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I was thinking we could maybe create a track with several people. The idea would be one starts a track and passes it around however wants to add something to it. Who would be interested?


I guess we would need to agree on a DAW, synth, style, bpm, ...

I use Logic 8 and Ableton 6, but I can get any free DAW out there. Maybe we can only use free synth (of course you can record whatever you want and add it as audio) and free effects?

Then the style something not to exentric with a bpm of 142 of something like that.

We could do something like 3 days per person so we can have as many participant as possible. Of course you can't create the whole track and just need to add, modify a few things here and there and avoid changing the kick/bass everytime, things like that.


What do you guys think?


Actually this is nothing new and it's not bad either. Slsknet records (netlabel) organized things like that a few times allready. Altho they did it much faster, as everyone was connected on a network and each person had about 3 or so minutes to add something to the track before sending the project over to the next person. It's a real speedy way of doing things, but the result was great. 3 Days per person would make the end result even better imo. :)


I don't think I could participate tho, as I've got some pc probs atm (maybe ill get to fix them, ill see about it).


I think there should be a vote on what sequencer to use + the vsts. In case someone will be using a commercial vst then its better to bounce its output so the project can be carried on to the next person.


Yes they are several variations on this idea. I've listened to the Slsknet album like this and it's brilliant! I prefer the 3 day idea as it enables to refine what's been already done and you can focus on parts of the production you like and you're good at (melodies, mixing, bass, drums, ...).


I'm guessing the majority of people have PC, so maybe ableton would be the best solution due to its popularity. For the VSTs I can safely assume everyone has Albino 3. For the effects there are tones of free and high quality stuff.


It can be a great way also to see how other people work to give ideas for your own production. Music productions need to be more open!

  maxime999 said:

Yes they are several variations on this idea. I've listened to the Slsknet album like this and it's brilliant! I prefer the 3 day idea as it enables to refine what's been already done and you can focus on parts of the production you like and you're good at (melodies, mixing, bass, drums, ...).


I'm guessing the majority of people have PC, so maybe ableton would be the best solution due to its popularity. For the VSTs I can safely assume everyone has Albino 3. For the effects there are tones of free and high quality stuff.


It can be a great way also to see how other people work to give ideas for your own production. Music productions need to be more open!

Never tried ableton, however it shouldn't be hard for me to adapt. I'm allready an avid sonar/flstudio/p5 user. Now I just need to figure out if it will work (im gettin some BSOD's randomly.. need a new mobo + psu. but maybe it will work for just this once *keeps fingers crossed*)


Anywho.. I think we should put some set of rules. A few suggestions:


- Maybe limit on how much more minutes a person can add from his part? For example, everyone can do 1-2 minutes and then passes it to the next person to continue on the next 1-2 minutes. Or we could just build a long 10 minute track with basic bass&kicks and then just 'build around it', adding more parts to it to make it more interesting etc... Well theres all sorts of ways to do it, each person has a different way he works.


- If using external samples they should be copied to the folder right next to the project file so we don't end up with missing samples.


- Try not to use the same busses for your newly loaded vsts with busses that are allready used from the person before. So we don't end up with accidental removal of automation.


Oh and, when we're done I think it would be a good idea to send the project file to someone who can do a good mixdown + someone who can do some mastering. Nothing special, but just so it sounds ok-ish ;)


Yes. I prefer the Idea of laying down a simple structure then we gradually add instruments/fx to it


Also we have to be clear on who is working when on the song. It'd be stupid for two person to work on it at the same time, the merging would be a pain in the ass.


Actually I don't really know how to use Ableton :-). Maybe Fruity Loops then? What are the limitation on the demo? I see the express version is pretty cheap, or I might just do a search on google :unsure:

  maxime999 said:

Yes. I prefer the Idea of laying down a simple structure then we gradually add instruments/fx to it


Also we have to be clear on who is working when on the song. It'd be stupid for two person to work on it at the same time, the merging would be a pain in the ass.


Actually I don't really know how to use Ableton :-). Maybe Fruity Loops then? What are the limitation on the demo? I see the express version is pretty cheap, or I might just do a search on google :unsure:

Well I suposse we would just pass the project by to the next person when we're done. Over MSN or rapidshare/other upload sites. Then just pm the next person where the link is and he continues the work.

Oh and, maybe make a list of people who want to participate and put some sort of schedule, so everyone knows when is their turn.


Yeah most psynewsers here are familiar with FL (arent ya? :P). The demo doesn't allow project saving, altho it allows exporting to wav. But that doesn't make sense if you're going to work on it for 3 days, you can't keep your pc on all the time..


I wouldn't advise to buy anything unless youre familiar with it (why waste money?). Maybe just 'try before u buy'? If you know what I'm getting at? ;)


I like the idea a lot. I'm using live 7 and I think I still have live 6 somewhere(but 7 is much better). I think we shouldn't make a part each, but allow everyone to mess with the stuff that has already been made so that the transitions between users won't be that obvious.


I could mix and master this, if you guys wanted... if so, I would suggest rule/guideline about not rendering FX... nothing more frustrating than having mix errors burned into the raw audio.


I don't have Ableton but I could write the killer melody (everyone wants to do that) in MIDI.


You know the fast 16ths Pleiadians style one.

  drekmajster said:

I like the idea a lot. I'm using live 7 and I think I still have live 6 somewhere(but 7 is much better). I think we shouldn't make a part each, but allow everyone to mess with the stuff that has already been made so that the transitions between users won't be that obvious.

yes that's what i meant.


As sequencer I would suggest Logic & Ableton but I'm open to other things.

As for plugins, Albino 3 and Vanguard


Hey, I wanna play along, but I don't use PC or Ableton. How about providing an audio file along with a MIDI file for those like me. :posford:


Hmm... maybe we should split ourselves into groups and create several tracks each with a different sequencer? We will need more people on this tho.. But it wouldn't be bad, we would allready have a compilation hehe.


great idea...just wish i could participate :(


music to me is like a language that i can understand and read, but i can't wright a single word :ph34r: i feel like i should stop listening to music <_< sucks to be a consumer (and only a consumer), you know?!?!


i use cubase studio 4 on a mac. i have ablton live but dont really know how to use it...

very interested in doing something like this. sounds fun & a good way of getting ideas of how other people write music

  Malevol3nt said:

So are we gonna roll this joint or what?

Okay, see if you want to start with this. It's part of a song I tried to write for a while, but never got anywhere with. This is pretty much the only part I like. If nobody likes it or wants to expand upon it, no problem.


MIDI file: http://www.veracohr.com/audio/PsynewsTrack (NOTE: my DAW doesn't tack an extension on the end of the filename, so I suppose you'll have to add it)

Audio file: http://www.veracohr.com/audio/PsynewsTrack.wav


Another note: the sound playing the track called "Modulo" I kept changing but was never was happy with. I say someone else come up with a cool sound for that track.

  Veracohr said:

Okay, see if you want to start with this. It's part of a song I tried to write for a while, but never got anywhere with. This is pretty much the only part I like. If nobody likes it or wants to expand upon it, no problem.


MIDI file: http://www.veracohr.com/audio/PsynewsTrack (NOTE: my DAW doesn't tack an extension on the end of the filename, so I suppose you'll have to add it)

Audio file: http://www.veracohr.com/audio/PsynewsTrack.wav


Another note: the sound playing the track called "Modulo" I kept changing but was never was happy with. I say someone else come up with a cool sound for that track.

I'll give it a shot. That squaky sound has it's taste. :)


Balls. I can't get the soundcard to work without getting the blue screen. Soz.. I'll have to drop out of this one.. damnit.


Offering that I've got FL and ableton down


I guess what will make this fun is if we discuss what kind of style or track it should be first of all, what would it aim to achieve. Adding random jive won't make a track a peice of music, if people want this to be a peice of music.

  Aeros said:

Offering that I've got FL and ableton down


I guess what will make this fun is if we discuss what kind of style or track it should be first of all, what would it aim to achieve. Adding random jive won't make a track a peice of music, if people want this to be a peice of music.

I vote for: melodic and not too fast (<=145BPM).


so much discussion, so little action. this is PSYnews.org ;) Make a damn PSY track. I vote the one who just STARTS to be president! :D

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