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Welcome to the best time of the year, during which we are finally freed from the grey winter time and happily cruise from festival to festival. Welcome to the world of words, in which every letter has its own short life, until it is replaced by it successor, yet is still happy to have briefly existed. Yes my dears! Welcome to the 14th birthday of your beloved Goa Rolling Stone which was your steady trip companion in both good and bad times.


Reaching the fourteenth Birthday in Germany means one is finally free to officially chose ones religion. Of course we already made up our minds light years ago that this should be Trance in all its shapes and colours, and even as our beloved music morphs and mixes with various other electronic music styles, our community still remains something special to this day. This is something we can all be aware of when we venture on our more or less psychedelic sound safaris in the coming months, and behold each other on the floor with an ear to ear grin.


Of course there is also a free tack for our mushroom subscribers. You can listen to it with by creating a log in at mushroom-online.com. The 8th place of our past Trance Producer Contest is IMIX "Watch your hands".


Stay tuned

Mat and the mushroom Team










Ritmo - Disharmonic Silence



Dubi is playing a leading role in Israeli trance scene for many years now. After he has shown his various musical taste by compiling IONO's latest compilation 'Grand Slam', he now delights you with his very own progressive trance style. Comprising deep driving basslines, escorted by warm, never persisting melodies and surrounded by atmospheres which only can be created with long lasting experiences and excellent skills.








V.A. Through The Eyes Of The Ancients

(Vision Recordings)


This is a truly varied mixture of dark psychedelic music, with some progressive and techno influences included. It features artists from Canada, Isreal, South Africa, Australia and England.








V.A. Tree Dimensional

(Regen Records)


A journey through psytrance genres going from stomping full on, to a touch of dark, some beautiful melodic morning tunes and a little chill time to finish. Manufactured from recycled & recyclable/compostable material using natural inks. All profits go to environmental restoration projects. 2 trees planted for every CD sold! with Space Tribe & Azax Syndrom, Mr Peculiar, Psyboriginal and a prime selection of Aussie artists.








V.A. "Progressive Movement Vol. 2"

(Blue Tunes Recordings)


Montagu & Golkonda are moving on, showcasing one step ahead progressive vibes. With Duca, Peter Gun, True Lies and some others, "Progressive Movement Vol. 2" rounds up catchy grooves and extraordinary sound constuctions on the highest production level with pure creative progression and is reflecting the motion of todays progressive trance genre. This will force the crowd to move.








V.A. "Tshitraka Project Vol. 5"

(Blue Tunes Recordings)


Tshitraka Project is a 7 days festival full of freaky and memorable moments. DJ Zosma collected fresh progressive sound to bring you the lovely sunday morning vibe to your speakers. Pure deep magic of an open air dancefloor with the groove and power of smiling people, dancing in the sun, enjoying intelligent, ingenious dance music. A highlight for this festival season for every Dancer as well as for every progressive DJ.








V.A. "Desert Dreaming Part 1+2"

(Geo Israel)


Desert Dreaming is the magical euphoric dancing series with a serious mission to spread peace, joy and a strong sustainable global community. Mindstorm aka Doctor Spook assembles all of the essential components for the occasion to help you dream and journey to those special magic moments that you have had and will have again some day soon to keep you fueled and inspired in the recharge time between your travels.








Nitro "Rainforest culture"



Nitro has begun producing electronic based dance floor music in 2003, his sounds can be best described as a groovy & pumping mixture of Funky progressive elements, with a hard edged blasting Psychedelic full-on beats. Rainforest Culture, Nitro"s long awaited album, icludes a mix between hard progressive elements & thick, soothing & pumping Full-on motifs. Powerful rhythms, which goes well with the unique Dooflex style, Organic, Emotional & banging.








V.A. "Through The Eyes Of The Ancients"

(Vision Records)


Vision Records takes a new direction in this third compilation, featuring 9 brand new, unreleased tracks from around the world. It kicks off with a collection of slower, atmospheric tracks and then builds progressively through a mixture of pumping full-on and dark night-time trance. This is a truly varied mixture of dark psychedelic music, with some progressive and techno influences included.








Morphonix "Off The Grid"

(Vaporvent Records)


A new divination of music and should be heralded as a genre melting masterpiece. Ushes and dreamy atmospherics soar over a mountainous landscape of buoyant bass lines. Gargantuan grooves and playful percussions dance within majestic melodies and swirling psychedelics. Listeners will find themselves more enchanted with every play of this futuristic album. Produced in the magic vibe of both San Francisco and Ibiza.








Tribal Records

Label founder Tribal Tul will release his second album "Inspired".


Being more than a mere label, Tribal Records is a whole network of scene activists and party promoters. They are well known in Israel as well as Eastern Europe and organized the biggest Trance festival in Slovakia for example. Founded in 2001, Tribal Records delivered five Psychedelic Trance and Chill Out releases so far and have a brand new CD to be published at the end of May. Label founder Tribal Tul will release his second album "Inspired". As a varying collaboration with artists such as Eat Static, PsySex or Cosmo this release delivers nine powerful psychedelic tracks.








Free Download

Imix "Watch your hands"


Typical for Imix good looking full-on psy trance are hard-kicking bass drums and massive rolling bass lines, he likes funky licks, psychedelic and crunchy synth sounds and harmonic melodies for night and daytime. His music is influenced by the power of good looking rare psychedelic funk coming from the legends of the 70´s: George Clinton, Bootsie Collins, The JB´s, Herbie Hancock, Sly und Family Stone.







Trance Fashion

Fashion under the sun


Our psychedelic culture has many different forms of expression. Besides music, deco and bodyart, clothing is an important element which many designers are choosing to explore. If some claim Trance fashion was a Technicolor unity blend in the past years, today this look has diversified into wildly different directions. Hip, chic, cool, sexy and also everything combined. In our current fashion special we take a peek inside the closets of the Elves of the past, as mythical creatures of course also undergo an evolution....











15-18 August / Dunaremete (Hungary)


Not only in Egypt or South America are there pyramids - now one has been discovered in Hungary! And close to it some mysterious wooden horns have been detected.

Is it not the best thing to jump into some refreshing waters on a hot, sunny festival afternoon? And has not a party location close to the water always very special engery? In this respect the Pyramiduna in Hungary seems to become a pretty special festival.

The venue is situated on an island in the middle of the river Danube. On the one side there will be quiet swimming places, on the other side you can also go for a little "rafting tour" with your air mattress at your own risk. The venue is tree-lined and provides enough shadow. And the exotic sound system will be a novelty for most of the visitors.

It features some giant wooden horns which will blow away the audience with some exquisite Psychedelic sounds during the weekend.








Winds of change in BRAZIL

country profile from Trancers Guide to Galaxy 2008


Brazil is nowadays one of the countries where trance music is most listened. Mixing different races and all kinds of crowd, Brazil is the biggest epicenter of trance earthquake which shakes the planet. Its worth to visit it! Since the very first crazy parties at Trancoso beach back in the middle of the 90’s a lot has changed in Brazilian psychedelic trance. Years have gone by and the music has left the shores of Bahia conquering the whole country and psy-trance pumps in every single state of this continent called Brazil.








Antaris Project

11-14 July / Near Berlin (Germany)


There are two open airs that are called the primitive rocks of Psy Trance festivals: If the VooV (VuuV) is the grandfather of festivals, than, without doubt, the Antaris Project can be called the Grande Madame of the Psy Trance scene:

On the second weekend of July 'she' invites the global Trance freaks for the fourteenth time already to some cheerful "Laugh & Dance".

The recent years have not been easy ones for main organizer Uwe because he had to struggle with serious health problems. So we are really happy that he is now doing well again and full of positive energy to create this years' Antaris Project! His return means some interesting news.

This year there will be the Spritual Healing Arts Area by the name of "Yogatown" for the first time. This new area of the festival will glisten from heaps of esoterical decoration and enables party visitors to engage in a lot of activities that go beyond the scope of a normal party. At this area you can attend workshops in Yoga, Qui-Gong and massage, have meditation or drum sessions. Furthermore, there will be a real Indian cermony and a great tabla concert. An integrated movie floor will show as a premiere, the first part of the long awaited Antaris movie "The mystery of the funkstrom" and other movies.

Anyone, who was disappointed by the drowned mainfloor last year will be compensated now: The gorgeously decorated mainfloor will run full three nights and four days! The line-up is simply gigantic, so there will be something for every taste.








FullMoon Festival

16-21 July / Wittstock-Dosse (Germany)


In 2002 a new event appeared on the German festival landscape. But what was this - an error in print? Not at all: The Fullmoon-Festival really took place during the week!

And those who attended this event rapidly realized why. People who had traveled here were really euphoric about this party and had taken their holiday just for it. And the atmosphere was likewise: Absolutely no "casual visitors" as you might meet on some weekends, who sometimes bring negative energies to parties. Instead, there were only open- minded, cheerful party fraggles from many different countries.

After the intial concentration on FullOn sounds in the beginning, the musical bandwidth has expanded through time. So this year you will find not only top-notch Psytrance acts playing here but also an alternative floor where you can listen to Progressive, Electro and even Techno sounds - for full six days and five nights! Sophisticated decoration, light installations and an impressing laser show will upgrade this anyhow attractive venue even more. Watch out for this pretty special event!








Spiritual Healing

25-27 July / Gerdshagen (Germany)


Since this summers' parties are getting closer again, both location and date-wise, it sure is a good idea that there will be a shuttle service.


Collecting the people at the Fullmoon, sending them and their cars safely to the Spiritual Healing and finally to the VuuV. Another highlight for me will be the oldschool session on Friday night, when the promised sound from 1993-1998 will take me back into the ancient times of Goa.








Tshitraka Project

3-9 July / Near Berlin (Germany)


Take an old Soviet airbase, a high-grade organization team, some matured decoration artists and a selection of world- class Trance musicians, stir it up and let it brew for seven days in the warm summer sun.

The resulting cocktail is called Tshitraka. This festival distinguishes itself from the mass of Trance festivals in several ways. The location, an old military airbase, has a very spacy flair and only at a few events you can sit on top of a hangar, sip your cocktail and watch the colourful dancefloor activities.

This year the party will run full six nights and seven days without break, so be prepared for a busy party holiday! The line-up is definitely remarkable, heaps of top-notch artists will give this event a very special groove. Not only but especially lovers of Progressive Trance will be teased by the musical program.










Party News






Th 26.06. Trancedance

Hamburg, Atisha

DJs: Konstantin







Th 03.07. - Wed 09.07. Tshitraka Project OA 7 Day Festival

Airbase Alt-Daber near Berlin / Germany

Live: Astrix, Basic, Biotouch, Bitmonx Vs Fabio, Chakra, D Nox & Beckers, Dualsnug, Earsugar, Freakshow, Freakulizer, Galactika, Gms, Hyperjoint, Jey & Ex , Khainz, Klopfgeister, Krunch, La Baaz, Liquid Soul, Magoon, Mos Aka Manuel Sofia, Neelix , Perplex , Popstream, Prahlad Rocky , Chemical CrewSilent Sphere, Sun Control, Symphonix, Vaishiyas, Vibrasphere, Lauge, Aes Dana


DJs: Lex Ligowski, Bakke, Banel, Beauty And The Beat, Bull, Bim, Chriss, Creator, D Nox, Diro, Doc, Emok, Fabio, Freakshow, Gammer, Intellifex, Jeremy R, Johan & Manes, K-Isuma, Kairoo, Koszki, Kristian, Magical, Mapusa Mapusa, Martin, Montagu & Golkonda, Pena, Peter Didjital, Phantoma, R"deem, Riktam & Bansi, Roam, Ronen Aka Perplex, Scotty, Shane Gobi, Shankara, Shybe, Starsky, Syncron, Tulla, Walter Bradu, Zombi, Zosmaa, Miller, Terra, Jared, Acid & Gülle, Neobeo, Aes, Dana, Martin, DerBus







Th 03.07. Trancedance

Atisha, Barmbeker Str. 62 Hamburg

DJs: Lavinia







Sa 05.07. Psychedelic Intentions

3 OA / Indoor near Rüthen/Dortrmund, Hamm

Live: Nobusan, Akira Psy Project...

DJs: Dr. Changra, Der Loth, Arkadius & Lil´Momo, Toksy vs. Giftzwerg, Grimlock, Psylogenetix, Hendrixxx...

Chill: Escobar, Toksy, SDT & Friends







Th 10.07. Trancedance

Atisha, Barmbeker Str. 62 Hamburg

DJs: Mullekular







Fr, 11.07. - Mo, 14.07. 12:00

Antaris-Project OA


Stölln bei Rhinow / Germany

Live: Ace Ventura, Ajja, Commercial Hippies, Flooting Grooves, Ganga Giri , Headroom, Hilight Tribe, Hyper Frequencies, Genepool,m Klangstrahler, Master Marguerita, Parasense, Psymetrix , The Peaking Goddess, Whicked Hayo feat. Hilight Tribe, Yab Yum

DJs: Ace Ventura, Alice D, Joanna, Amrit , Apache , Anneli, BuzzT , Domino, Gautama & Melburn, Heribert & Jaaved, Impuls.e, Kai Mathesdorf, Konstantin, Leung, Louis Ley, Magical, Mat Mushroom, Naveen, Nigel, Orange, Sabai Sabai, Sangeet, Shore Bar Axel , Trevor, Tschan, Zimon







Fr 11.07. - Mo 14.07. Space Pirates Revolution OA

Cinoble (France)

Live: Rev, Neuromotor, Ccl, Ajja , Illegal Machines, Early Reflection, Phonic Request, Orca , Principles Of Flight, Bombax, Stu Altik, Jaws Underground, Lenz, Dissociactive, D-Sens

DJs: Kindzadza, Juggler, Gaspard, Elden, Miss Tick, Apex, Flooting Grooves, Reeshibaba, Yuka, Nuky, Wistiti, Toto, Doog, Hoffman, Amit, Kustom, Nikosh, Zebulon, Miss Tara, Milko, Jean Mix, X-Treme







Sa 12.07. Elmazing Night/ Elm Glarus (Switzerland)

Live: G.M.S , Paul Kalkbrenner, Tristan, Liquid Soul, M√§rtini Brös, Xv-Kilist & Rocco, Galoppierende Zuversicht, Format:B, Pitsch & Magnano

DJs: Muestik, Dj Orpehus, Emok, Dj Buko, Marc Maurice, Dj Silvy, Creator & Martin, Rino, Don Ramon, Kido








Th 17.07. Trancedance


Atisha, Barmbeker Str. 62 Hamburg

DJs: Dr. Berger













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