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Send In...Send Back (Atmos rmx)

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Guest WSTE_M

my opinion: track ruined.


on the whole the CD is a disapointment, you would think that this a minimalistic frenzy, hardcore german goatrance that will blow the nightbours way, in reality its a collection on mediorace tracks that are not minimalistic, not superbly melodic, and in general quite lacking.



Guest Final Conflikt

i dont know about u but i loved it... its not the same style as the original, maybe its just different!

Guest WSTE_M

what he did was put a sampled sound in loop all over the track, just hear the sound he put it all the way though, no variation what-so-ever, just a loop.


I just dont get what the X-Dream and Delta guys want to do with Atmos...


As for the rest of the CD:


The Wechelstrom tracks is quite original, and would seem interesting, if only I could not understand german... the guy is talking aobut his latex matress and "lets go home baby" "im waiting by the phone" and that sort of thing...


Authentic is Authentic as we know him, predicable.


The Spirallianz track is OK, but I cant really understand it.


the Areomeda track by Midimiliz is a lot like MJ error from The Deltas second CD, but with less bass, boring, repetive stuff.


Thorazin by X-Dream, we all know that, not the best from X-Dream, but still...

"Low level format" by the Delta seems to be a copy of X-Dreams "Peters Hoover"

its the same bass line.


the "Send in...Send Back" remix by atmos is crap, lets not even talk about it.

Intermediate by Midimiliz is OK, not great, and like with Spiraltraz track i cant undertand it, its not full on, it hasent a superhard bass line, its not wicked, its just... "there"


Stanby is Standby from "Send in ...Send Back" CD the best track on the CD IMO, but as it has been released before, its a fill up.


The last track is psycedelic chill.


Its seems like a huried low budget production, that shouldent be publiched.

I hope that The Delta/Spirallianz/Midimiliz/X-Dream pull their act toghether for the next release.

rating: 3/10



Guest Peter

X-Dream has a collaboration with Atmos, Called "Amtrax", thats why he is working with them!..


Over And Out..

Guest No exit

WSTE_EM as u said it urself... it seems that u just DONT UNDERSTAND their music...

so why bother commenting on it u fool!?

Guest WSTE_M

1) I dident comment on the tracks i dident understand...


2) what I meant was I dident understand their point



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