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Astral Projection new album

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Guest neurogen

I expect many do. I think OOOD do, for example.


SUN Project also. Son kite also. many do.


But thats not my point tho. U dont need live instruments to make your session live.



im really disappointed in Procyon that he thinks this way - . -




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Man, what?


you need to rethink what "live" means.

If you have an artist. Who plays a track, and in that track he does LIVE tweaking, resequencing, looping, etc - THAT IS LIVE!


live does not just mean live instruments.



AP did not do this, they just pressed PLAY ON TAPE.




so no, Live does not mean only "live instruments."


IF an artist does sequencing on the fly, mutes/unmutes/, playes medleys, extends loops, etc. THAT IS LIVE.



As i said, this is edm, you do what u can with what you have. Doesnt make it less live just cus its a different genre than live instruments. Comon man... thought you for one would realise this ....


Well, according to your parameter of what LIVE means, then I will start pressing on my flyers that I am a LIVE DJ playing from a MacBook, for I tweak, twitch, and mix two different tracks with a third one, thus creating a different track no one heard. Indeed, if AP does not that then they're fake.


Now that I know that some people think that I play as a live DJ I am thinking of seriously training some flipping backwards on stage. It can't be more live than that! :wacko::D

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Guest neurogen

Well, according to your parameter of what LIVE means, then I will start pressing on my flyers that I am a LIVE DJ playing from a MacBook, for I tweak, twitch, and mix two different tracks with a third one, thus creating a different track no one heard. Indeed, if AP does not that then they're fake.


Now that I know that some people think that I play as a live DJ I am thinking of seriously training some flipping backwards on stage. It can't be more live than that! :wacko::D



if you are a DJ of course you are live?


What, did you mix your liveset at home and recorded it to a big wave file? (<-OPPOSITE OF LIVE)




No. You mix it LIVE.



can you spell it with me? L I V E. LIVE.

yes you are a LIVE dj.

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@neurogen: it's not that I THINK what live is. It is what it is. LIVE was initially a word used to make audience know that artists would be playing acoustically, in loco, their instruments mainly in rock concerts. So, for starts, it is wrongly used in electronic music flyers. Second, tweaking and twitching and mixing is basically what a DJ does. Again, you either say that AP is fake, but all the rest is too. Or everybody is live, including me moving my mouse.

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Guest neurogen

@neurogen: it's not that I THINK what live is. It is what it is. LIVE was initially a word used to make audience know that artists would be playing acoustically, in loco, their instruments mainly in rock concerts. So, for starts, it is wrongly used in electronic music flyers. Second, tweaking and twitching and mixing is basically what a DJ does. Again, you either say that AP is fake, but all the rest is too. Or everybody is live, including me moving my mouse.


wow.. i never expected you to be so narrowminded.

hey, you learn as you live right!


have a good night sir.



Live is not what you think it means, btw.

Live means the artist is there in front of you, performing his/her music right there, in front of you.


Pressing play on tape is NOT live.

Tweaking, sequencing, remixing, looping, that IS live. (in this genre, of course, We are on PSYNEWS.ORG)

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what about cosmosis?

what about raj and shpongle

alot of artists do the live thing, sequencing, instruments, tweaking you name it

i think shpongle do it the best along with younger brother and uni.

when it comes to just plain old live set as we know it, if you string a few sequences together and change the original does that constitute as live?

i remember lab 4 the hard dance duo had this problem years ago with people saying they wern't really live.

but after further investigation, they were stringing whole sets together on the fly, then with live drummer etc.

if thats the case, couldn't you count infected mushroom in there to? drumming and singing if you can stomach it

juno, def to a point.

but i think the ultimate live set, is mixing in organic instruments, with minimal prerecording, putting it all together and seeing where it takes you.

just my 2 cents worth

as you were gentlemen!

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if you are a DJ of course you are live?


What, did you mix your liveset at home and recorded it to a big wave file? (<-OPPOSITE OF LIVE)




No. You mix it LIVE.



can you spell it with me? L I V E. LIVE.

yes you are a LIVE dj.


Well, according to your new parameter then I will advertise on the flyer for the party I am throwing this next 22nd November:


DJ PROCYON (LIVE with Nova Fractal, Alienapia, Psy-H Project, Artha, and many more) :D


For all these artists have created files that I am using to mix.

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Neurogen, don't take it personally. I am not trying to defeat you, as you may feel. We just need to make clear what LIVE is, because it's important. In the other forum we-can-not-talk-about, there's a huge thread solely created to bash Astral Projection for this lack of definition of what LIVE is. Some people even said they would react violently if they think AP is not playing live, and it's one of the reasons Goa is not what it was before: technicalities became more important than what was coming from the speakers. My 2 cents.

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what about cosmosis?

what about raj and shpongle

alot of artists do the live thing, sequencing, instruments, tweaking you name it

i think shpongle do it the best along with younger brother and uni.

when it comes to just plain old live set as we know it, if you string a few sequences together and change the original does that constitute as live?

i remember lab 4 the hard dance duo had this problem years ago with people saying they wern't really live.

but after further investigation, they were stringing whole sets together on the fly, then with live drummer etc.

if thats the case, couldn't you count infected mushroom in there to? drumming and singing if you can stomach it

juno, def to a point.

but i think the ultimate live set, is mixing in organic instruments, with minimal prerecording, putting it all together and seeing where it takes you.

just my 2 cents worth

as you were gentlemen!


I agree with you here.

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considering the fact that it's impossible to perform goa "live" we can't apply the same criteria used for bands to goa acts. There is a huge different between someone hitting play and creating a unique version of songs for the audience. It's up for debate wether or not you want to call this "live"

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Guest neurogen

What are you talking about? They should totally have their drum machine, hardware synths, and a keyboard all set up and they play all the melodies all, modulate all the leads on the fly, and also do a live performance dance routine for us. :)


like talamasca :)

well, of course he uses pre sequenced tracks, but at least he playes keys live, he does live tweaking, live "remixing" and he dances :D

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I think some people who demand artists to play live, i.e. using their hardware, synths, keyboards, percussion and what not, in order to be "authentic" and "really live", forget something important. I mean what do get artists like AP payed for a gig? They're traveling from Israel...what do people think will the transport costs for all the hardware be? Insurance, anyone? Possible damages to the equipment? Storage costs? If you play instruments on stage, what about guest musicians? Who pays for them? It's just not possible in the psytrance scene, I'm pretty sure of that. Just because a few defining acts (Posgod) can afford (and are able) to use their whole equipment in a live concert, they seldom do so and only on special occasions. So people should cut the artists some slack regarding the term "live".


I prefer AP press a button than a DJ press a button :-)

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I think some people who demand artists to play live, i.e. using their hardware, synths, keyboards, percussion and what not, in order to be "authentic" and "really live", forget something important. I mean what do get artists like AP payed for a gig? They're traveling from Israel...what do people think will the transport costs for all the hardware be? Insurance, anyone? Possible damages to the equipment? Storage costs? If you play instruments on stage, what about guest musicians? Who pays for them? It's just not possible in the psytrance scene, I'm pretty sure of that. Just because a few defining acts (Posgod) can afford (and are able) to use their whole equipment in a live concert, they seldom do so and only on special occasions. So people should cut the artists some slack regarding the term "live".

Sure, but if it's not feasible for an artist to do anything other than DJ they should at least advertise their set as a DJ set, rather than a live act. There are artists (not just Posford) who incorporate real-time elements into their acts, and it's a bit unfair to those people if promotional material makes no distinction between someone who just presses the play button and what they're doing.

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Guest neurogen

Sure, but if it's not feasible for an artist to do anything other than DJ they should at least advertise their set as a DJ set, rather than a live act. There are artists (not just Posford) who incorporate real-time elements into their acts, and it's a bit unfair to those people if promotional material makes no distinction between someone who just presses the play button and what they're doing.


Exactly. Thank you!

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Hmmm, AFAIK, when an artist is paid to play LIVE it means the he will play a setlist of his tracks only, no matter if he keeps pushing play/cue/pause or he plays live instruments. On the other hand, when he is paid to play as a DJ, it means the he is expected to play most of his tracks, but he is also free to play other artists' tracks that he would not play as in his LIVE performance.


So, basically, the difference of his playing LIVE or as a DJ, is the setlist, not what he does on stage. Or am I mistaken?


EDIT: It came to my mind a Swedish artist (his name will come later to my mind), that was featured as LIVE ACT and DJ ACT at the same party I went. His live act was all his tracks mixed. The DJ act was some old tracks of his that he didn't play in the firts set, plus some other artists works.

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Guest neurogen

So, basically, the difference of his playing LIVE or as a DJ, is the setlist, not what he does on stage. Or am I mistaken?




Yes, youre quite mistaken.

What he does on stage is all that matters. The setlist (what is that by the way? Tracklist?) does not matter one bit

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Yes, youre quite mistaken.

What he does on stage is all that matters. The setlist (what is that by the way? Tracklist?) does not matter one bit


Holy cow! A tracklist is the soul of any artist, and then of any party. Just an insight: if I decide to play a setlist of all Astral Projection tracks - unless it was announced I was playing a tribute to them - I would get tomatoed, probably, by other DJs and the public. Now, I don't want that happening to my expensive Vibe Tribe t-shirts! :wacko:

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Guest neurogen

Holy cow! A tracklist is the soul of any artist, and then of any party. Just an insight: if I decide to play a setlist of all Astral Projection tracks - unless it was announced I was playing a tribute to them - I would get tomatoed, probably, by other DJs and the public. Now, I don't want that happening to my expensive Vibe Tribe t-shirts! :wacko:


What? I think we are talking about two very different things here.

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