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Orbit Constructions-Androneda


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1. Eye Of Vecna

2. Quest For The Holy Snail

3. Abandoned Tomb

4. Hypernova

5. Bridge Under Construction

6. Church Of Emeralds

7. Thirteen Kings

8. Lost Spider




Orbit Constructions is no one else but Luna Orbit, the man behind Dark Nebula and Digital Psionics label.

This is his ambient project.


I bought this album because of the old school artwork and the comment of the guy who sold it to me that ‘it’s like you’ve been in a spaceship kind of music…’

He was almost right. I would describe this album as ‘it’s like you are floating in space kind of music’.

Androneda is a dark ambient album maybe too dark for some, filled with amazing sounds of a star dying, a black hole devours everything, the spin of a galaxy. This is what I imagine when I listened to it.

Every track has something to give you.

The haunted Eye Of Vecna, the ‘voyage to the sun’ Quest For The Holy Snail, the abstract Abandoned Tomb, the outer space beach Hypernova, the pessimistic Bridge Under Construction, the ABSOLUTELY AMAZING, sad, lonely, divine, dramatic Church Of Emeralds, the space-ambient-at-its-best Thirteen Kings and the moist Lost Spider.


What I found really genious in this album is that it’s more than spookiness and pads overload. It has great melodies that coming from the void, effects made by universe itself and a great dose of melancholia.

The production is dirty exactly like it must be for an album like that.


Not just my favourite 2008 ambient album, but one of the best albums I’ve ever listened! Absolutely amazing!!!




I don't really listen to, or enjoy, ambient/downtempo music that much, so I cannot really write an elaborate review and emphasize what is so great about this album. Likewise, I couldn't give any similar recommandations, because "Androneda" must be the *only* ambient album since the first Dreamfish which impressed me all the way!


Man, I'd quote everything Ormion wrote and triple it, this album is really, but really something special!

As far as I am concerned, there is no doubt: this is the finest psy orientated purchase I've made this year.


The album by Orbit Constructions, "Androneda", is the ideal soundtrack to merge into one with the whiteness of your bed room wall or to get consumed by the infinite dark while listening to this with your eyes closed. I don't know, but I don't think I've felt like this since listening to "Consumed" quite a few years ago. Get this album, regardless of what your attitude towards ambient music is.


Way to go Richard Rutter! This is by far his best work up to date. I'm impressed, and I sincerly hope you'll be as well.

  • 1 month later...

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Orbit Constructions


Demon Tea Recordings

April 2008





1 Eye Of Vecna

2 Quest For The Holy Snail

3 Abandoned Tomb

4 Hypernova

5 Bridge Under Construction

6 Church Of Emeralds

7 Thirteen Kings

8 Lost Spider


I picked this up a few months ago and like many ambient albums I didn't get into it straight away. I was not actually expecting it to be as ambient as it is and my initial listen came in the wrong mood though. This is definitely a mood album. Don't listen to this unless you are ready to lie horizontally in your mind and lose yourself in a dimension of sonic storytelling. It's a very descriptive dark spacey album. Maybe too ambient for some but will be a real treat for others.


1. Eye Of Vecna

The opening track is a nice dark intro to the album. An oppressive drone opens up surrounded by glitchy yet subtle sounds. A very slow deep bassline takes us a little darker and little sci-fi blips give us a more spacey feeling. The spacey feeling grows with the sound of the wind that at times seems to blow a gale. The whole thing gives me the feeling of standing on an alien world far far away from home.


2. Quest For The Holy Snail

This oddly titled number does seem to have a more adventurous feel. It's hard to say how exactly as it's just as ambient as the opening track but it seems to move more under its own volition rather than just float or get carried on the wind. It feels like a walking journey, through village markets and wide open fields passing many strange sights and sounds along the way. This keeps up the spacey feel as I picture an unhurried pilgrimage on a strange alien world.

3. Abandoned Tomb

Here we start with a sample that has a tone like it is out of a horror movie yet with much lighter content like from a documentary. The music that follows is pretty desolate sounding, the soundscape painted for me is not of an enclosed tomb but of an oddly coloured rocky desert with very little life. Creepy bass makes the melody sound threatening, but not immediately threatening more like a patient all consuming threat that has more than enough time to watch you squirm. Imagine being stuck on a long dead world with no hope of escape. That's the picture this track saints for me.


4. Hypernova

Straight away back into space. Whoosh! Solar winds and dust rush past in a cacophony of clicks and clacks and near engine like noises. It's like riding alongside a massive spaceship. The roar of it's engines are distant but the sounds of smaller craft feel closer. As we fly the sounds change subtly. From labouring sounds like from some immense workshop to little wet sounds like the ejection of garbage. Under it all the distant roar of massive engines. Very nice ambient.


5. Bridge Under Construction

Tribal, almost ritual sounding drums hum slowly. The air feels oppressive with the deep dark drone. The strange drum sounds become more erratic and their rhythm more melodic. It's like a battle for the sound. First the ritual plays then they are beaten by more interesting rebels who want to play a more exciting tune only for them to wear themselves out and give way to the old ritual that gives some extra ummph for good measure. The voices of what is probably supposed to be construction workers sounds more to me like battle cries.

6. Church Of Emeralds

From the Gregorian chants at the start to the very church organ sounding melody, this whole track reeks of dark religion. Imagine a church, with degraded looking gargoyles staring down on the gathered congregation. The people offer up prayers to their gods as the organist blasts out the music to carry them to another realm, a realm of chaotic force and energy. Everyday creepy stuff, usual for those yet disturbing for an outsider to witness. This track probably has the most energy in the album yet with a little synth line pushing the music forwards, outwards, inwards. In the latter part of the track I can feel something creeping. Slight static sounds crawl at the edges like some malignant entity trying to claw its way in.


7. Thirteen Kings

A much grander sounding track, take the last track and enter its god's realm. Power and majesty summed up by the melody, soft yet steady beats and rumbling bass. With all that though comes the twisting, like the music has been warped and corrupted. The beats become a little faster and a little heavier but the feeling stays the same. Dark, powerful majesty. Light sounds attack at the end bringing the feeling into a much smaller, compact republic sound. Like boring rebels overthrowing an evil empire and creating a stagnant democracy.


8. Lost Spider

Cries of the Damned, lost souls calling out for aid. Psirens calling seductively. Whatever the vocals in this track are supposed to be they manage to create a creepy space horror feeling. This track is a cross between space ambient, dark ambient and glitch ambient. It is rather subdued and a little anti-climactic but it's a good way to sound off the album which has taken me all through the cosmos and through weird dimensions. Here I seem to have landed in a incomprehensible hell of dark randomness and terrifying demons trying to gain access to my consciousness. The strange static noise I heard in the church is back to delightfully torment me. Very cool.



So there we have it, an incredibly descriptive journey through dark spaces, alien worlds, all too familiar cults and various dimensions of energy and hell. This is one of the best surprises I've had this year as I had no prior knowledge of this act and was actually expecting something more along the lines of psychedelic downbeat or ketamine trance. Instead I was treated to a unique (at least in my collection) ambient album mixing a variety of different elements together and blending them wonderfully. If you are the type of music listener who likes to have scenes painted in their minds from the music they listen to then you should definitely give this a try.


Great review Abasio!


And BTW this is the only album that I rated all of the tracks with 5 stars (only supertracks get a 5 star from me) in my entire collection.

  • 3 months later...

I just found out about this today. For psychedelic ambient it sure is interesting. I'm generally more a beat kind of guy with appreciation of ambient moments, tracks (Aes Dana, Asura, Distant Systems). But I can see how one can get lost deeply into a world like this one.



Good quality samples




I don't have a review so delete if appropriate.


This album reminds me alot of Zvuki Belovodya album from 2003 which is the best beatless album ever released imo. The samples of Orbit Constructions sounds amazing. I must have this!


Edit: I'm not even sure Zvuki Belovodya released an album. I have it only in mp3.

  • 4 months later...

this is one of the albums that i need to be in the right mood for, but at the right time what an album it is.

it's hard to pick favorite tracks here as it should be heard from the beginning to the end, but Church Of Emeralds stands out for me. the voices, the melodies and the atmosphere are all amazing. i like the 2nd half of this album better, maybe because it has more energy. while i enjoy drifting in to space throughout the album but at the end all i can remember is my own journey not the music (with exception of Church Of Emeralds). while this is not bad at all for this kind of music, but makes me choose Church Of Emeralds as my favorite track here.

  • 2 months later...

A soulful and quite scarey album. Very solid, with some standout parts too, first listen tired and on crappy speakers but I can tell this is a great album allready :) Church of emeralds is amazing

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