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So... transwave are playing live at glade fest this year. I am at a dilemma as to whether I should see them or not as they are clashing with the dub pistols who i also want to see... So has anyone seen them perform live lately? How good are they? I absolutely LOVE their old goa stuff tracks and if they did a set with lots of them in then they would win hands down over the dub pistols, however I've heard that their latest music has gone down the generic, rather boring full-on route and if they play a set of just this then i think id rather catch the dub pistols. So what can i expect?


Some really hard decisions to make this year at the glade festie: Antix/Fiord are playing at the same time as the orb; pitch black and james holden are clashing (my 4 top acts to see this year, i almost feel cheated out of my ticket :() as are ace ventura and red snapper, and dubfire, logic bomb, autechre and far too loud are also all playing at the same time (!!!! :(). So if anyone on here has seen any of the above acts here lately too and can recommend which ones I should (or should not) choose that would also be greatly appreciated :)


I have no idea about their lives sets today, but as long they will play some older tracks (which I guess they will) it's worth going IMO.



see the orb and see pitch black and the dub pistols (imo) of course

forget about the others, make your decision and stick with it or it will just ruin your experience

  technosomy said:


see the orb and see pitch black and the dub pistols (imo) of course

forget about the others, make your decision and stick with it or it will just ruin your experience

yeah thats exactly what im thinking at the moment :)

just wish transwave would play a goa set as there's 0 goa acts playing at glade this year


most BIG goa-artists' livesets suck imo


they're just milking their cow of success dry nowadays (it's all dried up, but it's still giving milk.. something like that ;))


only live-act i still have faith in would be GNOTR :) (but not yet heard)


they probably play almost 100% full-on tracks...


there was a video on the net of a live set they did in paris last year and it was all fullon...


Well, I've seen them twice....and if you loved their old days, then you don't wanna see that.

  Kryll said:

only live-act i still have faith in would be GNOTR :) (but not yet heard)

Green Nuns focking ROCK live, I've seen them 3 times in the last few years. One set was a bit too playback for me but whenever possible they do get the kit out and show some proper skills; with a session guitarist and a session keyboard player in the band it would be a crying shame for them not to.
  Kryll said:

only live-act i still have faith in would be GNOTR :) (but not yet heard)

seen em 3 times now over the past 2 or so years and yeah they do absolutely still ROCK!! :posford:


I didn't see transwave, but the dubpistols were more than a worthy replacement. The orb were aboslutely AMAZING, one of the best acts I have ever seen live, not what i was expecting at all and completely blew me away. Pitch black were also awesome, as were far too loud. Perfect stranger played a new set of nearly completely new material (i have just about all of his music that he has thus far released and only recognised 2 or 3 tracks) and it was all absolutely stunning, the best he has written yet. Other great ones were red snapper, ulrich schnauss, jeff mills and current value. All in all a great festie, apart from a severe cock up on the friday night with the sound levels :(


I saw transwave live in Boom 2006. And sorry to say it was kind of dissapointing. Mostly new full on stuffs. Why cant they make new goa? Hey, even Shakta can make a killer goa track these days but Transwave seems like hating the mystical goa-wibe and sticking to their full-on trademark.


Didn't they cut a new album? What is the status of their new album? I've been reading about it for several years now.

  Diaks said:

Honestly i can understand if someone gets bored producing goa, listening to the same oriental scales over and over while making a goa track is tiresome, and i dont see anyone doing it for over 10 years.


Even if i dont like their new full on stuff, its naive to think they would ever be able to create something near what they did some years ago, times change.. and even if shakta managed to make a goa track for the opus iridium compilation, i find it to be very very thin compared to his older works and even compared to the newer generation on the CD like artifact303, wich IMO cleans the carpet with shaktas track.


So lets just move on :) i have no hope at all for goa tracks from the older artists, they are all to old and wasted from to many years of partying to hard ;)

Well they didnt make goa for so many years did they?.. from 94 to 97?? And theyve been doing full-on crap music for far longer time. Its basically about making money I guess.

Back in the days Deedrah were very experimental but i dont see that in today's production of Deedrah and Absolum and ive seen both live. Its mostly dancefloor killer$ with the basic sound setup. So boring and predictable.


I agree that artifact is better, but i still like Shakta's stuff. And i appreciate Shakta's progressive house tracks alot! He is a top notch producer.

  • 3 weeks later...
  Colin OOOD said:

Green Nuns focking ROCK live, I've seen them 3 times in the last few years. One set was a bit too playback for me but whenever possible they do get the kit out and show some proper skills; with a session guitarist and a session keyboard player in the band it would be a crying shame for them not to.

green nuns are performing live in my town in 14 days, I might go have a beer and check them out :posford:
  • 3 weeks later...

I am just listening to their new track, "Master & Servant," a cover of the Depeche Mode song of the same name (which--strangely enough--Dado has already covered as Synthetic, in a much more tasteful way I might add). All you old school Transwave fans are going to be absolutely outraged if you hear it!

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