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What is the best method to add fx noises and strange sounds to a track?

Using a sampler and find nice wave and aiff sounds, adding later effects processor (glitch,camelspace etc.) ,or using a soft synth??

Normaly synths dont have lot of noisy and wird fx sounds?

If a synth anyone recomend something?


what do you use?sampler,synth,effect´s?



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Sometimes i record the sounds that comes when i spank your sister :lol: Then try to stretch the noises and cut out the brief moments where she moans like a pig(because it won't sound good when you stretch it), and add some phaser or flanger to it to make it sound more alive


Sometimes i record the sounds that comes when i spank your sister :lol: Then try to stretch the noises and cut out the brief moments where she moans like a pig(because it won't sound good when you stretch it), and add some phaser or flanger to it to make it sound more alive

:lol: slap-trance

Sometimes i record the sounds that comes when i spank your sister :lol: Then try to stretch the noises and cut out the brief moments where she moans like a pig(because it won't sound good when you stretch it), and add some phaser or flanger to it to make it sound more alive

Bem antes de mais o teu estilo mata qualquer um depoix possivelmente q


Sometimes i record the sounds that comes when i spank your sister :lol: Then try to stretch the noises and cut out the brief moments where she moans like a pig(because it won't sound good when you stretch it), and add some phaser or flanger to it to make it sound more alive


Antes de mais esse teu estilo deixa me sem palavras pareçes um xuleco que anda a intrujar os putos com ganza la no teu bairrinho !Nem sei o que fazes neste forum e até ja deves ter nivel platina ou ouro! :posford:

Depoix se não te intressava o topico nao respondias e pegavas nessas observação nojenta e davas la a tua IRMA POIX ELA É QUE TE ANDAR A ENCAVAR.

Já agora trata me desse acne sarnoso.

PS.Nem deves saber o que é Phaser

_UP your Phase.Fag.

Hooo your face seems like sheet! drop that foto!you seem like you had an acne inccident!!! :lol: PFFFFFFF


You should look for other forum´s and shut the fuck up



Try to translate this.

Got fotos from your mother in the shower.


the moderatores must be sleepin!


:lol: :lol: :lol:


Awww, what's the matter? You really expected an objective answer to your "what is the best..?" thread?

Lexicon PSP 42 VST and dblue glitch. :rolleyes:

Ok Thanks for the super feedback for all the artists that add a nice reply!

For those stupidsfuckers with fagget answers dont want to read their knowlegde.

The point here was to know what kind of techniques people were using!

Im not a noobie i got some years of experience with frutty,reason,cubase(a little) and now the supreme ableton live etc.

When i made the topic was to find out what was the best in your oppinion and not the the gods finally fucking supreme technique ,because that doesn´t exists(an artist achive is own method and ideas)iknow!!!!

Not a stupid question!but stupid users.

Im not a kiddie im almost 30 so next time you wana bee´s write,

write with good meannig!Capichheeeeee?Entendes!!yah yhaa?

Thanks for the support Reznik !! :drama:

Cheer´s and Hughs


Keep up the good Vibe.



Antes de mais esse teu estilo deixa me sem palavras pareçes um xuleco que anda a intrujar os putos com ganza la no teu bairrinho !Nem sei o que fazes neste forum e até ja deves ter nivel platina ou ouro! :posford:

Depoix se não te intressava o topico nao respondias e pegavas nessas observação nojenta e davas la a tua IRMA POIX ELA É QUE TE ANDAR A ENCAVAR.

Já agora trata me desse acne sarnoso.

PS.Nem deves saber o que é Phaser

_UP your Phase.Fag.

Hooo your face seems like sheet! drop that foto!you seem like you had an acne inccident!!! :lol: PFFFFFFF


You should look for other forum´s and shut the fuck up



Try to translate this.

Got fotos from your mother in the shower.


the moderatores must be sleepin!

:lol: Your trying to diss my looks? :D:lol: Now i know for a fact that im good looking(maybe not in my avatar, since im making a face), so i can't really take your pathetic attempt to hurt me very serious ;)


And cut the foreign language, since it's a waste of time to write something no one understands.. And if you can't take a little joke about your sister(especially from a person who don't even know if you have a sister or not) then i suggest YOU take your whining bitchass and get the fuck out of here


And the reason no one answers serious to your thread? GO TAKE A LOOK AROUND IN THE thousands of other threads about making sounds/producing tips ect...


:lol: What a looser... Boo Hoo moderators, they don't answer serious, boo hoo :lol:


:lol: Your trying to diss my looks? :D:lol: Now i know for a fact that im good looking, so i can't really take your pathetic attempt to hurt me very serious ;)


And cut the foreign language, since it's a waste of time to write something no one understands.. And if you can't take a little joke about your sister(especially from a person who don't even know if you have a sister or not) then i suggest YOU take your whining bitchass and get the fuck out of here


And the reason no one answers serious to your thread? GO TAKE A LOOK AROUND IN THE thousands of other threads about making sounds/producing tips ect...


:lol: What a looser... Boo Hoo moderators, they don't answer serious, boo hoo :lol:

cut the crap man, we´ve all been begginers asking stupid needless questions, havent we?

cut the crap man, we´ve all been begginers asking stupid needless questions, havent we?

Yes and i just posted a stupid joke.. Then he started attacking my looks and called me something in a language i don't understand.. Fuck it, couldn't care less

Yes and i just posted a stupid joke.. Then he started attacking my looks and called me something in a language i don't understand.. Fuck it, couldn't care less

lol, i thought he wrote it in that language so only you could understand and especially you.

doesnt make sense..


lol, i thought he wrote it in that language so only you could understand and especially you.

doesnt make sense..

Thats what i mean... Guess he's too vulnerable for a little joke... Im sorry if i hurt your feelings STAR FUCKER... You must have some serious personal issues if you get tipped off and angry about something like this :lol: Acne accident :lol: Thats a good one.. Just isn't appropriate to use it against me ;) Sorry

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