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Hi guys i'm new to the psy scene. its been a couple of month i've been listenin to psy tracks.


The other day in my friends car i heard a track but he wounld give it to me. :angry:


The player was displaying Ale Ale and didn't show any artist.

It a Psy track and has like vocal cutting in the start some thing like aaa aa a aaa aa..

Can anybody ID this track pls.. :)


I like tracks wid nice vocals and effects on the vocals like skazi - XTC, Spinal Chord - Tribal Dreams, Paranormal Attack - Walking in the Sun.


Can you recommend me some tracks of that kind.


THANKS for givin ur time.


We've had several tracks identification requests here in the past weeks. Let me remind that there is a specific forum for this: http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?showforum=4


Can't you just ask your friend ?


Other than that, was is a fullon track ? dark ? goa ? etc ? any specific instruments (guitar, etc) ? approx bpm count ? Any other track you recognized on the same cd ?


In other words, we need details.


isn't it also a trend that people don't have any kind (well, a sample would be the normal) of direction or clue these days :lol: yet still put up a thread


aaa aa aaa


yea good luck finding it 2 U MATE!!!


dis killlergh trex goin liek dis: "aaa ooo ee" tudu dudududu dududu tudu para paowwwwiiiiii tziiiioongggg pam pam pis tu kaa tu te kaa


"hallucinogen - demention" obviously! :lol:


actually there comes a track to my mind which starts with gated ah vocals -> didrapest vs ? vs ? - full power


rly cool poppy fullon track!


Yes, I don't understand why suddenly there are many track IDs topic... And people who create them think we're some kind of telepathists. How are we suppose to identify a track with only "aaaaaaa"? We can't read minds and we don't have the melody...


The player was displaying Ale Ale and didn't show any artist.

It a Psy track and has like vocal cutting in the start some thing like aaa aa a aaa aa..

Can anybody ID this track pls.. :)

could it be Infected Mushroom - Intelligate (on The Digital Dance Of Shiva (1999))?

I guess the a aaa aa a sample is not in the beginning of that track! :lol:


This is not Intelligate, this is much more recent.

I have the track at home but can't put a name on it. I'll search...might take some time


could it be Infected Mushroom - Intelligate (on The Digital Dance Of Shiva (1999))?

I guess the a aaa aa a sample is not in the beginning of that track! :lol:

It has the aa aaa aa a part in the start only and has a lil bit of guitar too.


Its not Intelligate for sure.


Sry guys here you go a sample of the track..



cool! shpongly! me wanna know!


As my friend Mars already pointed out there is a specific section for these kind of requests, and it would be nice if everyone could use this section for what it is :) No personal critic here! :)


Topic moved!


I checked, it's not. Oh shit, I have it in my collection, I just can't remember in which CD !!!


why don't you just give a good kick in the ass / punch on the nose to your "friend" why the hell is he making you bothing us all when you can clearly get the title from him??? :drama: :lol:

i mean.. when there is no clue or no easy way to find a track is another story but your friend even if he doesn't want to give it to you might do you/us the favor of the title!



PS: i heard the sample, sounds like an imitation of shpongle yes.. but how did u get the sample? the guitar sound and the voice are funny tough.. maybe is some south american artist, something on AP records maybe?


i took the Disc from his car ;);)

he doesn't know the title either..

He also got this track from someone who didn't knew the title...


i guess no one in this city knows the title :(:(:(


wat to do??

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