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  Ormion said:

Some XV Kilist maybe?

hey, thanks, this is good!


I dunno why, but I always thought XV Kilist was crap :unsure: ... glad to finally see it's not :)

  abasio said:

No! Some people (like me) "Suffer" from synaesthesia see colours whenever they hear music (or anything in my case)

Nothing to do with drugs

I don't use drugs, but I always 'see' colours when I'm listening to music. Especially inelectronic music. And when it comes in Psytrance I can 'see' a lot of combinations which is very interesting.


  Darkarbiter said:

Perfect synaesthesia color:

Posted Image

Nice! :) Love that color combination.




Seems we have similar tastes :)

  Ormion said:

I don't use drugs, but I always 'see' colours when I'm listening to music. Especially inelectronic music. And when it comes in Psytrance I can 'see' a lot of combinations which is very interesting.




Nice! :) Love that color combination.




Seems we have similar tastes :)

I have about 30 of these if you want them, 2 hours of picking nice moments with acidwax and gimp :)
  buzzman said:

Okay, let me re-phrase it then... NORMAL people don't see colors when listening to music, except if you have done some psychedelics(and that is only if you are lucky, i've never tried it :( )


nyways, it must be a cool disorder to have... I envy you :)


How does the color show? In the air, or do things turn purple(for example) or what happens? I've read about synesthesia, but it didn't explain exactly what happens, except it's a "disease" that makes the persons senses blend in on each other, like a particular smell when you see a item, or like you say: colors when listening to music.

Explanations can't really do it justice. It's almost like an extra sense, a sense to "see" music. Like some people can see auras I suppose (I wouldn't know as I can't see auras) but for me to try & explain what I see. Imagine looking at a brightly lit room with a lot of items in it. Suddenly close your eyes & you can still see the after image. Now make that after image more vivid colours & have it move & phase in & out. Have it move towards you & away from you in a recurring loop that's difficult to pull out of.


As I said, it's hard to put into words!

  ophitoxaemia said:

My ideal track does not adhere to a formula, quite the opposite.

It's not a formula, it's just descriptions.

All tracks have percussion, bpm, layers etc., so you can just describe these.

  abasio said:

Explanations can't really do it justice. It's almost like an extra sense, a sense to "see" music. Like some people can see auras I suppose (I wouldn't know as I can't see auras) but for me to try & explain what I see. Imagine looking at a brightly lit room with a lot of items in it. Suddenly close your eyes & you can still see the after image. Now make that after image more vivid colours & have it move & phase in & out. Have it move towards you & away from you in a recurring loop that's difficult to pull out of.


As I said, it's hard to put into words!

I get a slight idea of what your talking about... It sounds trippy :P

Hey, and I thought I was alone in relating certain music with colors. And it happens quite often too, for example, Vibrasphere - San Pedro is brown, and Vibrasphere - Fuzzy Vibes purple. For some reason it's strongest with Afgin - From the Heart, just remembering that tune immediately immerses me in green. I agree though, the best songs are purple :P

  buzzman said:

Okay, let me re-phrase it then... NORMAL people don't see colors when listening to music, except if you have done some psychedelics(and that is only if you are lucky, i've never tried it :( )

I've never done drugs, so I guess it can happen to anyone.
  Krez said:

Hey, and I thought I was alone in relating certain music with colors. And it happens quite often too, for example, Vibrasphere - San Pedro is brown, and Vibrasphere - Fuzzy Vibes purple. For some reason it's strongest with Afgin - From the Heart, just remembering that tune immediately immerses me in green. I agree though, the best songs are purple :P


I've never done drugs, so I guess it can happen to anyone.

Yep, same as me (haven't heard any of those tracks though), and its more a pattern/shape and with individual elements.
  Krez said:

Hey, and I thought I was alone in relating certain music with colors. And it happens quite often too, for example, Vibrasphere - San Pedro is brown, and Vibrasphere - Fuzzy Vibes purple. For some reason it's strongest with Afgin - From the Heart, just remembering that tune immediately immerses me in green. I agree though, the best songs are purple :P


I've never done drugs, so I guess it can happen to anyone.

Hahaha :D Me too! Most Afgin tracks are green. But the definition of green are MFG! The green masters! :D


OMG, guys, I totally forgot 12 Moons!

Solid State meets all my criteria. Almost everything perfect on that one!


  Ormion said:

PS: This is mosly for dance tracks, but if you can manage it you can write about Ambient.

My perfect ambient should be repetitive but with subtle variations throughout. It should be long, between 20 & 40 minutes long with a lot of spacey atmospheric sounds, subtle beats or beatless rhythm and softly muttered samples that are too obscure to understand.


Pete Namlook & Mixmaster Morris - Hymn

The Infinity Project - Under The Overtones

The Circular Ruins - The Alchemy Concert

Both MOTYs



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