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Yes - it's our 10th Birthday this year would you believe!?


Thanks to everyone who's supported us for a whole decade!



Main Room:


System 7 - Live

Eat Static - Live

Si Splatt

Purusha - retrospective set




OVNI - Live (featuring Purusha)

Mirror System - DJ Set


Si Splatt


Visuals by Leeds VJ Mafia and Magic Lantern

Backroom tea and deco by Positivi-tea


Various surprises and special stuff happening for this one


...and it's fancy dress!


@Leeds West Indian Centre

9pm 'til 5am (maybe later for this special one)

£15 on the door


More info at:





If anyone knows any old regulars who haven't been for a while, or who might have moved away, please let them know. It'd be nice to see the people who were around at the beginning back again for this rather special one.


Also - Big congratulations to Ian Charles (head-man at the West Indian Centre) for his recently awarded MBE!



(copied from psy-forum)


I just so cant wait for this. Its gonna be a great night.


And im going with such a lovely person too!! :)

yes you are :) lol.......


THAT was the best Cabbage ever! i hardly left the trancefloor................

System7 Rocked, and merv Eat Static... WOW kept me groovin til the music stopped!


Nice to meet you Yard Hippie..............:)


THAT was the best Cabbage ever! i hardly left the trancefloor................

System7 Rocked, and merv Eat Static... WOW kept me groovin til the music stopped!


Nice to meet you Yard Hippie..............:)

Heh yeah it was pretty spectacular. System 7 were absolutely brilliant. I think with Merv it was just too late in the night and we were all just a little bit too shattered to appreciate his set. Which was a shame really because I was looking forward to it. Plus we were forced to leave before he'd completely finished. Awesome Cabbage though :D


Nice to meet you too Pixie ;)


Heh yeah it was pretty spectacular. System 7 were absolutely brilliant. I think with Merv it was just too late in the night and we were all just a little bit too shattered to appreciate his set. Which was a shame really because I was looking forward to it. Plus we were forced to leave before he'd completely finished. Awesome Cabbage though :D


Nice to meet you too Pixie ;)

EE! you young uns just can`t hack the pace! lol

Mervs set just got better and better, how could you possibly leave before the end? Pleased you had fun tho:)


EE! you young uns just can`t hack the pace! lol

Mervs set just got better and better, how could you possibly leave before the end? Pleased you had fun tho:)

Two of our group were falling asleep in the chill out room. I'd have been very happy to stay till the end :)


if that had been me, i would have left them sleeping....


I was offered a free lift home to H`gate and i declined! No chance in hell of getting me off that dancefloor.............!!


LOL it was funny to be offered the lift home early, The only way you would have got me and Janet off the dance floor is if they had clubbed us over the head and dragged us out LOL. No way was i gonna mis the whole of Merv's set!! It was awsome. He really rocked the place. System 7 were equally brilliant. What a top night it was!!


no-one said anything that i have heard...


there`s not one next month because of a special for halloween and theres not usually one in december anyway ........


i`ll ask Chris..i dont mind if its every two months personally, gives me time to save up and i`ll do kulu on the opposite month lol.......


no-one said anything that i have heard...


there`s not one next month because of a special for halloween and theres not usually one in december anyway ........


i`ll ask Chris..i dont mind if its every two months personally, gives me time to save up and i`ll do kulu on the opposite month lol.......

yeah it would probably save a bit of money :) Times are tight recently so I guess it'd be for the best anyhow

you are right! its gonna be every two months.............oh well...maybe its a good thing............


you are right! its gonna be every two months.............oh well...maybe its a good thing............

Maybe... but I dunno. I can't help but feel like this is due to the recent drop in numbers at both Kulu and Cabbage. I'm hoping it's not a sign that the whole crowd is begining to move on in that neck of the woods. That would really suck :unsure:


Kulu had probs coz of smoking and theft issues i think! i didnt like having to go outside for a smoke..too exposed! leeds parties ebb and flow, theres always been a lull in oct..i used to go to manchester instead then.

things will pick up, they always do!


Still got to check out the Mill now its been saved!!

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