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Cray1 owns one.


My favourite net radio station would have to be techno.fm


Tons of sets, and primarily sets would be the main reason. They've got a psy channel, but I mostly listen to the techno one. The dude who runs the psy channel owns a psy tekk label, so you get a lot of that stuff on there too. Mostly though, for psy I listen to dled sets.


[edit] cray3 sorry


I run radio schizoid ( www.schizoid.in )

i dont know if the music selection suits your taste.



  Colin OOOD said:

Don't forget Psystream at www.psymusic.co.uk (used to be psy-forum)

I just started listening to it and I approve. :)

I'm going to be starting one with a friend soon. although not just dedicated to psy trance but to all forms of (eclectic/underground) electronica. Will post the link when we get the show on the road :posford:

  yohankiwi said:

I'm going to be starting one with a friend soon. although not just dedicated to psy trance but to all forms of (eclectic/underground) electronica. Will post the link when we get the show on the road :posford:

I'm curious. how do you start a web radio?


If I will have the time, money and programs I might start one, too someday, and when I start oe there will only be oldschool goa, new school goa and goaambient tracks. The bestest thing about it would be if I will have a very skinny girlfriend til then with a beautiful voice to moderate some shows, I think most radios lack shows with talk in them dedicated to goa and psy. I would also publish some pics of her if she would agree. I guess the radio would become fammous in the scene. An additional geat thing would be shows with call in where msn or other messanger people call in to take part in running discussion whihc are getting published on the radio. It would bring life to the radiostation.

  radi6404 said:

If I will have the time, money and programs I might start one, too someday, and when I start oe there will only be oldschool goa, new school goa and goaambient tracks. The bestest thing about it would be if I will have a very skinny girlfriend til then with a beautiful voice to moderate some shows, I think most radios lack shows with talk in them dedicated to goa and psy. I would also publish some pics of her if she would agree. I guess the radio would become fammous in the scene. An additional geat thing would be shows with call in where msn or other messanger people call in to take part in running discussion whihc are getting published on the radio. It would bring life to the radiostation.



I have a domain for it, wanna start streaming? :lol:


Damn, you just won the psynews lolcopz price!


I don´t have the knowledge to do that now, I don´t even know how tu make the music load onto your server, I would need a server with the player to stream the signal, because I don´t want my main computer to do that since it would hae to be turned on 24/7. I would have to buy an older computer and connect a big hdd to it and disable everything sot aht the slow cpu could give the whole power to the streaming process. And I don´t have the time for it these days.

  radi6404 said:

I don´t have the knowledge to do that now, I don´t even know how tu make the music load onto your server, I would need a server with the player to stream the signal, because I don´t want my main computer to do that since it would hae to be turned on 24/7. I would have to buy an older computer and connect a big hdd to it and disable everything sot aht the slow cpu could give the whole power to the streaming process. And I don´t have the time for it these days.

Too bad, I was almost going to create http://radioradi.elektronikporn.com :D

I will come back to you nemo, when I am ready to create a radio, but having a great girlfriend with beautiful voice could take longer.




You need:


1. A server that has enough bandwidth to stream.

2. The server needs to be running either Icecast or Shoutcast server.

3. A program that lets you connect to this Server and play/mix your tunes.


OR you can stream directly from your computer having it working as Server AND Client, but that is not recommended.


SO, If you would like to be starting to stream, find a friend with a REALLY nice connection to the internet, and convince him that you are going to be THE bestest dj on the net! :)


I am going to bug a friend in Sweden about getting some space there for a non-stop radio, because I can not be paying what I am paying at the moment for my Dedicated Server.

  NEMO.BOFH said:



You need:


1. A server that has enough bandwidth to stream.

2. The server needs to be running either Icecast or Shoutcast server.

3. A program that lets you connect to this Server and play/mix your tunes.


OR you can stream directly from your computer having it working as Server AND Client, but that is not recommended.


SO, If you would like to be starting to stream, find a friend with a REALLY nice connection to the internet, and convince him that you are going to be THE bestest dj on the net! :)


I am going to bug a friend in Sweden about getting some space there for a non-stop radio, because I can not be paying what I am paying at the moment for my Dedicated Server.

Damn -_-

I don't have any of that <_<

  radi6404 said:

If I will have the time, money and programs I might start one, too someday, and when I start oe there will only be oldschool goa, new school goa and goaambient tracks. The bestest thing about it would be if I will have a very skinny girlfriend til then with a beautiful voice to moderate some shows, I think most radios lack shows with talk in them dedicated to goa and psy. I would also publish some pics of her if she would agree. I guess the radio would become fammous in the scene. An additional geat thing would be shows with call in where msn or other messanger people call in to take part in running discussion whihc are getting published on the radio. It would bring life to the radiostation.


Man oh man have I missed you Radi! You always bring the good times here. :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

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