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Since psytrance is pretty much impossible to find or hear in america I have to think that it is a problem with the marketing.


Most people give me the :blink: look when I tell them I listen to psytrance.

So more exposure is nessesary to let people know what this music sounds like.


The few that think they know seem to associate it with long-haired hippies.

So perhaps an image update is in order.


Then, when I play some they tend to think it all sounds the same, so perhaps some more variety would help.

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It's not that there is no variety in the music, it's just that any music you don't like all sounds the same.

I think all pop sounds the same, all R&B sounds the same, all country & western sounds the same etc

  SeaWasp said:

^^^ I love rock, but our Canadian icons... Nickelback, all their music sounds the same :unsure: .

Oh aye, some artists are just crap & can't produce anything new so just rehash the same old ideas over & over. I love psytrance but there is a lot of it that all sounds the same like generic copy & paste fullon but also a lot of uninspired prog, chill & ambient all blends into one.

psytrance market in america :rolleyes: sounds like a joke to me! after i moved here i asked few of my friends for a place to buy cds and they told me about this huge store here which supposedly has EVERYTHING....everything my ass!!!! i asked 3 of the employees for psytrance records, 2 of them gave me this :blink: look and asked "what trance!??!" and third one was like -_- and handed me infected fucking mushroom !!!!!!!!!


i just wish i could go to a store, go through few CDs and buy it there... :rolleyes:


what really surprise me is that drum n bass is pretty popular here :unsure:Posted Image

  p(sy)ayam said:

psytrance market in america :rolleyes: sounds like a joke to me! after i moved here i asked few of my friends for a place to buy cds and they told me about this huge store here which supposedly has EVERYTHING....everything my ass!!!! i asked 3 of the employees for psytrance records, 2 of them gave me this :blink: look and asked "what trance!??!" and third one was like -_- and handed me infected fucking mushroom !!!!!!!!!


i just wish i could go to a store, go through few CDs and buy it there... :rolleyes:

Same here in the UK. I remember a while back I went on a quest to find somewhere, anywhere in Manchester that sold psy. I figured that there must be a small underground shop somewhere that catered for it in the entire of Manchester. I found cyberdog, which I already knew about and that charges £19.99 a cd and that was it :unsure:


It's always confused me that it is not more popular when you consider that there is a lot of music outside of the mainstream which you can quite happily go out and buy if you feel the need. Perhaps someone should exploit this huge hole in the market...

  p(sy)ayam said:

psytrance market in america :rolleyes: sounds like a joke to me! after i moved here i asked few of my friends for a place to buy cds and they told me about this huge store here which supposedly has EVERYTHING....everything my ass!!!! i asked 3 of the employees for psytrance records, 2 of them gave me this :blink: look and asked "what trance!??!" and third one was like -_- and handed me infected fucking mushroom !!!!!!!!!


i just wish i could go to a store, go through few CDs and buy it there... :rolleyes:


what really surprise me is that drum n bass is pretty popular here :unsure:Posted Image

You should come to Japan, the land where most record shops have psytrance & a few specialist stores actually carry suomi, old school goa, ambient even :blink:


Unfortunately it is always cheaper to buy on the internet than in Japan unless you get some second hand bargains :D


Canada is just as terrible. At least my town. All we have is fucking HMV at the mall. Their electronic(they call it dance music) sections is like 1 tiny rack that holds max ~100 CDs. All of which is poppy/uninteresting crap like tiesto/basement jaxx/etc. The only good electronic CDs Ive ever seen(And promptly bought) were : infected mushroom - the gathering, 3 juno reactor cds, shpongles 2nd album & a few FLA ones(these werent even the electronic section but the rock/pop section :blink: Just happened to look as I saw nothing interesting in the metal section). Most ppl here think of techo as "rave music" & refer to all genre of electronic music as techno or more commonly "trippy fucking shit yo" Fucking gangsta losers. There is absolutely no scene here(Ive still never been to an actual party <_< ) & most ppl listen to crappy random shit they find on limewire by searching for keywords like trippy/rave/mushroom/etc. Guess I cant bitch about that though as thats how I found about infected mushroom/hallucinogen & got into psy. I still think there is a huge untapped market for psy/chill/etc here. Hell even if a headshop sold the more well known stuff, a bit over priced Id probly still buy it. Theres probly a decent scene in the lower mainland or the island but Im surprised theres not much here unless its really underground & I just missed it.


Where are you living? In the interior? Even in Toronto you won't find much psytrance in stores. It's all online. But there are parties--pretty much everywhere. Particularly in B.C. I've seen listings for psytrance events from Tofino to Nelson, in the Okanagan and all over the lower mainland and the Island. I played at a festival on the Sunshine Coast this summer, and then ferried over to Victoria for another gig the weekend after. It's definitely happening out west...


Of course, I agree with the general sentiment that psytrance isn't well-marketed outside the established boundaries of the scene. People find out about this music but it isn't so easy--not in North America at least... well, I know with certainty that my web site is helping with that in a major way. I often receive email from people who have just discovered psytrance thanks to what I am doing. And it makes sense. The best promotion for music is music, after all. When you interact with people outside of the scene and suggest that they go check out Infected Mushroom or Shpongle or whatever, you are essentially asking them to load up some P2P software and get pirating (I mean, who is going to fork out money for something they've never tried before?). With my site, people can simply drop the link and that's it--immediate access to a whole new world of music. No wonder we're closing in on 400,000 releases served...


Belgium is very good, psyshop isn't that far to deliver,

suntrip is here :D

sometimes you can find it in "so called" commercial stores,


I ordered 6 years ago "infected mushroom - classical mushroom" in one of the biggest music stores and it took back then 6 months :lol: ,


but now you can find fullon releases if you search...



there's a psychedelic trance store in my town, 1 km from here....


I'm might say I'm very lucky,

but I always thought psytrance isn't that popular in America, reading your post it still seems to be,

Holland, Germany and Belgium always have been very into electronically music,

even on the radio, all that commercial house (now it's better), but damn :blink:


Croatia is fukin horrible :( There's absolutely no psyshops that I know of in this town, maybe there are some in the capital.. but that's like hundreds of miles away. There is one dude downtown that has alot of LP's and cassetes, generally he has alot of old stuff aswell like comic books, paintings etc. I might take a visit once, maybe I'm lucky enough to get my hands on some oldskool material (and on VINYL too, wouldnt that be a steal? wish i was that lucky..)


As for the scene.. We'll we do have an ocasional party organized, the most popular one has to be underwater overground. But most people are just unaware of this genre. O well..


Greece is pretty much the same.

Although most young ppl know the word Psytrance they don't have any idea about what the music really is, or have the impression that Psytrance is the new IM style or the Greek nitzhonot scene (which 90% has nothing to do with Psy/Goa).

About shops. They are only a few record stores with some Psy cds, most of them commercial full on and they rarely update their list. The stores that focus in Psy or electronic music in general are five maximum in whole Athens. The same in Thessaloniki. About the rest of Greece online shops is the only option.


Finland is not a great place to get psytrance either.


I wonder when will Psytrance-scene grow bigger, it's been around almost 20 years now and it's still really small.


Oh and statistics on this matter would be great, I mean money circulation/album sales etc. statistics would be pretty interesting to see.


marketing comes from market... and in market you find buyers and in buyers you find people actually willing to spend money on it. I'm not saying there isn't a strong market of people world wide consuming the music and the culture very strongly, the thing is it is spread to thin. Hence very few people are actually making enough money to organize a massive communications strategy like the one big labels can (or at least could afford) since the something like Beatles.

The psy trance effort is very underground even with big names on a world-wide basis and the effort remains viral (which on this day and age is just as just good as anything else, or probably better) the thing is it is taking longer to reach critical mass of widespread acceptance. In order to that, a cultural shift needs to happen. Psytrance needs to become as appealing to the masses... Think about the target audience, traditionally outcasts, hippies, ravers, the party people, the mind-expanders... this is core demographic by no means encompasses a majority of anything. Big bands and big names appeal to a lot of people, psychedelic trance does not, you need to like dance music, you need to like trance and you need to like 'special' trance , without forgetting you need to have some kind of fondness for the ideological roots of the culture that accompanies the music - psychedelia. That's an awful lot of segmentation, i'm afraid and it needs to permate the core of our cultural values slowly. If popular culture deems it an interesting experiment they can assimilate then it will become mainstream, if it doesn't, we'll remain underground.


hope that made any sense, i'm not too sure myself.

  Basilisk said:

Where are you living? In the interior? Even in Toronto you won't find much psytrance in stores. It's all online. But there are parties--pretty much everywhere. Particularly in B.C. I've seen listings for psytrance events from Tofino to Nelson, in the Okanagan and all over the lower mainland and the Island. I played at a festival on the Sunshine Coast this summer, and then ferried over to Victoria for another gig the weekend after. It's definitely happening out west...


Of course, I agree with the general sentiment that psytrance isn't well-marketed outside the established boundaries of the scene. People find out about this music but it isn't so easy--not in North America at least... well, I know with certainty that my web site is helping with that in a major way. I often receive email from people who have just discovered psytrance thanks to what I am doing. And it makes sense. The best promotion for music is music, after all. When you interact with people outside of the scene and suggest that they go check out Infected Mushroom or Shpongle or whatever, you are essentially asking them to load up some P2P software and get pirating (I mean, who is going to fork out money for something they've never tried before?). With my site, people can simply drop the link and that's it--immediate access to a whole new world of music. No wonder we're closing in on 400,000 releases served...

Yeah I live in BC, The Okanagan. Shambhala is the only big 1 I know of but I havent had enough money or a vehicle to go as of yet plus I cant order stuff online & afaik no stores in town sell tickets anyway. I have checked ur site a few times, Ive seen a few parties but most of them are on the island & I cant afford the $300+ it would cost to drive to van & take the ferry(its like over $100 now thanks to fuel tax) there & back. Also Ive never heard of most of the ppl & the flyers never say what type of music it is. Id hate to go all the way there to have to listen to some kind of techno I dont like.

Ahhh, well if you keep your ear to the ground you should be able to find out about the odd psytrance event that takes place in your neck of the woods. There aren't many, no, but they're probably pretty cool. Some sites to check out:






I hope that helps you connect with your local scene :)

  needle ninja said:

Since psytrance is pretty much impossible to find or hear in america I have to think that it is a problem with the marketing.


Most people give me the :blink: look when I tell them I listen to psytrance.

So more exposure is nessesary to let people know what this music sounds like.

I was at a party on Saturday, and we had a laptop hooked up to a TV to play videos online and whatnot. I was watching some Shpongle videos on YouTube, and since not many people were paying attention (no one there really liked electronic music much) I clicked on a link to something that mentioned goa trance. I don't know who the music was in the video, but the video itself was just some beach party scenes which I assume were at Goa. This girl commented on the pretty beaches and the large party, and I explained a little of the history of goa trance. She said, "Oh, I thought this was techno". Then of course I had to explain, and the people who were listening got that :blink: expression I always see when talking about electronic music to people who don't listen to it.



The few that think they know seem to associate it with long-haired hippies.

So perhaps an image update is in order.

And then there's me to uphold the stereotype. :lol:


Maybe it's just because most people don't share our taste in music, ever thought about that? :) I've been promoting psytrance to my friends ever since i started listening to it for 7 years ago, and not many people understand... I have 2 friends and my brother.. TWO fucking friends and thats it... And the two people i know plus my brother who really are into it, do drugs :) Maybe thats just a strange coincidence??? ;)


Okay, more people i know are into fullon, but if i put "real" psytrance on, they just look at me like im stupid.. Then put "Infected mushroom-becoming insane" or "Growling mchines-we will never die" back on :lol:


It's in every shop here. But it's always the same boring full-on everywhere.

I didn't buy a CD in a regular shop for ages. Except some Hebrew albums

  Goa Bill said:

It's in every shop here. But it's always the same boring full-on everywhere.

I didn't buy a CD in a regular shop for ages. Except some Hebrew albums

yup,same regular full on releases everywhere but BNE seems to bring

a lot of abroad releases to regular shops but in small stocks,i bought haltya's third album a cuple of month

back and i saw a cuple of interchill releases at tower records.

i sure miss those days MDMA used to bring music in israel,IMO BNE should do the same.


shana tova !:)


Come to Anjuna Flee Market in Goa this season, you can find almost most of the psytance releases sold for 1 or 2 US dollars..all pirated stuff ..way to go ;)


Just kidding.



I bought Astral Projection- Trust in trance original cd from a commercial cd store couple of months ago..i dont know how it ended up there..but i was lucky..also goa gill stuff is everywhere...and if lucky you could find some ultimae releases ( very limited copies ) from large cd store near by.


Pirated goa trance cd's sell like hot cakes in the anjuna & chapora flee markets during season time..many of you here would banish me for saying this..but the truth is these cheap pirated cd's are the one's that got me hooked to this music and for many more...but these days i stick with originals.

  Otto Matta said:

My ...



This is proof!

(might as well be the same left/right if your def)

I sooooooooooooo hate pop music!


Well yes, one day, one day there may be people who want new music.

But only 1% of 1% [us freaks] do today. :drama: :angry::ph34r:

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