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There have been posted in only 4 topics this whole sunday? There have been posted in 6 topics if you count the day before this with! Psynews is going down without the off-topic.... It's boring, since it seems it keeps alot of people away.. Yeah there was a boom in the general section at first, but now it's going cold.. People stop visiting very often, because nothing new happened since last time! Shure, people who's not here for the psytrance can piss off, but you have to talk about something ells as well, there really isn't THAT much to talk about in general, that it can keep a whole community going! Please think about it, and re-open the off-topic, im getting bored here!

I guess you need to get out more, if you are bored! :lol:

I guess you need to get out more, if you are bored! :lol:

:lol: I am out my friend.. Im just getting bored IN HERE! I'll hate to see my favorite interwebs site die! Nothing to read=no interest in this site! Look in the Review section. 6 album disgussions in 6 days? WTF... Im just saying people seem to be leaving because of this. Closing off-topic in psynews, is Like closing someones butthole. No new shit will come out, and the person will eventually die :P

there's tech talk, there's spiritual talk, for everything else theres esknet. Seems allrite to me. :)

Dude, i know as much about tech talk as im interested in it. I'm shure all you GEEK's are okay with it, but what about stupid, ignorant people like me? What about me? :D


And to be honest, the only time i feel spiritual is when i eat mushrooms or take 2cb :D with is probably a year ago i did it last time.


What is esknet?


:lol: I am out my friend.. Im just getting bored IN HERE! I'll hate to see my favorite interwebs site die! Nothing to read=no interest in this site! Look in the Review section. 6 album disgussions in 6 days? WTF... Im just saying people seem to be leaving because of this. Closing off-topic in psynews, is Like closing someones butthole. No new shit will come out, and the person will eventually die :P

Haha, looks like i was a little buzzed out last night :P So emotional :lol: What a bunch of bullshit

There's a cool feature in similar to Psynews sites.

It's the Today's Birthday feature.


I think it's gonna be cool to have it. :)


Come on, even 48hrs has it! :D


What happened to opening polls in this place? for the first time in a gazillion years I wanted to open one (mind you, a valid one) and alas it was nowhere to found... :(


Psynews is alive!!!

Am the only one who couldn't find Psynews the last 5 days? :unsure:

Nope. After clicking on the link twice an hour for the last two days I finally managed to get onboard few minutes ago :)

seems there was some SEVERE hacking this time, almost a week offline.. scary..

u damn banned people, get a life! :)


Punishment of whole?


Ok Offtopic, Spiritual are gone, but it's good to have at least some part of the psynews back. But I don't get the logic, Someone who really hates Offtopic has decided that he will destroy it with any means, So he decided for the attack, cause he knows that Mars really hates that shit. So he (they) made it and were succesfull and Mars has closed it. So they won, and we lost.


It's just very unfair for the regular users and don't start with that bullshit about the owner decision, Mars inhereted the forum, not created it..... and true value of this forum was is not in general section.


Punishment of whole?


Ok Offtopic, Spiritual are gone, but it's good to have at least some part of the psynews back. But I don't get the logic, Someone who really hates Offtopic has decided that he will destroy it with any means, So he decided for the attack, cause he knows that Mars really hates that shit. So he (they) made it and were succesfull and Mars has closed it. So they won, and we lost.


It's just very unfair for the regular users and don't start with that bullshit about the owner decision, Mars inhereted the forum, not created it..... and true value of this forum was is not in general section.

I'm not sure that it is permanent, unless you are 100% sure of course. I read some days ago that Nemo (BOFH :D ) and mars decided to recruit some Off Topics moderators. So it seemed like it was gonna keep living. Perhaps they're waiting for the moderators to reopen it...

I don't care really. Off-topic was a spamhouse anyway.. and I've got a life to take care of atm. No more spammin from my side even if we get another offtopic forum on relocation :)


Edit: No, the offtopic stays closed permanently. Mars decided not to open it ever again due to the recent hacks (his words).


I don't care really. Off-topic was a spamhouse anyway.. and I've got a life to take care of atm. No more spammin from my side even if we get another offtopic forum on relocation :)


Edit: No, the offtopic stays closed permanently. Mars decided not to open it ever again due to the recent hacks (his words).

Ow, that's really sad... It was an entertaining and a nice place to hang in. I hope there is chance it gets reopened...

Yeah, the site was hacked, and they wanted to remove ALL content of:







Which is really a BAD thing to do, this happaned 1 day after re-opening off topic, which was a clear signal


I do hope the cultural/spiritual section and the Science/Tech section will stay alive tho... but ok, we can be happy it is back here and running! :)


glad the psypie is back on-line! :D nad oft-topic... I won't miss it that much (if its gone forever ever), even though it has given me some laughs once in a while!


Yeah, the site was hacked, and they wanted to remove ALL content of:







Which is really a BAD thing to do, this happaned 1 day after re-opening off topic, which was a clear signal

Bastards! <_< good they didn't succeed!


I do hope the cultural/spiritual section and the Science/Tech section will stay alive tho... but ok, we can be happy it is back here and running! :)

Yeah those r the most useful there and not totally spammed up.... cross fingers!

No more Offtopic? If that's the case...byebye.



You won't be missed.

















































:drama: Just kidding ofc :)


I fully agree with Mars decision here, people, after all this forum is/should be about psychedelic trance culture, we want to read reviews, hear news, share music mixes, comment and confront all that is/was about psychedeic music and colture. There are gazillion places to speak of other things and if that section (that i barely ever venued into) creates so many troubles, better gone forever.


to muerto: if that section was the only reason for you to stay, well goodbye.


to everyone: it seems to me that even in reviews, announcements and everywhere generally there has always been a bit of commenting, side humour, jokes and such, so it is not like this place is going to be SO different, come on!


let's just hope these people would get identified and get what they deserve :)


You won't be missed.





:drama: Just kidding ofc :)

I almost missed the sarcasm...thank you scrollbutton! :)



I've just got nothing to contribute with. Lately, I have totally lost interest in psytrance and therefore can I neither be bothered to discuss about the music genre.

Offtopic kept me visiting this site.

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