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1 Hint Of Goa (10:15)

2 Realignment (Vision Mix) (6:40)

3 Quantum Flux (8:21)

4 Earth Bound (9:37)

5 Edens Vale (9:01)

6 Sense Of Presence (7:09)

7 Cause And Effect (6:51)

8 Night Shadow (9:26)

9 White Fire (9:52)



There is nothing more dissapointing than listening to the new release of one of your childhood heroes and realizing that it is CRAP... I really wanted to like this album, I really wanted to write a review saying something like "this is proof that oldschool is still alive" and "it payed off for Chi AD to stay true to his roots and not go into full-on territory even if it ment staying without a record deal for years". But I can't. Simply because NONE of the tracks on this really do it for me.


The intro track Hint Of Goa is nice, it has an easy calm oldschool melody which I like. Good but not great...


The last part of Earth Bound has a Chi AD trademark fast 303 melody... But the track as a whole seems to lack something. Listening to this track feels like taking a bad E. There's a certain rush but you feel dissapointed cause you feel that it could be a LOT better.


Cause and Effect WOULD be a killer track but, just like with Earth Bound the rush given by the great tension-release around 2:40 is overcome by the feeling that it could've been much better.


Another honorable mention goes to Night Shadow which is afaik Chi AD's first attempt to make dark trance. Although it sounded a LOT like some Johann Bley (in case anyone remembers him lol) so it kindof loses points on originality.


And that's about it... The rest are filler material at best. OK to be honest Chi AD never had a reputation of consistency, you always had a few killer tracks and then lots of filles on his albums but the killers were so great that they more than compensated for the rest. But the same cannot be said here IMO.


I mean even if the 4 tracks I've mentioned can be called "good", when you think that they were made by THE Chi AD, the mastermind who gave us some of the best trance tracks EVER like Eye am the I, Astral Warrior or Pathfinder, these sound very weak in comparison. Sorry Chi, but this only gets a 6/10 from me...


indeed, this is not a very good release, it is clear that Dave was still searching his new direction here... and well, I was ultra glad that he managed to make a real goa anthem for Sundrops so let's hope he continues in that direction! :)


indeed, this is not a very good release, it is clear that Dave was still searching his new direction here... and well, I was ultra glad that he managed to make a real goa anthem for Sundrops so let's hope he continues in that direction! 



Dissapointing album, though Dave is one of the greats. It would be wonderful if he evolved his more experienced Goa sound into even higher/stronger realms of beauty, power, and psychedelic magic infection, as if to reflect a heightened shift in planatery consciousness.


I guess I agree with if you compare this to Chi-Ad's older stuff, it isn't as good, but really now, if you don't compare it to them, it's great on it's own.


Oh and Hint of Goa is absolutely a wonderful track!


Really? I think this album is pretty good, actually. Now, the main problem is the mastering (or lack thereof), but aside from that I am really very happy with this release, and have gone to the effort of working several of these tracks into my sets over the course of the summer. The crowd favourites appear to be Edens Vale and Night Shadow, and I would personally add Hints Of Goa to the list of highlights. Yes, it could have been better--but I still like this album quite a bit!


I recognize some old chi ad influences but indeed they don't match at all with the new influences he is using,

this release is missing something,

well If he is searching for a new direction It's easier to put this album in perspective,


well np, let's wait for the next one,


He is still filled with inspiration that I experience listening to the album...


so let's say,


keep up the good work :)


Strange to see your comment, my opinion is that this release is very nice, Edens Vale and Cause and Effect are fantastic track, Night Shadow too, very nice; 8.5/10

  • 1 month later...

I have to agree it just feels like SOMETHING is missing here. The tracks aren't particularly bad, and they seem to have all the elements of a good goa track. Somehow they just fall flat though. Nothing really stands out to me or makes me say WOW. Again, this album isn't bad by any means, it's just sort of good/decent. Also, I must admit that I was never a huuuge Chi-AD fan, but I did/do enjoy the old stuff.


I've only listened to it a couple times though, so maybe it will grow on me.

  • 4 months later...

Dont find this album disappointing at all. Kind of psy and goa fusion sort of here and there, overall nice, bought flac yesterday :D Now need to start to love it again after spending some cash on download B)

  • 2 weeks later...

I am deeply surprised by the replies.

This album is amazing. Dark, powerful, intense and trippy goa/psytrance album. Best goa album/compilation to come from 2008 (along with Ra's output of the same year).


I agree with all the 'bad' reviews, this album is only average, and that is a sad thing, considering he is among my favorites as well.


For me, NONE of the tracks really stand out, it sounds like he wasn't that inspired making this album. Unfortunately, it gets only 6/10 from me.

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