metallic lead is soaked in reverb, and has a nice delay to it. The dancing acid lead is whimsical and gives this track the thumbs up for me! :posford:




Expanding Consciousness - Kali- He goes by one name. And one name only. Manuel. Because he is bad ass. All the bad asses do it. Madonna. Shaq. Prince. And now we have Manuel. All kidding aside, he is responsible for some great quality tracks. I've said it before, but his acidic leads have that "minor key" feel that I love so much. Head nodding? Check. Toe tapping? You betcha. The break has a gurgling metallic sprinkle that rises amidst all the acid flying around. Great work bad ass! :posford:





Personal Beach - Puzzle Vs. Mekkanikka- These two guys have been very prolific. We have a nice groove laid down with some very syrupy bass. Nice. When the lead floats in from above we have a key change which didn't suit me at all. :blink: The break has a synthesized voice and a kick roll. The sample was very clubby and I just couldn't take any more. Average track at best. Best.





Powerful Reality (Vibraddict remix) - Sirius Isness- I still haven't heard Vibraddict's album, but I plan to. This one starts with a slight break-beat feel to it with a club trance vibe. The slippery leads that follow hold the groove well, but I didn't really care for the transition into the break. Different tastes I suppose. I think Max is headed (if he isn't already there) for the commercial side of trance. Good for him. Not for me.




Beam of Light - Tempo Shrine (Aka Cortex & Shake the Snake)- Cortex's album was a good ride, but I have no idea who the other character is. I hear guitar, and instantly the hackles on the back of my neck stand up. There are some dissonant tones and a reappearance of the guitar. The guitar doesn't sound bad though, not like those cheesy synthesized ones. It is also kept to a minimum thankfully but it doesn't redeem the track.



Check The Beat - Dizzy Mind- With the pitched hi voice, this has club trance written all over it. All I hear is the bass line over the very loud hi-hat. It has that...groove to it. I don't care for it. :wank:




Galaxy Rider - Puzzle Vs. Ultramind- Puzzle again with...whoever that is. Immediately the bass line takes center stage with some key changes. The layers are nice, as leads seem to sneak to the front while others fade to the back. At the 4 min. mark we really get going, with a nice groove. Good track!



Bong of Destiny - Puzzle & Cyrus the Virus Vs. Jimbo- Now who doesn't believe they currently use the bong of destiny? Sometimes too many cooks spoil the broth, but not in this case. This is a well produced full-on track. There isn't any wasted space and the melody is smooth. Nice mover. :clapping:



It's a Dream - Speedball - This psytrance duo from Spain recently had a track on Materia's last comp Big Bang. This one starts out with a pounding beat and a quirky lead. It's a little stop start but it works well here, constantly building energy. What breaks the flow is the voice saying "Be quiet." And then a pause. This happens again with a similar effect later in the track. :angry: The music is good, but with the drum rolls and the climaxes and typical club trance cliche's it really is a lot to take.



Conclusion:- This CD is a far cry from their other quality productions. As you can tell I am not a club trance guy. It seems that this compilation was more set for the clubs than home listening to my ears. That is not to say that it is all bad. Or bad at all. The tracks sound great, as you can tell they are very well produced. I liked most of these but none of them were mind blowing for me. If I had to pick some fav's... 2, 3, 8, 9. 7.9/10




Good review...i have to agree on the "personal beach" track..the track is so horrible ..i expected more from puzzle from mekkanika


the only track that stands out is kali's track..definitely lifts the compilation up...but all in all its an average compilation from materia

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